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Chapter 17
It has been nine days since I last saw everybody. During this time, Rach has been updating me on what has been going on in Orlando. The police and detectives still don’t know where Chloe’s sister is and I really hope they find her soon.

In the nine days that I’ve been away, I have already finished recording my debut album, learned choreography for the tour and I went to all of my scheduled photo shoots. (There weren’t many because I’m not famous…yet) Because we got this all completed, I am allowed to go back home early. I decided not to tell Rachel so that I could surprise everyone with my early arrival.

I had taped my cd on my own tapes so that I could hand them out to my friends.

On the plane ride home, I was so lonely. I was thinking how I could surprise everyone. First, I thought of going to Nick’s, but I decided against that idea. I really don’t want to see Nick again for a while. (although its inevitable, seeing as how i'll see him basically everyday for the next 11 months) It would be too awkward. I decided to just wing it once I got back home.

I looked around the plane. Across the aisle, there was a little boy playing a gameboy. Behind me, a few rows back, there was a guy with blonde hair, just like Nick’s. Why does everyone all of a sudden remind me of him?

I'll Never Break Your Heart Index* Chapter 16* Chapter 18

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