Chapter 3
OK maybe it won’t be that bad. The winner’s name is Rachel and she lives in NY and she’s 17. I wonder if it’s the same Rachel from the Internet. Portly not. The chances of that happening are like 1 in a million. At first she didn’t believe she won. We had to get on the line and talk to her. She was excited but she wasn’t hysterical. Her friends (the one’s she’s bringing) were there and you could barely hear her cuz they were screaming so loud in the background. That was kinda funny. I hafta go cuz we gotta practice. Peace AJ
We’re leaving in 2 days and Pat doesn’t want me to go. He said he’s cool with it but I could tell he was lying. I can’t wait to go! We went on a shopping spree to get new clothes. I only spent half my money cuz I need some to bring with me. MTV’s gonna send a camcorder down there and tape some stuff and show it. People at school have been treating me like royalty and at first I liked it but it’s getting kinda annoying. I'm gonna go pack. Bye luv Rachel
The One Index*
Chapter 2*
Chapter 4
Email Rachel