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~*Da IMpOrTaNt StuFFs*~

~*PhAt DaYhM InC.*~ ImPorTaNt StuFFs!!

updated September 3rd 2000


OK guys... I know I havent updated in a while, but I am working on somethings to add real soon sooooo...bare with me and I will have alot of new stuff for ya to feast your lil eyes upon!

~*InFo, NeWs, and UpDaTeS*~

~*All AbOuT Da NiCkY*~

~*NAC's EvEr WonDeRS...*~

~*All AbOuT NAC*~

~*StUff ThE VcR HaSn'T EaTTeN Up YeT*~

~*Tv AppEaRaNcEs*~

~*In BeD WiTh ThE BaCkStReeTBoYs*~

~*ThOuGhT BuBBlEs*~

Be SuRe To ViSiT OuR SiStEr SiTe ~*WiNk InC.*~

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