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~* ThOuGhT BuBbLeS*~

Don't ya ever wonder what's really on Nicky's mind during the day?? or when he's eating or sitting on the toilet?? It's just like watching POP UP VIDEOS but with random BSB info.

* Should I call NJ for a date tonight???

* Buy new controller since i broke mine beating the crap outta Brian with it for beating me at Mario Kart

* Buy cheese to go along with my whine

* Put on black undies. They drive NJ CrAzY.

* Make sure my booty fits in my black undies.

* See how many times I can swear on TV before someone notices or Kevin yells at me.

* Remember to tell Kevin to SHUT UP during interviews

* Note to self.... ditch the rat

* Take my shirt off more often

* ::thinks to himself:: Man my ass is big but hey the ladies love it

* Tell cousin IT(Kevy) to cut his hair

* Go to the BSB VS Nstink basketball game so I can rescue NJ and Nac and make sure Nstink don't win

* Smack kink boy Timerblake for trying to b like me.

* Show my house on TV more often so that the poor people with regular houses can get all pissed off and curse me out for having a bigger kitchen then their whole house "lil f*&cker"(did y'alls see the pool and the view?? ugh damn u willy rat)

* Remind myself to tell Napoleon Bonaparte to cut the eyebrows, hair and goatee.

* I wonder if I should shift my goods more often so that way they show up better in pics when I'm wearing Levi's??