BSB Quotes- Funny, Cute, or just plain Stupid
- "I feel like a corncob right now!" Ummmm... ok. That make SO much sense, Bri. Spending too much time with Nick, apperantly. Those stupid comments are starting to rub of on him shut up right now!!!!
- "Oh my gosh! Howard! Censor!" Howie takes off his shirt in almost every concert, wht should this particular time be "censorded"?
- "Hello!" Does anyone else find it annoying how he randomly interupts songs to greet the audience?
- "I like cheese." well brian alot of people like cheese so i guess you are an idiot!!!! wow that was fun insuting brian
- "I guess."
- "Somebody who's gonna be smart." (When talking about the kind of girl he likes) As opposed to already being smart??
- "When you like someone, put there name in a circle, not a heart, because hearts can be broken, but circles go on forever." This quote is the reason I like him! It's so sweet!
- "I'm B-Rok, and I'm gonna be rockin' your house." I wish!
- "If Nick had a girlfriend she'd have to be just like me!" What do you mean 'if'?
- "I'ts got our name on it... jam on cuz BACKSTREET'S got it."
- Ok, this is SO the stupedist thing that he has ever said! Q: (From a German reporter) When was the first time you had sex? Brian: "Nine." (He was trying to say 'no' in German, but apperantly it dodn't really work.)
- "It's a 3D Camera."
- "It's a little hard to be in 2 or 3 places at once." Yeah, just a LITTLE hard.
- "I've lived five years of my life, and 21 years of grace." Brian, that's all really sweet, but, just for the record, you're only 24, you could not possibally have lived 26 years already.
- "No man is worth your tears, but the one who is won't make you cry." *faint*
- "Well we decided on 'Millennium' being the title of our album due to the fact that
we are approaching the 'Millennium' , time wise I think...um we wanted to pick
something that would take us through the Millennium and be very symbolic for
timewise for the area of the World that we are in right now" WHAT?!
- "I think I know someone who can get you tickets." I should hope you do!
- "Take off your shirt, Nick." Oh no! For the love of all things good and pure, please, please keep it on!
- "AJ's to blame for this."
- "Hey! They spelt my name correctly!"
- "Yeah, I get bras sent to me all the time but I never know what to do with them." Well, I'm sure you could always give them to Nick, that is, if you're not planning on wearing them yourself....
- "And stuff like that." do you notice how he always says this it gets annoying.
- "I'm the breakfast burrito man!"
- "This is Howie D, and this is How we do it!" Clever, Howie. Very Clever.
- "I want a girl who can cook me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I want bacon, eggs, pancakes, orange juice, mashed potatoes, turkey, guacomole, chicken, fried potatoes..." So basically, Howie's a free loader.
- "Why you gotta dis me like that for?" Apperantly, Howard didn't pay attention in grammer class.
- "Yo homies! Gilligan we're going back the islands!"
- "How-ie doin sweet heart?" Howie, it wasn't cool the first time, it's not cool the second.
- "If I were a girl, and I were their age, I would go after Nick." I bet you're really wishing you were a girl now, so that you could "go after" Nick, aren't you Howard?
- "I was in an all-boy ballet group one time...it was cool as heck."
- "Yeah, it's out there waiting to get us!" Oh no! Not.... 'N SYNC!!
- "Not in my underpants!"
- "Check it out! A sink!" Ohmigod! A SINK!? Ohmigod!
- "We gave em a quarter..." Wow! A whole quarter! You really went all out! What with you bring one of the richest ppl in the world...
- "When I was younger, for Halloween and stuff like that, I was always Dracula and stuff like that, being black-haired and stuff like that."
- "It's all good."
- "They just bunched up when I put these spandex things on." I don't even want to know.
- "And kiss her, and kiss her, and kiss her, and kiss her. Heh Heh." (Talking about the kind of girl he likes)
- "I don't have a fancy car." Yeah right Nick! Only a prowler.
- "Whoa! This is Tiffany!" OK, this one deserves an explaination. See, on the NOWTBSB video, they do QPG really weird, and half way though, Nick turns to AJ, and goes "Whoa! This is different!" But I thought he was pointing to AJ, and saying, "Whoa! This is Tiffany." OK, now that that's all cleared up...
- "My family used to call me Charlie Brown 'cos I had a big head and no hair." What do you mean HAD a big head?
- "I have a small, small idea." Good job, Nick!! You're mommy must be very proud!
- "I've heard from some people that drinking is bad for your health if you keep it in moderation." No! You're kidding! I had no idea.
- "I'll just wear anything. I'll wear K-Mart clothes. I will, I don't care!"
- "Howie and me wear fruit of the loom." A little proud, are we?
- "It’s during Valentine’s Day when St. Patrick comes around and shoots you in the butt."
- "Hey! I never knew that!" This would be Nick's all-purpose phrase. You know, cuz he can probably say it on every occasion.
- "I'd call it the Howie star" (When asked about what he'd name a new star that he discovered) Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Somehow, I think it's probably bad for they're publicity to say something so... GAY on national television.
- "Live life to the fullest for the future is scarce." Now, watch Nick run into Brian's room, and ask him excatly what that meant. if you want molly to stop being mean about nick e-mail her i know that i will
- "Sometimes I think TOO hard!"
