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Chapter 38
I waited patiently for Rachel to get back from getting x-rays.

“Mr. McLean?” A nurse said.

I looked up from the magazine I was reading.

“Follow me.” she ordered. She led me to a room where a doctor was putting a cast on Rachel's left ankle. She was lying down with her eyes closed.

“Hey.” I whispered.

She smiled.

“Broken?” I asked.

“Yea.” She replied. There was some disappointment in her voice.

“There.” The doctor said. He handed me a pair of crutches. “She’ll be needing these.” He told me. “Have you ever hurt your ankle before?” he asked Rachel.

“Yea. I twisted it a few times and sprained it once.” She answered.

“Recently?” he questioned.

“No. When I was younger.” She answered.

“So that weakened it. Causing it to eventually break. Come back in a week.” He directed.

“We won’t be here. We’ll be in a different state.

Rachel’s a dancer for me and my group.” I stated.

“Where will you be then?” the doctor asked.

“I’m not sure. I don’t have a schedule with me.” I said.

He sighed. I could tell he was annoyed by my lack of information. “Look, call me tomorrow and tell me where you will be. I’ll fax the information to another doctor.” He said and handed me his card. He turned to Rachel. “Keep your leg elevated for the next 48 hours and rest. After that, you may use your crutches to get around.” He directed.

I noticed a wheelchair in the corner of the room.

After Rachel was seated in the wheelchair, with the help of an orderly, I told him to take her to the car and that I would be there momentarily.

“Do you think that her ankle will heal quickly? We really need her. She’s a strong dancer.” I said.

The doctor’s face turned solemn. “She had a bad break. And her previous injuries made her ankle quite weak. Even after it heals there are no guarantees that she will be able to dance again. If she does dance, the amount she will be able to do will be very limited. She will have to remain flat-footed and remain on both feet at all times.” He stated.

“What if she works on strengthening it?” I asked.

He shrugged. “It depends. She’ll have to have it looked at. Even then, because there is a very high probability that she’d damage it further, it probably wouldn’t be recommended.” he advised.

“So I shouldn’t encourage her to strengthen it?” I asked.

“You may encourage her to strengthen it, but not to dance.” He replied.

“Okay.” I agreed.

This will be hard. Rachel loves to dance and when it comes to dance she can be very stubborn.

“Are you her boyfriend? Brother?” he asked.

His question caught me completely off guard. “Uhh, no. Just a friend. I’d better get going. She’s probably waiting for me. I’ll talk to you tomorrow for further information. Thank you.” I stuttered. I turned and left.

I'll Never Break Your Heart Index* Chapter 37* Chapter 39

Email Jessie and Rachel