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Howie and Pollyanna Perform,A.J. makes a Surprise Apperance,Meeting Howie's Brother,and Having Fun in Florida!

Howie came out on stage once again and introduced someone very special in his life...his sister Pollyanna! She was great and we all just loved her! We started chanting "Go Polly! Go Polly!" during her dance routine. Then, Howie came back out and Pollyanna and Howie sand they're duet that Pollyanna wrote for Caroline.

They were so wonderful and the song was fantastic! They were giving eachother hugs and Mama D was so happy to see her children up there. Then, Howie took some time to talk about his sister Caroline and about the disease Lupus. Then, he sang a specail version of "My Heart Stays with You" that he dedicated to his sister Caroline. It was great and he was almost in tears. Howie thanked everyone for coming. Debbie Gibson then came out and performed and she was great! Howie came out once again and said his thank you's and said everyone was going to come out and they were going to sing. By this time everyone started chanting "A.J.! A.J.!" and Howie was like "A.J.?" It was funny! Then, Howie began to sing "Brick House" and everyone was on stage joining on. I knew this was A.J.'s song and I knew he had to come out. Then, the girl next to me hit me on the shoulder and said "That's A.J. in the door with his shirt off!" I could see into the door and there was A.J. with no shirt on! I went crazy and he looked so good! Then, A.J. came running out and made his way to the front of the stage! Everyone went wild! A.J. had a water bottle as usual and sprayed the audience then stuck his tounge in the watter bottle and threw it into the crowd! It was great and A.J. of course was doing his sexy moves!

A.J. was so funny and was lifting Howie's shirt up. Finally Howie lifted his shirt up and did some moves. It was so cute! Then, A.J. gave Howie a huge hug.

They both waved good-night. Howie thanked everyone for coming. It was time to go and I saw Howie's brother, so I followed him down stairs. I then got to talk with him and get a picture. He was so sweet and we were talking about how hard it was to find their house. He was laughing and told us that Howie had bought his parents a new house...I know where, but I won't tell. :) We asked if they were selling they're house and he said no that he was keeping it and he would probably live there most of the time, but that it is still the family's home. He said they wanted to keep the house in the family. He also was talking about the new club that Howie owns...Club Tabu...he was talking about the opening of it and that Howie will be there. He was so sweet and the Dorough family are the most down to earth people.

My Mom and I made our way out of The Groove and we got free pins and mugs that have the Dorough Lupus Foundation logo on them. It was an amazing evening! It wasn't until we left that my Mom told me about her night and that she had talked to Howie's Dad all night. He was talking about them moving and even talked about the day Caroline died. My Mom was talking about our Backstreet adventures, but we couldn't get over how down to earth they were. My Mom vene told them we were going to head back to their house and get some more pics. They didn't mind at all...they were so great! We never had time to head back though because we had two more fun filled days at Universal Studios and at Disney's Magic Kingdom!

At Universal Studios...

I just love Lucy and Desi!

Eatting at the Monster Cafe!

At the Magic Kingdom on Splash Mountain! Look at me and Mickey!