Chapter 1

"Man I suck at this game"

"Yeah, you sure do" Zac and me have been friends since we were 5 years old. I may look like his brother but him and me act and think so much alike.

"Well, you should be happy I was in a good mood to let you win" he said

"Whatever, Taylor's here anyway so you better go"

"Yeah, hey don't forget someone's birthday is coming up"

"That's right, my dog's thanks for reminding me" I joked

"Funny, I'll call you" he said has he hugged me. As we walked to the door I thought man, my best friend is about to turn 16 in a few weeks. Also, that in a month I turn 16 so, it works out for the best.

"Hey Taylor, what's shaking?" I asked

"Nothing, just hanging out, is your sister home?"

"No, she went to Amanda's for a while" 'I swear that boy has a major crush on my sister' I thought to myself.

"Okay, well, when she gets home tell her to call me," said Taylor.

"Sure will"

"Bye, talk to you later," said Zac running out the door.


*Ring, ring*


"Hey, what up?"

"Nothing, just bored out of my mind"

"Cool, has Zac left yet?"

"Yes, now you can come over"

"Okay, see you in a few"

My mom has a thing for having two people over at the same time, I guess it's a mom thing.

"Hey Marie, how are you?" asked my mom

"Good, I guess, my sister is leaving for College next week"

"Really that's good, Alicia is in her room"

"Thanks, nice talking to you"

"I know, I totally agree"

"I thought you would"

"Hey, I gotta go Marie's here, talk to ya soon"

"Bye, love you babe"

"Bye Zac"

"Oh, Zac and your already talking to him when he just left 10 minutes ago" said Marie

"Shut up, he had to tell me something"

"Like what?"

Chapter 2

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