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My Experience at The YM Fashion Mall Tour with O-Town inAtlanta, GA (9-2-00)

Erik, Jacob, Trevor, Dan, and Ashley

I had a great time in Atlanta seeing O-Town aka "The Making the Band" guys! I can't believe I was in the same state and not too far from the area where Brian and Leighanne got married! I didn't even know they were getting married and there I was in the same place as them and the rest of The Backstreet Boys! How cool is that!?

Anyway...Congratulations to the two of them! Well, I left Friday afternoon to head to Atlanta, GA to see O-Town perform with the YM Fashion show Mall Tour. Guess what!? I stayed at the same hotel O-Town was at and it was right next to the mall too! There have been things said that O-Town stayed at the same hotel where Brian and Leginanne's wedding party were, but that's not true...but there were wedding parties there at the hotel I was at...could it be them? hmmmm? maybe...I'll never know. I know for a fact that the O-Town boys were staying at the hotel I was staying at. It took us about 6 hours to get to Atlanta, so when I got there I went searching for O-Town in the hotel and spent a lot of the night in the lobby, but I didn't see them. There were a lot of things to do around the hotel, so I'm sure they were out late or in their hotel room watching their!

I went to bed pretty late and woke up about 8:00am Saturday morning to head to the Mall of Georgia where O-Town would be performing. Okay...I heard the show started at 1:00pm...well they went and changed it on me and I didn't know, so the show was now starting at 3:00pm. It was a miserable day was dreary and rainy. Then, turns out the concert is outside and I did not know this. There was no way I was waiting in that rainy weather for 7 hours to be front row. There was already about 7 people out there, but it wasn't to crowded yet. The YM people were setting up stuff. So, I hung out in the mall or morning and stopped at Starbucks to get some cider. It is the coolest mall I have ever been to! It was awesome and so pretty inside. I did some shopping at FAO Shwartz and stuff like that. Well, a crowd was forming outside in front of the stage, but it looked like it was going to pour down rain any minute, so I still stayed in the mall. I spent time taking some O-Town things off the tables in the mall to keep as! Then, I went to sleep on one of the tables because I was beat.

Well, finally it was about 11:30am and I was hungry, so I went to the California Grill to get something to eat and it looks out onto the stage and stuff, so I could watch and see what was going on outside. Well, the YM Fashion Show began at about 12:00pm, so I stayed in there watching it. YM had all this stuff set up where you could go get free stuff and a picture taken with a cut out of Britney Spears. I finished eating and went to get in line for the free stuff. A good crowd had begun to form now, so I had to go find a good spot. It was about 1:00pm now and I got a spot on the side of the stage next to the handicapped place behind the little gate they set up. was time to sit in the yucky weather and wait. I stood up for about an hour and for the rest of the time I sat on the ground against the gate sleeping. A fashion show went on for some of the time and they handed out free stuff. Finally... 3:00pm came and it was mobbed with people! It was very packed and everyone was smushed together now. Then, all of a sudden the sun comes out and it is about 100 degrees was the weirdest thing!

O-Town came out!! I was on the side next to the tent they came out of, so I was screaming for them! They all looked so great!

Trevor is just the cutest thing in the world! They began by singing "All for Love" and it was great!

*Here's Erik!*

They all introduced themselves and then did a little rap thing for us. It was very cute and they were just great! They sang one of their new songs and I just loved one of them! I'm not sure what the name of it is, but Jacob did an awesome job!

*Here's Jacob! I'd have to say he's my 2nd fav O-Towner!*

I just love Trevor's dance moves! He's so cute! Well, every time Trevor would come over I'd scream his name and every little girl in front of me would turn around like I was some weirdo. Trevor or Trevy as I call him came over singing and I screamed his name waving to him. He looked right at me...making eye contact and waved back to me. It was so great! I was like oh yeah, but some 5 year old little girl stuck her hand in my way....hince the hand in my picture when Trevor looked at me.

*My Trevy! I just love his sweet little dimples!*

I swear these little kids were getting on my nerves and I'm sorry, but little kids shouldn't be at events like these. I have more stories about them...but I won't bore!!

*Here's Ashley! Okay...I have to call him Ash. =) He is very cute and I think he looks much better in person then he does on the show!*

The guys were just great and then sang "Baby I Would". I love their dance moves on the stool for this song. =)

Well, they did their final song and it was new to and I love it also! It's called "Bring Me Under"! The one Jacob did! They did some awesome hump the floor! Very enjoyable! =) Trevor came over again making eye contact with me and singing!! Jacob jumped up on the speaker in front of me and sang..he is such a cutie too! I love his attitude...he's just got a bit to much of a Justin Timberlake hair thing going on right now. =P

Well, the show was over and it was awesome! It was well worth the trip and I had the best spot! I was sweating like crazy now because it was so hot! I waited about 20min to see them come back out, but I left before they did because I was about to have a heat stroke and pass out. =p So, I had to leave and head back home. But, it was so great and I am so glad I got to see O-Town perform again!!