..excite LYRICS

[- if and only if -]

unsigned / inline
cannon fire shouldn't break our toil

do while / types define
private hours he devotes to you

this cast / class catch
long detached / void our union true

if and only if

[- standard candle -]

a possible action:
This borders on crazy, but I'm feeling at the end of my rope.
I stumble into your house while everyone's sleeping.
I crawl into your bed so I can begin healing.
(oh, what I've become...)

The water beside your bedside only makes my throat dry.

Why shouldn't I try to provide a sensible reason?
Why couldn't I just realize tonight we just died?

[- car crash song -]

The engine mutters, a black dust hovers
into his lungs. (She's thirsty)
Corner diner, lunch with ghosts,
A drunken note skips the record.

A casual glance by stuttered sips,
a trace of lipstick on her glass.
If she was braver, they would rise,
to touches, pauses, awkward steps.

She can't say "I want to be there by your side."

Hours later, the smoke's so dense
it leaves a print lined with ash.
(The final scene - some broken dialogue.)
In her dream, they dance between
the upturned chairs and empty dishes.
(Another take and she could've been
a wonderful actress.)

The street lights move slow.
Her coffee tastes cold.
Brakes fail. The car is thrown.
Fingers trace the window.

His last image of her
told him she was still afraid.
"Lay him down before he sleeps."

[- voltron -]

darling engineer / how your monuments grow
tearing heaven’s frames / ‘til the firmaments show
tell me how sound they stand

spacious absence, vistas painted blue
the workers break at noon / tired of views they build
let’s stick with the plans / they’re out of our hands
let’s stick with the plans
we’ll let the ground hold us down

like an arabesque / curving elegant lines
into weight and mass / laid to rest in the sky
softly how eyes climb the rise

carbon sketches forced to fit the form
the iron bends the storm / this building will stand tall
we kept all our plans / traced in the sand
we let all our plans / sift from our hands
all that’s left melts to glass

[- clocktower -]

The toll sounded twelve
(it had kept up with time ever since I was young)
when the clock tower fell.
(all the tourists were screaming and holding their mouths)

The staircase held
while the groundwater swelled
with mortar and sand
and the ring of the clock tower bell.

It was happening so fast
That we didn't feel time pass.

The movement of alarms,
and the passage of the ships into the atoll.
The locks were filling up with water,
and the silt had settled on the grass.

[- with respect to why... -]

some say friends / should makes amends
but my enemies / have paid for this gift

my body spent / from the pleasures that fit
this plan can't / be God sent

i'm soaring / but i'm standing
i'm speaking / with respect to why...

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