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~* All AbOuT NAC *~

~*My FaVoRiTe WeB SiTeS*~

~* BaCkStReeT.NeT *~
~* WhODaMaN *~
~* BaCkStReeT MiLLeNNiUm *~
~* As LoNg As YoU LoVe ThEm..NiCk & AaRoN CaRtEr *~

Hi ThIs Is NaNcY AkA..NAC. ThAtS Me On ThE RiGhT In ThE PiC, On ThE LeFt Is MuH BeStEsT BuD KrIsTy AkA..KDaWg. Im SuRe YoUr All WoNdErInG aBoUt ThE MaStErMiNdS BeHiNd ThIs *PhAt* SiTe!! So HeRe It Is All AbOuT Me...

Full Name:Nancy June Barnett

Nicknames:NAC, NDawg, Frackers, *BABYGIRL*, Mommy, Prunie(DO NOT ASK!), Shri, Mrs.BabyLizard, Faakin Biatch, I'll pretty much answer to anything.


Birthday:May 26,1977 (comin up soon!)



Hair:Brown - medium length

Shoe size:7 1/2

State,City:I resign..haha opps i mean..RESIDE in Buffalo, Ny (hehe just an hour north of Jamestown!! wooohooo! Hi Gram and Gramps Spaulding!!)

Hobbies:Well aside from the fact that I'm online 24/7 I like to talk on the phone, have out with the *GaNg*, go pick up *HoTTiEs* in the NuRpLe(KDawg's car!), go clubbin with KDawg(gotta LOVE UtOpIa! GlOw StiCks all the way!), goin out bar hoppin with my mom and my aunt(ok DON'T laugh they are DA BOMB to hang with!)and anything that is fun and exciting. Though I do like to just veg and hang out at THE APARTMENT and just chill to.

Fav Music:um I like ALOT of stuff..BSB (OF COURSE!), Nirvana, Journey, Aerosmith, the Cure, Oasis, Styx, Rush, Bush, Faith Hill, Mandy Moore, Christina Aguleria, Aaron Carter(DUH aint he the cutest lil thing?!), and pretty much anything thats on KISS 98.5

Fav Food:HUMMMM..I love chinnese(even if i can't spell it!), gotta LOVE MacDaddy's Fries!!, Turkey Club samiches, and Spaggetti(but only wit muh bro's homemade sauce!)

Car:Well the car i drive now is a 85 blue ford Escort...but muh dream car is a purple prowler or a ocean blue old style punch bug convertable.(though i do have to agree that a nice silver Durango would be nice!)

Fav Perfume:CK ONE on me and on guys I like CKONE, Gravity, Curve, Cool Water and Polo

Fav BSB song:I wanna be with you

Fav BSB song in concert:That's the way I like it

Met BSB:Nicky baby!! And dude he was sick, but oh man he was still such a hottie!, And aaron to even though he's not a BSB

Fav BSB outfit:OMG I *LoVe* Nicky in sweater turtlenecks!! oh man..*OrGaSmIc*!!

Concerts been to:Sadly only 1. But it was da *ShiT* I loved it! KK, KDawg...HaHa We made shirts!! LOL!

My Ideal Guy:I like a guy who can be himself around me and his friends, someone who has a kick arse sense of humor, someone that can like me for me and not who they want me to be, can hug and give me a kiss in frnt of his friends, someone who can accept that i like to hang out with the *GaNg* and wont get jelious if he's not there, and someone who isnt demanding

Bad Habits:OMG..I bite my nails.. its nasty, I REALLY have to stop doing that. I cant spell for crap but i done gragidated and got muh diplomat so it's all good, and I play with my hair alot!

Worst Fears:I am afraid of heights, of flying, fire..omg fire is the worst!, needles..oh those are bad!, and REALLY big dogs!

ShOuT OuTs:To muh KDaWg-Love ya babe! *UtOpIa* and *IllUsIoNs* all the way! We need GlOwStIcKs!. Makidawg-You KNOW that im the *DaDDy* haha lmao!. Lissdawg-girl you da sh*t I love yo ass. KK-well what can I say?? You know "HE" wants us! He was lookin at us at the school!. Jame-Girl you don't have to put on the red light!. Keri-Frickers-Love ya babe! I want my Baby Lizard! Wendy-Thanks for all the long talks girl. Don't know what I would have done with out ya. I love you. Dori-girl you make me laugh. Half the time I needed it, thanks. Aud-No spells please, LOL. I have bad enough luck!! *BrIaN*-HaHaHa *PLEASE* Stop with the Bill Clinton Obsession!! Your killin me here. You'll get a *LEWINSKI* from me someday, LMAO! *ShOrTiE* loves ya and so do I! Love ya *BABYBOY*! And last but not least..My Partner in Crime...NJ-Girl we have had our share of fights and arguments but all in all you know I love ya. You know he wants us *BaD* and he cant stand it!! lol Someday girl, someday! To anyone I forgot this line is for you...Thanks for everything, I appreciate it. Thats all folks.. and I'm Out....

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