Chapter 18

Okay, so I’ve been here in Ohio for 2 days now, only two more days of my Aunt’s crap! Its actually been fun I guess, my cousin Michelle took me around shopping and she introduced me to some of her friends, and yes there are cute ones.

I’ve tried thinking about the Isaac/Taylor thing, and I still have no idea what I’m going do, but I just can’t ignore this can I? I know that I should do what’s best for me, and not think about them and how they would react.

I need to talk about this dream that I had last night. I was in my bedroom with one of them, but I couldn’t tell if it was Isaac or Taylor. Anyways, in the dream we were...well, making love, and it really upset me. I woke up screaming and my cousin had that song, ‘I Need You’ blasting. Then I started to think about one of them, and I realized who it was in my dream, but I don’t feel like talking about it right now.

This afternoon I called up Jessica and I asked how everyone was. She said that Zac was having a blast because he was allowed to have his nasty scrubby friend, Jesse, over. Yuck! Just think of that thing makes me want to puke. Anyways, she said that Taylor was moping around the house, but when he went to the mall the other day I guess he ran into on of his old crushes, and now he’s on the phone with her all the time. I guess that I wasn’t that important to him after all, I mean I’ve only been gone like 3 days. Then, Jessica said that she was pretty worried bout Isaac, she said that he’s been sitting in his room with that guitar of his. Geez, maybe this bit of info will make my decision easier, but believe me it won’t.

I can’t believe that I forgot this, I also called Jackie, and she said that rumor has it that Chad is going to ask for my forgives. I really do miss Chad, but I don’t know if I should take him back. Maybe it would be the best choice though, that way the Hanson brothers won’t get hurt, and i still do have feelings for Chad, but I’m gonna have to wait and see if this is all true or not.

Oh great, my deadbeat cousin, Ryan just cam home. I swear if I’m 22 and working at a sub shop, please shoot me! I better get going, I know that this wasn’t very long, but I just don’t feel like writing in this thing anymore, sorry Miss Yough, but you’ll just have to understand. Next time you hear from me I’ll be back in Tulsa, yay!

Chapter 19

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