Chapter 9

3 weeks later

“Please...please...please...” said Melissa has she looked down at the little pink box she was holding in her hand.

“Okay, so what does blue mean?” Melissa looked down at the box at the directions for the results.

“Yes! Blue mean Im....pregnant. My prayers have been answered. Isaac will have to ask me to marry him now. There’s just one little problem, who is the dad? It might not be Isaac, it could be Zac. Oh well, no one will ever have to know that except me.”

Taylor set down the phone. He had just gotten another call from Brady, they had a job tonight. This will be Taylor’s second one, and he really wasn’t looking foward to it. Now, he was going to have to find an excuse for leaving tonight.

“Taylor,” shouted Jayna as she ran into the house after her moring jog, “I heard the phone ring, who was it?”

“No one” Taylor stated blankly

“I know your hiding something from me, and im tired of not knowing what’s going on. Are you cheating on me?”

"No, I would never do that.”

“For some reason I don’t believe you. I’ve heard all of thoes stories from when you were still in the band with your brothers, and I find it hard to believe that you would’t cheat on me, or worse.”

“Just shut up, Jayna! Your talking like a crazy person, and I really don’t need to get into this stupied fight with you!” with that Taylor stormed out of the room up to his bedroom.

Why is he acting like this, Jayna thought to herself, what did I do to make him this way?

“Should I call Isaac or Zac?” Melissa asked herself. “Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut, after all this was jsut a box test I should really go see a doctor first.”

“Melissa” started Isaac as he opened the bethroom door. “Why do you need to go to the doctor?”

“Its nothing” said Melissa trying to hid the box on the counter.

“And, what are you hiding from me?”

“I said nothing, now leaving me alone!”

“Im not going anywhee until I see what your hiding from me.”

“Do you really wat to know?” asked Melissa with fake tears forming in her cold eyes.

“Yes, I love you, and i want to know everything that happens to you.”

“Fine” she said throwing to little white stick at him. “Are you happy now?”

Isaac just stood their in shock, “Omg”

“I wonder what Missy is up to today?” Zac said aloud to himself. He was finally moved into his own house away from his nagging parents. “Maybe I should give her a call”

But, before he could pick up the phone his younger sister Jessica came running in the house.

“What do you want now?” asked an annoyed Zac.

“Can I just stay here today? Mom and Dad are really getting on my case.”

“Sure, why not”

“Thanks a lot, your a life saver!”

“Alright here’s the plan, we wait her outside of Taylor’s house and wait for tha thing he calls a girlfriend to leave....”

“This is so stupied” cut in Beth. Nicole had jsut made up another plan to get Taylor. “When are you going to stop?”

“Never, and don’t you dare come crying to me the day that Melissa gets knocked up and you lose Isaac forever.”

“Well, guess what Nicole, Im perfectly happy with Marshall I don’t need anyone else.”

“Fine, I still think your in denial.”

“Just be quiet. So what do we do when Taylor of Jayna or whoever leaves?”

“If Taylor leaves we follow him. If Jayna leaves we go and say our car is broke and see if he can help. I hope Jayna leaves!”

“This is pathetic!” sighed Beth.

chapter 10

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