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Andrei "Citizen X" Chikatilo

Andrei Chikatilo
Citizen X
The Rostov Ripper
Mad Beast
Red Ripper


Andrei Chikatilo

Date of Birth - Date of Death:

October 16th, 1936 - Febuary 14th, 1994

Residence(at time of murders):

Rostov, Russia

Acts Committed:


Weapons Used:

Anything sharp

Body Count:


Victim type:

Little kids

The Story:

Andrei Chikatilo lived in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nazi Germany took over his homeland and captured his father. After WWII, Andrei became a very loyal Communist. He lived in a place where you couldnt walk through the streets without seeing bodies on the ground half eaten, because there was no other food. Andrei was a school teacher, he would take adolescents too a run down shack, slice them up, sexually rape and molest them, disembowl them, cut out their tounges and eat several parts of them, then dump them in the river or woods.
Police questioned him several times, but always set him free because he was a communist, and a communist cant be a serial killer. They even put a man to death for Chikatilos crimes, even though the man was a known sex offender.
Finally after almost 15 years of Chikatilo's reign of terror, the police took him into custody where he confessed. They wheeled him into and out of court locked in a cage where he would rattle the bars and throw himself onto them raving like a lunatic. My kinda guy.
In 1994, he was executed. It was a rumor that the Japanese wanted his brain, so just before he was shot in the back of the head, he screamed out, "Shoot me in the neck, the Japenese want my brain" or somethin to that affect. I thought it was funny.
