Top Ten Lists
Ok, pretty much every humor site has a Top Ten List page, so here's ours! :)
Top Ten Things That Move Faster Than Kevin Can Finish A Sentence
10.)A turtle trying to cross a busy highway
9.)An 'N Sync fan trying to recite all of AJ's hair colors
8.)Memorizing an entire set of enclopedias
7.)Convincing every BSB fan in the world that 'N Sync Rox!
6.)A snail
5.)Someone tallying all the times that Howie's winked
4.)The forming of twenty foot long stalagtites
3.)Solving the mathematical equasion concerning how many times Nick says something stupid per sentence.
2.)Sitting through an hour and a half of listening to teachers talk on and on about 'diversity'.
1.)Nick trying to process a thought. Ok, I take that back. NOTHING moves slower than that.
Top Ten Things That The Backstreet Boys Should Say On National Television
10.)"We love 'N Sync!"
9.)NICK: "Brain, I love you!"
8.)BRIAN: "Leighanne, I'm leaving you. For Tyke.
7.)AJ: "Yes, I admitt it! I usa Rogaine!" *Sob* *Sob*
6.)KEVIN: "Hiwejustwanttosaythankstoallofourfans!"
5.)HOWIE: "I'm quitting the Backstreet Boys, and joining 'N Sync." Oh, the bliss, the joy!
4.)BRIAN: Molly Talbert, I love you! Oh, how I wish that would really happen...
3.NICK: "Britney, dearest, I NEVER ***** DATED YOU, YOU ****** ******!
2.)KEVIN: "I know what everyone's saying, especially since we're in a boyband, and all. But we're not gay! We just inbreed."
1.)"We love 'N Sync."
Top Ten Things That Nick Carter Think's Would Make The World A Better Place
1) The water-proof towel
2) Solar powered flashlight
3) Submarine screen door
4) A book on how to read
5) Inflatable dart board
6) A dictionary index
7) Ejector seat in a helicopter
8) Powdered water
9) Pedal-powered wheel chair
10) Water-proof tea bag
Email: frickle5@hotmail.com