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Arriving at The Groove,The Red Carpet of Celebrities at the Lupus Charity Event, and Meeting Howie D!

Heading to the Lupus 2000 Charity Event! Of course we had to dress our best and look great for the event!

After getting ready we made our way to Universal City Walk and got there about an hour and a half before the event was going to start. There was a crowd of people, but it really wasn't to packed yet. Here are some pics of The Groove...I stopped and took these the next day. It was raining then...the reason for me in the poncho...hehe

We made our way to the VIP area and we were the first people there and the woman handed us a program with all the stuff we could bid on and info. on the performers. We also got our VIP passes and a pink band we had to wear on our arm. Of course we had to wait a long time, so we sat over in the VIP area and the woman said at 5:45pm that they were going to have all the celebrities walk down the red carpet.

I was excited about that. We had been waiting for about 20min and we were toward the end of the place. All of a sudden here come Howie walking down to the carpet, so I took off over to Howie and PollyAnna was with him too.

I guess they had just arrived and decided to walk in this way because it wasn't time for the red carpet walk yet. Everyone was going crazy and taking pics. Howie has alread walked passed me, so I ran up to go see him again. He was right infront of me and I said "Hey Howie!". He said "Hey!" and shook my hand.

It was packed with people, so he wasn't really able to talk to was just mass people.

After Howie walked off I ran back over to the area where I was sitting and was like "Oh yeah! Who got to shake Howie's hand!". Of course everything was late as usual and it was about 6:00pm before anyone began to walk down the red carpet. The security guy on the carpet liked me I guess because he lept coming and telling me what celebrities were coming down the carpet and where they were coming from. I was right at the front too. I was asking if A.J. was coming...he said he didn't know. Debbie Gibson was the first to walk down the carpet.

Then, O-Town made their way down the carpet...Yup...they are "The Making of the Band" people.

I have kinda gotten hooked on that show in the last month. Trevor came walking down next to me and he walked over to me. I said "Hey Trevor!". He was so cute and smiled at me. He shook my hand and I asked if I could get a picture with him. He said sure and we were kinda smushed with people around us. He put his arm around me and we smiled for the pic.

I said "Thank you so much!" and he said "You're so welcome". He made his way back to meet up with the rest of his group. (Just a quick note: Ikiaka is no longer part of the group...I guess he just quit because some new guy took his spot named Dan.)I was in the middle of refilling my camera with film and Barry Williams walked by...Yup...that would be Greg from The Brady Bunch. I am a huge Brady Bunch fan and Greg is my fav character! I adore Barry Williams, but he walked by pretty fast and I could only get a pic when he was pretty far away. I was so happy he was there! Many other local bands and singers walked in, but I had no clue who any of them were. Then, Howie's Dad walked by and the security guard came over to me and said Howie was coming up now. Howie was so cute! He is so litte, but he is the sweetest guy in the world!

He was shaking hands with everyone and signing autogrpahs. He was such a doll!