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~* InFo, NeWs, and UpDaTeS*~

Hey This is page for random news and info on Nicky and the Boys. Stuff we have no idea where to put. It keeps you updated on the BSB. Plus its a page for us to either go ballistic over something or question stuff that our Boys have done or just share random news crap.

July 25th

OK so we know we haven't updated in a while but hey , we have been busy. With what? We have no idea. On July 7th I met NAC and let me say, I had to wash my sheets 7 times to get them smelling fresh jk. But her visit was due to the fact we were volunteering for the BSB VS Nstink Bball game for charity. Let me state for the record that I have no problem doing work for charity but I will never volunteer my time for that organization again. Good news is they raised money for a worthy cause. Bad news is Nstink fans won by 2 damn points. But hey I got hit on by one of my hometown radio dj's lol and we might have been on the video that got sent to the boys. But of course we had a hangover and basically gave the camera man the ''dont f*ck with me'' look. So our boys will b pleased with our cheery appearance. Plus we had to do the kid kare booth and take pics of children but only 2 damn kids the whole day. So we were bored and bummed.But we looked cute in our shirts though. NAC and I will have pics up soon and a tell all about our weekend together in my crappy town.

As for BSB news..............hhmmmmm it's been pretty dry. Two sick ass BSB fans kidnapped Brian's dogs but 'amen' he found them and they are ok. One can only go so far for their love of BSB before it goes psychotic and eery. As we all know this will ruin our chances as fans to meet, get an autograph, or be close to our boys. Just cause two idiots had to take being a fan way to far. First it was AJ being attacked and now Brian. I can only hope no one else will b next. But the funny thing about all this is, is that BSB fans knew about it before MTV did and many of the papers so BSB FAN POWER!!!!

BSB did "Party in the Park" with Sire Elton. Um please we need to start an organization for all humanity. It's called the "Tell Kevin he looks scary and to cut his hair foundation". Stop the Insanity please!! He really looks like he is about to rob a liquor store."Yo Kev! grab me some tequila and a quick pick!" Plus poor Nicky Gene is going back to the bowl cut. All I see is the ALAYLM video when I look at him. It must b his rat skank again making his hair decisions. But I hear they are split so if anyone has info please email us or sign the guestbook with you take on it.

OK WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH MTV NOT NOMINATING BSB FOR THE VIDEO AWARDS???????? THAT DAMN BYE BYE BYE VIDEO SUCKED. I will not b watching the awards this year cause I can already see the smug face on Chris' face when they perform. UGH! breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out.Well thats it for my venting, thanks for listening.


// july 9 \\ Some of you may have heard about the Basketball game between Backstreet fans and Nstink fans on July 9th in Poughkeepsie NY. Well ME and NJ will be attending this wonderful event. We however are to old to play..(prolly a good thing cuz we could kick some butt for our *BoYs*!!)..BUT..we will be working at the game and helping out behind the scenes to help make this event one of the best things to ever happen to a charity. I(NAC)personaly LOVE this idea. I think its a great way for both groups to extend there love. Even though neither groups will be there, it will give both groups AND there fans a way to show that its not just about which group is better..though we ALL know the *BoYs* are!!..but to show how much we all care about the lil things in life that we take for granted. If you would like any other info on the game, then just click on the banner above and your on your merry lil way. And, as always, when NJ and I get back, we will give you a full review and pics of the game. peace love and koolaid..NAC


by NJ(this time)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my girl NAC. It's a little late but who cares. U GO GIRL

We have added a few new pages so go check 'em out and please someone sign our guestbook. I was forced to sign it so it looked like we had visitors.

Here goes...

OK Who told Nicky his couch was nice?? and why did he buy that ugly thing??Was K mart having a sale? Maybe he went the same day Brian and Leighanne got caught in there. "blue light special". Plus who in the world would wanna buy it on an auction? This totally flabbergasts me. Plus the fact you only have ONE part of the couch. What good is that going to do if u can't sit on the other half and where are u gonna put it? And those people spent way too much money. Raymour and Flannigan have the same couch(different color amen) for the same price people won the couch for. PEOPLE YOU COULD HAVE AN ENTIRE COUCH FOR THAT PRICE!Just cause it was Nicky's couch isn't a good reason for me to buy that ugly thang. Plus did the pugs p on it? Is that y he's giving it away? I can see it now. The couch shows up on the doorstep of the winner and there is a poop stain on the cushion. Can u return it for stained merchandise?? I'd b calling Nicky telling him to pay for the cleaning bill. Ok nuff about that ugly sectional couch.

OK Being the Nicky fan I am i don't understand y he was in the Bahamas getting his scuba license. I thought he already had it?? Did he get caught having sex underwater so they took it away from him? or peeing in the ocean? Does it expire after so long? Enquiring minds wanna know.

I am the only one who watched "Roswell" to see Howie say 3 freakin words the entire hour?? Granted I have watched the show a few times whne nuttin' else was on but come on Howard, a little hyped up don't ya think. He did look incredibly sexy though for the 5 seconds he was on.