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~*StUff ThE VcR HaSn'T EaTTeN Up YeT*~

~*StUff ThE VcR HaSn'T EaTTeN Up YeT*~


NJ: HOT DAYHM DID THOSE BOYS LOOK EDIBLE? ahhh I can say I was truly impressed by their singing and choice of wardrobe, (even Kevin's)

NAC: GOOD LORD!! i do believe it's illegal for them to look like that. i mean seriously, this cant be right! but yes i have to admit that they all have wonderful singing voices and no matter how many times i see them sing, they still amaze me. they are truly gifted!.

NJ: OMFG NICK IN RED BOoTS!! I loved it.

NAC: i loved the red sweater turtle neck. i have a very bad weekness for sweater turtle necks. PHAT DAYHM I THINK HE WAS TRYIN TO KILL ME! did ya'll see the way he pulled it down when he came back on stage?!? HOLY BAJESUS! oh man i want him!

NJ: OK Nick is NOT allowed to say the words 'Enrique Inglesius' like he did. That is a no no. I mean if he said it normally I would have been fine , but noooooo he's gotta do his little sexual ad lib and have me pee my pants right there. I broke the rewing button on my remote from rewinding it so many times to see it.

NAC: OMG I KNOW IT! the way his lips kissed the mic when he said it...OrGaSmIc! that in itself is enough to cause a major flood in the Buffalo area! i think i needed 20 towels. thats no exageration! OH.. and whats with the "see ladys us guys have something to offer to?" OH NICKOLAS..if your offering than get your arse over here and give it to me! cuz you sure as shit know that im not gonna say "well i think you should go home!"

NJ: You could see Nicks booty. I like him in shirts that don't cover up his hiney.

NAC: OMG likeing the new confidence he has in his booty. boy is not afraid of it anymore. im liking this new found curage he has with himself. its a HUGE turn on!


NAC: again NJ.. were not gonna go there. i'm gonna need a laundry basket full of towels again and i dont think the neighbors would appreciate that again!

NJ: They all sounded really good but Sting was not meant to sing IWITW.

NAC: I completely agree. i'll be the first to say that i like sting alot, BUT..i think him singin IWITW was a bad idea. he was off key with the song and it just didnt sound right. although im sure it was a huge honor for the boys to have him sing there song. i was touched by that. i also have to say that i was over joyed that sting sang'ROXANNE' i mean i love that damn song. i was fallin off the couch when i heard himsing it!

NJ: Kevin is not funny!

NAC: he ever?!

NJ: I liked Kevins sandals and his skirt.

NAC: yes he definetly shocked me there. though i must say that i admire him for wearing something that is a little out of the ordinary. and it works for him. i liked it.

NJ: Y did BSB introduce Lick Girl aka Christina Aguilera? and y did Howie say 'that girl can SANG?' it was gay.

NAC: ya know i was thinking the same damn thing. i mean wasnt she the one, and correct me if i'm wrong, that said she didnt like the boy bands. i think it was a publicity thing.

NJ: I love Tom Jones and I was pissed cause he didn't sing "What's New Pussycat''. BSB should cover that song. I can see Brian freaking everytime they say 'pussycat'. He'd start praying for foregivness. Oh and u know to hear Nick say that word would just send me into my own world.

NAC: HAHA i have to admit i never really paid much attention to Tom Jones, he was pretty good i guess.

NJ: I wonder if Rat got pissed when Nicky went out into the audience and sang to that girl??

NAC: HAHA oh hell yeah she did. you KNOW that she was flippin out over him holding that chicks hand. i can hear her rippin him a new butt when they got back to the hotel that nite "what the hell were you thinking Nick?! i mean, hell, why didnt you just rip her clothes off? it was obvious that you wanted her!"

NJ: Nicky flipped that jacket of his off like a stripper, hmmm I wonder if he does birhday parties? Stripper for hire.

NAC: HAHAH HELL YEAH BABY! woo hoo my birthday is next week Friday(may 26th). i think he would make a LOVELY addition to my party!! lol

NJ: Brian pointed at Leighanne. That is a tv no no.

NAC: oh yeah it is. course when ya love someone, you cant be expected to hide it all the time from the press. i actually thought it was nice!(sorry Frickers!)

NJ: Nicky looked damn good.

NAC: didnt we already go threw this once before?! haha oh well, Nick deserves the praise..he definetly looked great!

NJ: Nicky and Howie funny skit onstage when they were singing 'Don't stand so close' Nicky kept walking away from Howie like he stank. "Damn D how much taco bell did u eat b4 we came?"

NAC: haha i love when they do stuff like that. its the kind of thing that grabs you by the heart and go "awww they are soo damn adorable. stop the cuteness!"

NJ: and we have rules in NYC. NO RATS!! I mean come on we have enough in the sewer system. We don't need them walking around attending functions.

NAC: you think she ever leaves his side for a minute? i mean come on even TYK lets Brian go for a little while.

NJ: Nicky wiped out when he went to play with the band. AHAHAHAHAHAHA. I hope he didn't break anything. U see an ass print on the floor.

NAC: now that is something i would have LOVED to see! wonder if he bounces?! "the wonderful thing about Nickers, is Nickers are wonderful things. His butt is made out of rubber, his pants are made out of springs!" haha lol sorry!

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