- "I've never had sex with a fan." Um... ok. Clear that one up for us, Nick.im going to shut up now
- "I got heat exhaustion once. It was summer in Florida, and I got so hot that I was exhausted." I think those years of high school that he missed really had an effect on him.
- "I went around taking pictures and stuff!"
- "I am now in Florida...it's where I resign." This is a CLASSIC!
- "The people in Spain speak spanish." usually nick they do, i think your right
- "You see umbrellas only work when water comes from up above."
- "I'm an Aquarius...It has something to do with water...I dunno."
- "Do we have Valentines? You mean people??" Well, yeah, people would probably be the most obvious answer. But you know, we totally respect your desicion if you've decide to ask one of your pugs this year.
- "I take it you've heard about the Millennium?" Oh, but no! Do enlighten us!
- "So I went on TV and made a fool of myslef." You did?! No....
- "Hey Brian, watch this Brian! Here...come over here and we'll act like I'm a spaceship comin' at ya!" And then, we can break out the Ken dolls, and pretend they're going to a dance with Barbie!
- "I find it really embarassing talking about girls and stuff like that." That's nice... Hey! Wait a minute! Did he just say "stuff like that"? I see someone's been hanging round w/Howie a lot lately...
- 5483-5433-86-843-3855378-367-843-388873-47-722723' Nick? Dear? THE LAST WORD IN THAT STUPID MESSAGE IS SUPPOSED TO BE "SACRED" NOT SCARCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- "I like a girl who can love me for me." No Kev, we're gonna love you for Nick.
- "He's my cousin. I've known him all my life." First of all, we don't care. Second of all, considering that he's the older cousin, he's know him all BRIAN'S life.
- "...............uh................."
- "No diggity."
- "What's up, what's up!"
- "I'll just sit over here by the fax machine..."
- "He was playing Ghost Busters" (About Nick)
- "This is interesting...this is a hallway..."
- "I love it when they wear my clothes...it's really sexy!" Oh, ain't that cute? Kevvy-Kev likes it when AJ and Howie wear his clothes. Awwwwwww.....
- "Backstreet's Back...our original concept...the one that we came up with."
- "We have a tour bus right now cause we're on tour."
- "These our electronic. They need electricity, or they won't work."
- "I need love." You need love, we all really need love... hey isn't that an 'N Sync song?
- "I would eat McDonalds morning, noon, and night."
- "I love you all!"
- "You're a dork." (To Nicky)
- "You're a dork." (To Aaron)
- "Yo, yo D!"
- "Let me make YOU breakfast! Let me make YOU lunch. Let me make you dinner, baby. And after that, let me just make you happy." (To Howie) shut up molly my babys not gay
- "I am Johnny Suade."
- "Hey Skipper, where we goin' today?"
- "It's going to be funky."
- "My brother Phil, and my brother Bill. Don't make them angry."
- "I would like to dedicate this song to all the pretty, beautiful............... sexy ladies in my house tonight." he's talkin about me can you tell
- "I've lived in Orlando for all my life but i think that i gonna move to Tacoma ( a city in Seattle) because of all the pretty ladies in Tacoma" Incase you're wondering about this one, Cayt went to the concert in Tacoma that he's talking about.
- "I try to be bad, but no one lets me."
- "Well, Nick's dog almost killed me the other day!" Oh no! Not the dreaded miniature pug! NOOOOOOOOO!
- "Do you like McDonalds?" AJ, AJ, AJ. If you need to resort to asking people if they like McDonalds to start a conversation, you are one very sad little man.
- "I've never blown my nose." Now that's just nasty!
- "This is what our band sometimes listens to. The Backstreet Boys. That's us." Thank goddness he's around to explain these things to us!
- Q: Does the group have a lot of input into the music and the album? Nick: "How could I answer that question?" Brian: "Very Carefully." *laugh* Nick: "Yes. *pauses to think* Guys, why don't you help me out on this one?" Gosh, Nick! You could have just said 'yes' and gotten it over with.
- Q: Howie, are you thinking about a special girl when you sing "Spanish Eyes" live on stage? Kevin: "He's thinking about his dear old mom!" Howie: "Thanks Kevin. No there's no special girl." HAHAHAHAHA!!! Wow, Kevin! That was a KNEE SLAPPER! Gosh you are so funny, I can't beleive it!!! His dear old mom! HaHaHa! Gosh, how pathetic can you GET?!
- "I think I'm Nick."--Nick
- "I think I'm a man."-- A.J. um honey thats pretty obvious
- Brian: "I'm married to these guys." AJ: "I want a divorce!"
- Brian: "AJ's to blame for this.
- AJ: "It's all your fault, Nick."
- Lou Pearlman: "Nicky's playing with something."
Someone: "OK."
AJ: "Probably himself!"
- Nick: "Visiting your beautiful country has been very exciting for me. You have made me feel very welcome."
Howie; "I have enjoyed every minute in your beautiful country."
AJ: "You have given us a lot of love in your country."
Kevin: "I've enjoyed your beautiful country and the wonderful people." Hmmm, I wonder if they realize how... repetitive they sound. I bet they were told- word for word- what to say.
Email: frickle5@hotmail.com