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Hanging at The Groove for the Lupus 2000 Charity Event,Meeting Mama D,Hanging with Amanda Latona,Meeting A.J.,andMeeting Barry Williams

After Howie had made his way in...we walked over to get in the VIP line. Then, we were in! I saw Mama D standing right by the entrance, so I walked over to her and gave her a hug. She is so sweet! I asked if I could get a picture with her and of course she said yes. She is very small, so I had to bend down pretty far to be in the pic. :)

I said "Thank you so much!" and she said "Thank you so much for coming." She was so wonderful! It was so crowded and the place was so small! We could barely make it up the stairs to the VIP area. It was not a smart idea to have 200 people fit into that little area. Food tables were set up everywhere and so were cameras, so we didn't have anywhere to stand. I took off to find a spot because the VIP people could barely see the stage. I found a spot on the stairs and then the security kicked us off! I was ticked and had to go through the whole crowd to try and find a spot to stand. I got on the side behind two people with a little boy and I couldn't even see the stage. I figured they would be leaving soon though and within 5min they left. I was right infront and had an awesome spot. Many groups performed and they wer eall great, but no one really knew who any of them were. It was lots of fun though and Howie came out after every performance to introduce everybody. Me and the girl I was standing next to were crazy the whole night! We were having a blast and we could see into the door on the stage. So, we saw Howie everytime before he came out and cheered "Howie D! Howie D!" he looked up at us everytime and smiled! We got the most evil stares from everyone on the floor. It was so funny! There was a little stair area next to us and a door. That was where all the celebrities could go and hang out. Mama D was there all night right next to us. She was just awesome! Guess who else was right behind me all night almost? Lou Pearlman! Gag me! He was there with the O-Town boys. I was ticked he was even there. O-Town performed and they were great. It was such a long night. Well, all of a sudden I looked over and I saw someone by Mama D that looked like Amanda Latona. I wasn't sure if it was her or not because to me it didn't look liker her. I don't know whiy, but finally I relaized it was her. She was talking to Mama D and then she went into the door where all the celebrities were. I kept an eye on the door the whole night and I was right next to it almost. About 10min later it opened and guess who was in the door! A.J.!! I was the only one that saw him because for some reason no one noticed the door and the celebritiy area. No one realized that was who was over there. I just kinda gasped and the door was shut pretty quick because someone was just walking out. Then, I saw Amanda walk out and over to where I was. I wanted to go see her, but if I moved I'd lose my awesome spot! The sweetest woman was behind me all night and she just loved I asked her if she'd save my spot. She said of course you've been here all night.

I went over to Amanda and there was a small crowd around her. I couldn't get up to her very well and I knew she's probably be leaving fast. So, I tried to get a pic of her and flashed the camera and she was kinda shocked by the light and looked up and said "Hey!" and waved to me. I yelled up to her asking if I could get a picture with her. She smiled and said Sure!". People were attacking her for autographs, so she signed one more and called me up to the front of the crowd. She was right behind a little rope and she let me come behind there with her. She was so wonderful! I asked for the pic and my camera died! I don't know what was going on with it, but it wasn't working. We were hugging and smiling and I said "I am so sorry" because I felt bad about her having to stand there for so long. She said "No prob girl. I got all the time in the world." We were talking for awhile and having a great time. Finally the camera worked and we were still hugging for the pic...

Then, A.J. waked right next to us. I was shocked and grabbed his arm...they were running him through real quick to the deck area. I said "Wait a minute...What's that about? I'm here with you and there goes A.J." Amanda was laughing and she was like "Yeah, I know. You're with me and there he goes." We both thought it was funny. Well, Amanda stopped him for me and let me have a quick chance to talk to him. I was still grabbing his arm and Amanda still had her arm around me. He was smiling and said "Hey!" and I was just smiling and saying how wonderful he was. He had to go because his rude security was pushing him on his way. Amanda then said she had to go and she said bye. I smiled and thanked her. I told her to tell A.J. that I love him. She said "Of course I'll do that for you sweetie" and gave me a big smile. I quickly ran back over to my spot and some girl was trying to push her way up there when I was trying to make my way back. The woman that was behind me pushed the girl away. She was the coolest! At that time my Mom walked back over and she was just hanging out everywhere all night. I was going crazy and told her that I met Amanda and A.J. I told her A.J. had gone to the deck and to go see him. My Mom left and made her way to the deck. My Mom got to go see A.J. She walked up to him and held his arm and she told him he was fabulous and that this was coming from a Mom. A.J. was looking at her and smiling and said "Thank you Sweetheart." Then, the security guard had the nerve to remove my Mom's hand from A.J. and brush her to the side. The security guards were rushing A.J. back into the room and I saw him and ran back over to him. I was right next to him trying to get a pic, but it was so dark and I couldn't see through the camera, so I just started clicking the camera.

A.J. waved bye and was brought back over to the side. Howie was on stage and they were doing an auction to win a date with Howie. Howie was so cute and was actually blushing and had to sit down. It was so funny and he was so cute! Someone handed him a tissue and he wiped his face and handed it back to the fan. Then, the light shined on A.J. and everyone on the floor below was going crazy. Amanda was standing next to him.

A.J. was saying hi to everyone and they were asking if he was going to bid on Howie. He was laughing and said he'd pay $10,000, but that was it. He was crazy and was telling Howie he loved him. It was so funny. He said "You know I love you baby, but I ain't paying anymore than that. That's my finally offer. No life lines or nothing." It was so cute and Howie was cracking up.

Then, A.J. said he was leaving and that he may be out later to perform. A.J. left and Amanda had made her way down to the floor. She was down there hanging with her Mom. Then, Lou Pearlman appeared at the top near me and began bidding on Howie...that is just scarey and Howie didn't seem happy. Thank God he didn't win the bid! The bidding continued and people were bidding on paintings of Howie. Mama D did win that was so funny! It was lots of fun and then the concert continued. Barry Williams came out and was aweomse! He even sang a Brady Bunch song and me and the girl next to me had lighters out. It was great! Wayne Brady from "Who's Line Is It Anyway?" was also there and did a little rap. He was great! I was screaming "Go Wayne! Go Wayne!" Me and the girl got every performer to look up at us and of course Howie loved! My Mom walked back over to me and handed me a program autogrpahed by Barry Williams. I asked her where she got it. My Mom had been out on the deck hanging with Howie's Dad and Barry Williams! She had told Barry Williams what a fan I was of his. She told me to come over and meet him. I headed to go see Barry Williams. My Mom was laughing and said this is my daughter who just loves you. He was laughing and he put his hand out to shake my hand, but I gave him a hug instead. He said "Awww...that's sweet." He was great and I talked to him for awhile.

I was telling him how much I loved The Brady Bunch and how I loved his movie he made...of course the TV movie "Growing Up Brady". It was lots of fun and he was so great! After talking to him for awhile I headed back over to my spot and some of the bands that were there were there. I looked over to the little door area and I saw Trevor from O-Town (Making the Band) again. I yelled "Hey Trevor!" and waved to him. He looked kinda shocked and smiled. He waved to me and said "Hey, I met you earlier." I spent time flirting with him and then the group RPM came out. One of the guys is very hot! His name is Vega.

They gave me some free CD's and autogrpahed them for me. Of course I got some hugs and then Vega kissed me on the neck. It was enjoyable! I was having a blast!