Chapter 5
“Why is a girl like her with a scumbag like him?” AJ asked. “Why don’t you ask her.” Kevin suggested. AJ took his turn. They were playing pool. Kelly was upstairs watching a movie. “I did. She said she loves him,” AJ said. “Hey Kev, you got company.” Kelly shouted. Kevin grabbed his Coke and went upstairs. Rachel was standing there. “Where’s McLean?” she asked. “AJ!” Kevin yelled. “Yea?” AJ replied. “Get your scrawny ass up here.” Kevin demanded. AJ rushed up the stairs. “Hi Rach” he said. He was surprised to see her. “What did he do this time? If he so much as touched you I swear I’ll kill him.” AJ blurted out. “Relax. I'm fine,” she said. “So then why did you come?” Kevin asked. “Pat’s at work and I got lonely.” Rachel explained. “How did you know I was here?” AJ asked. “You told me you’d be here.” Rachel said. “Oh. Right.” AJ mumbled. Kevin could sense a tension between Kelly and Rachel. “Excuse us.” he said pulling Kelly aside. “What’s up with you and Rachel?” he asked. “I'm mad at the way she reacted earlier.” Kelly said. “Want me to try to talk to her?” Kevin asked. “Yea.” Kelly said. Kevin sighed. “Alright.” he said. Kelly hugged him. “You’re the best.” “I'm gonna go now.” AJ announced. “Let me walk you out to your car.” Kelly offered. “Talk to her.” she hissed as she went to join AJ. After the door shut he went to talk to Rachel. “There’s no easy way to tell you so I might as well just tell you the harsh truth.” Kevin began. “Huh?” Rachel was baffled. “Dump Pat. He’s no good.” Kevin said. Rachel was quiet for a moment. “Kelly told you all about my love life didn’t she?” Rachel asked. Her voice was just above a whipser. “Yes she did and I'm glad she did because I want to help.” Kevin admitted. “Help with what?” Rachel questioned. “Help you realize what a big mistake you’re making by sticking with Pat. Let me be honest with you. You’re a good person and deserve better than Pat. “ Kevin glanced up and made eye contact with Kelly who was standing silently in the doorway. “Take AJ for example. He’s single. Everyone knows you two are close so why not become a little closer. And most importantly, he loves you. But you don’t know what love is because you get none from that piece of trash boyfriend of yours” Kevin said. Even though he was frustrated, his voice remained calm. “But Pat loves me! He tells me he does.” Rachel insisted. “If he did he wouldn’t try to hurt you. Ya know what? I thought you were intelligent. But if you believe all the lies, how smart can you really be?” Kevin’s anger was building. Rachel had continually tested him and if she kept at it, he would go off on her. Rachel went to get her coat. Kev stopped her on the way out. “Before you leave, just listen to me and think about this: if he really loved you he wouldn’t mke you cry. And you can only deny reality for so long. Bye Rach.” Kevin concluded. By the time Rachel got home, Pat had returned from work. He didn’t greet her with a hello but instead a “Where have you been?” “I was at Kevin’s. Why do you care?” Rachel shot back. “Was AJ there?” Pat asked. “As a matter of fact yes he was. Maybe you didn’t hear me the first time. Why do you care?” Rachel said. Pat ignored her. “Fine be an ass.” she muttered as she walked away. “Just where do you think you’re going?” Pat snapped.”Sleep.” Rachel had had a semi eventful day and needed rest.
More Than That Index*
Chapter 4*
Chapter 6
Email Rachel