Our Fan Fiction
Hey Guys! This is the page where we post the fan fics we write, and some other peoples that they have asked us to host, or ones that we asked them to let us host. So check them out. OUR ADDRESS IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE IF YOU WANT TO SEND US FEEDBACK!!! p.s. don't get offended by any of the stories we put on here, they're called fan FICTION, meaning thhey're not true. So, anyway, go ahead and click on the story that you wanna read!!!
- The stories are rated with THE SEAL OF FUNNYNESS-- out five *s, 0 is the lowest, and 5 is the highest. If one of the stories isn't supposed to be funny, it'll have a ~*~ after it.
Molly's Storys
Nick Carter has a deep dark secret that he's been keeping from everyone, and now it finally comes out. (Dramatic, huh?) (Not Up Yet)
Other People's Stories and Stuff Like That
Written by: Ashley-- 'N Sync Attacks*****
Written by: Ashley-- BSB Gameshow****