Nick Carter Encounter

Nick and I

The First Meeting

My friends Lily, Faith and I met him on Monday March 3, 2003 in Denver outside of his hotel. We waiting for what seemed like forever until I noticed him talking to his bus driver and Body Guard. Faith and Lily were standing next to me and we were talking about something I can't recall what. I looked over towards the bus and saw someone that looked like Nick. I immediately said, "You guys that is Nick!" Faith said," No its not." Lily wasn't quite sure and neither was I until i got a better look and immediately said once again, "You guys THAT IS NICK!!!" And started walking towards him with Lily right beside me and Faith not far behind. I could see his body guard shaking his head no behind Nick as he walked up to Lily and I and took Lily's picture and said, "Here let me sign that for you." very softly. Lily then asked for him to sign her pants and for a hug. He then signed my picture and gave me a hug. He also did the same for faith. We then got pictures with him. Lily went first, Then I did and then Faith. Although I feel very bad that I didn't ask Nick if it was ok if Faith got a pic with him too, instead i just told faith to let me get a pic of her with Nick. :o( He was really sweet and VERY quite all he said was here let me sign that. Its ok though because we really weren't able to talk either except for THANK YOU SO MUCH! We told him thank you several times. After signing our stuff and taking pics with us he began to walk towards his hotel.  We said thank you to him once more and he turned around and winked at us. I am still amazed at how quite his was though.  I also felt bad because there were some girls waiting across the street who were sitting on a bench waiting who wanted wanted to meet him and didn't know Nick was there until after he went inside. I am sorry gurlies you know who you are!!! They at least you got to meet him later on that day :o)

The Second Meeting

A few more people were there when we met him the second time. I just stood back with Faith and took pictures while the other girls got autographs and hugged and kissed him as well as get pics w/ him. I didn't get as many pictures of him as I would of liked to cuz I took pics for other people and finally gave the camera back to them so I could get a few of my own. Oh and also Nick's body guard talked to me he asked if I could tell him how far Aspen was. I told him i really had no clue cuz I am from Kansas and told him my friend Faith would know. So Faith and I got to talk to his body guard who was pretty polite and does a great job of keeping our Nicky boy safe which is all we ask for.  Nick and his body guard then got back on the bus and Nick sat in the booth laughing at the girls screaming for him at the corner of the side walk while faith and I just stood back shaking our heads and laughing that them as well. Gurlies you know who you are and Faith and I still luv ya. Just thought there was no point in screaming you gals were doing a good enough job for both Faith and I. After about fifteen minutes Nick's bus drove off. It was the BEST day of my life and can't wait to meet him again. When bsb go on tour again I am planning on going to see them in Denver so I can re-live the moment again with the people I shared it with the first time, because it was a team effort. Faith was our transportation. Lily had the source and I kept a good lookout. I had the time of my life and met the most incredible people who I will hopefully know for the rest of my life no matter where they are.
