- Nick is gay Well...yeah
- He's afraid to take off his hirt, because he thinks that if he does, the aliens will suck the life out of him through his belly button.
- He's afriad to put his feet over the side of the bed, because the gremlins will bite off his toes Does it scare anyone else that this is actually TRUE?!
- He's afriad of insects, spiders, the dark, flying, and cows
- He's really an alien Yeah, and his name's Gorjzak
- He's really 35 with 2 kids named Sarah and Elliot
- He's really a cow So THAT'S why he's afraid of them. Wait a minute....
- "Mandy" is really a code name for Brian I wouldn't be surprised if his next girlfriend is named "Breanne"
- He admitted to the press that he was gay with AJ, and Brian got jealous, and jumped off London bridge. Aww, poor, poor Bri! I hope he's ok!
- His real name is Brian, but since there was already a Bri in the BSB, they named Nick after his father, who's name was Bob, so they changed his father's name so that they could call Brian "Nick" WHAT?!
- He likes to eat cat-food
- Got Amanda Latona pregnant i will never belive that one
- He has a tatoo of a bumble bee on his butt
- His eyes are really radioactive lasers, and he has to keep sunglasses on to make sure that he doesn't kill anyone, which he has been known to do with just one glance.
- The nickname "Bone" isn't implying that he's skinny.
- His real name is Reuben Levin
- Everytime he goes out in public, he waves, and shouts "Hello! I belong to the Ima Freak Society of Britian!" In a fake British accent. Kinda sounds like something Justin Timberlake would do, doesn't it?
- He wears sunglasses when he's hung over. Personally, I liked the one about lasers better.
- His eyebrows are really catepillars
- He is married with ten kids
- He is dating a 97 year old woman Okay, only a 70 year differencw there.
- When he's not busy performing, he likes to microwave cats
- He waxes his eyebrows. Apperantly not very well.
- His real name is Ted Brogan and he's from B.C.
- He's really the father of all the Backstreet Boys Even Brian! Nasty! Talk about inbreeding!
- Claimed that he was angry that the Christian church wouldn't let him and Nick marry early last year.
- After they shot the Everybody video, he peed off the Empire State Building Now that takes talent, considering that the Everybody video wasn't shot in New York.