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~* In BeD WiTh KeViN *~


When he gets intimate: He turns into a volcano full of passion. NJ: considering it takes volcanoes years to erupt, i'm guessing thats how long it takes for kevin. NAC: PPPPHAHAHAHAHA lmmfao!!

What he likes the most: That his girl whispers sweet things into his ear. NJ: since he deaf u might need to repeat them a few times cause he never hears questions he is asked, always gota have it repeated. NAC: "o-h K-e-v-i-n, y-o-u-r s-u-c-h a s-t-u-d-m-u-f-f-i-n!"

What he dislikes: Kisses through all of his face. NJ: He has the chin's skin very sensible and it gets easily swollen.NAC: my guess is he dont like TYK givin him lil kisses then huh?!

When he kisses: He does it with power, grabbing the face of his beloved in his hands, pressing his lips against hers. NJ: oh yes thats the way i like it. NAC: oh yeah he likes it rough baby!!

A caress that drives him crazy: That his girl touches his spine with the tips of her fingers. It sends shivers of pleasure throughout his body.

He likes: A girl's underwear, he likes them to be sexy and feminine. NJ: I see him giving thong wedgies for some reason.

He likes to start: By playing soft music and dancing to it, getting her close to be able to kiss her. NJ: AHHH DONT DANCE KEVIN. IT WILL SCARE HER AWAY. NAC: If he starts dancing for this chick, its all over! I still think thats the scariest thing i ever saw in my life!

His favorite sensation: The touch of a soft skin. NAC: well no sh*t duh, to know its soft hed have to touch it!

His intimate dream: Throw himself with his beloved in a bed full of rose petals. NAC: ok CONFESSION...that would turn me on soooo damn back if anyone ever did that to me!

His strongest confession:"There can be sex without love but you have to make it clear. I will never tell a girl that I want her just to sleep with her" NJ: damn there goes my one night booty call. NAC: ummm yeah did anyone hear the Howard Stern show?? I think ol Kevy boy blew himself in....for those of you who didnt hear it, he practicaly admited that they all sleep with groupies!

To seduce him: You have to give the first step. He is too shy NAC: ya alos have to talk slow so that he knows what your trying to do to him!

The most sensitive part of his body: His chest. NAC: and here i though it was that part of his spine!!! lol

He does not like: Girls who scream or are not feminine. NJ: so pretty drag queens are ok?! NAC: well thats a relief...i thought Kev liked men for a min there!!

~*In BeD WiTh...*~

~* NiCk *~

~* AJ *~

more ~*PhAt DaYhM InC.*~

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