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~*NAC's EvEr WoNdErS.........*~

Sometimes I have these little thoughts that run threw my head, who knows where they come from, they just appear. So i figured, why not share them?! If you have had a thought like these or something similar to these please email me andill add them to the list(giving you full credit of course!!)Enjoy!!

1.Does Nick get morning wood?!

2.If Nick has a booger, does he go in for the kill or does he get a tissue? And if he picks it, what does he do with it? Does he whip it on his pants or flick it?!

3.Does he shake when hes done peeing?!

4.I know we all think we know the answer to this one but, what is it really, boxers or briefs?!

5.When he has sex, does he make those little cat noises like he does in "If you want it to be good girl..."?!

6.Does he sleep on his back or his stomach?!

7.Does he snore?!

8.Does he chew with his mouth open?!

9.Does he have burping contests with the guys?!

10.What about farting contests?!

11.Has he ever worn the same undies 2 days in a row?!

12.Who tought him about sex?!

13.Ever been caught massaging LIL NICKY?!

14.Ever played Truth or Dare? Or Spin the Bottle?!

15.Does he blow dry his hair or let it air dry?!

16.Does he sing in the shower?!

17.Has he ever stolen a pack of gum?!

18.Has he ever peed on a tree?!

19.Has nick ever mooned someone in another car while in the tour bus?!(NAC he can't moon people cause his ass is bigger than the window, i'm gonna get my ass kicked for that one)

20.Watched Teletubbies or Blues clues and enjoyed it?!

21.Has he ever told Willy Whale to F*ck off?!(Cuz i will for him if he wants!!I will too NAC)

22.What would he do if i sang out of tune?! Would he stand up and walk out on me!?(HAHA sorry had to, couldnt resist!)

23.Do they ever watch there own videos and laugh at themselves?!

24.Do any of the other guys ever give Kev sh*t about the rather large woodrow he was sporting in QPG vid?!

25.Does Nick love the movie 'American Pie' as much as I do?!

26.Just, exactly, HOW close are Bri and lil Tyk?!

27.Why does lil Tyk ALWAYS look scared when Leighanne is holding him?!

Hi everyone. Well NJ decided that SHE had a few ever wonders to add to the list. So here is whats in her crazy mind (and believe me, shes more warped than I am!! Love ya NJ!).

Here are my ever wonders to piss NAC off! hehe. Enjoy!

1.If his butt beeps when he backs up?

2.When he passes gas in public, does he try to blame it on one of his dogs or the thunder? 'Pprrfffttt! Damn u Mikey!'

3.When he does pass gas, does it smells bad and is it like a huge sound considering the size of the source?

4.If he smells Downy fresh?

5.If Steve perry knows how much Nicky loves him?

6.If he has a Journey T-shirt and fan club membership.(LMMFAO I cant beleive i didnt think of 5+6 myself!!-NAC)

7.What he would say if I grabbed his booty and wanker and said thank u?

8.Does he spray after he goes to the bathroom for #2?


10.If he's a screamer, moaner, or heavy breather?

11.If he's told Kevin to stop flying around the airport and come in for a landing when talking to slow?

12.If his house smells like pee from the pugs?

13.Who taught him about sex? bet it was AJ(I was thinkin the same dayhm thing!-NAC)

14.When me and NAC meet him, if we will cat fight for him?(OH HELLZ YEAH WE WILL, SAUCER OF MILK TABLE 2! LOL. YA KNOW I LOVE YA NJ!-NAC)

15.How many times he wanted to bitchslap rat skank? Especially when he has gotta play her songs on the radio.

16.Is the WANKER getting ansy from being denyed sex?!Cuz I'll help him out on that one!(oh yeah ::raises hand:: I ofter my services to!!-NAC)

17.Do they all ever get together and watch porn?! Spectra vision all the way BABAY!!

18.Does Nick know that when he sings 'Lets have a party' in the PPV concert, that he switches the line 'Being close, holding hands , sharing our first kiss' um cuz in the concert he sings it the other way around!!(again, NJ i never noticed this, im thinkin that this is cause for a nite of watchin the PPV concert!-NAC)

19.Why Nicky is dating a rat skank, and why they break up then keep getting back together? Cause it kills those of us with faint hearts.

20.What the other guys said when Nicky made it into People magazines most beautiful people? You know they b dissin' his ass plus Kevin is upset cause he thought he was the bomb DIGGITY.

21.What Nicky said when he was told he was in People magazine?...Right Said Fred is heard in the background"I'm too sexy for my car, too sexy for my car, to sexy by far" and Nicky is acting like he's walking on the catwalk, Shaking that ass!!

22.How the heck did Justin, the afro boy boy, and Lance, gay boy, make it into Teen People and only Brian did? Where the hell is AJ and Nicky????? I can see JC he's a hottie but eww afro boy?? Come on.UGH!

23.How Brian kept a straight face when congratualting Justin 'afro boy' for tieing him on the Teen People 25 sexiest under 25 show?

24.If Nicky realized he showed his BLACK underwear on tv at 7 am in the Bahamas interview? Man did I have heart failure, I can't handle that so early in the morning and he looked edible too.

25.Why Nicky bought Rat Skank another dog? She'll take him to court for that one too.

26.If Nicky writes his name in the snow when he's peeing?? And would he write our names too?(ok NAC and I were bored the other night and had this hour long convo about this)

The most important............If he saw me on the street, would he yell 'Sweet Jesus I have found the woman of my dreams'?(UMMMMMM,NOPE NJ SORRY I DONT THINK SO, HE WANTS ME!! LOL-NAC)

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