Chapter 3

The next morning I woke up at 7:00! Not at 5:30 like I was supposed to. So I had no time to get on to bus, oh I guess I will have to find another way to get there. So now I have a half hour to get ready. Wish me luck!

“Is Chad there?” I asked into the phone. I forget I had a boyfriend who was a Senior!

“Sorry Haley, but he left early” said Chad’s mom

“Ok, thanks” I said hanging up the phone. “Great, just Great” I mumbled to myself walking down the hall.

“What’s wrong?” asked Mrs.Hanson handing me a glass of orange juice

“I missed the bus and Chad already left for school” I said grabbing the glass.

“Im sure that Taylor or Isaac can bring you”

“Yea, I can take you” said Isaac walking into the room

“Thats ok I would rather walk!” I said slamming the door to my room. Now its time to pick out my outfit. This should be fun. I grabbed the leather pants I took from Taylor and a yellow halter top, and just let my curly hair go. I threw on some make-up and walked back out, ready to walk to school.

“Come on” said Isaac now dressed in almost normal clothes, grabbing my arm and pulling me out the door. In the car I just looked out the window. Isaac keep on saying something about going to school, but I wasn’t listening to him. When we got to school, without even saying a word I got out of the car and slammed the door.

“Hey Haley!” said Jenny running up to me “Who was that guy?”

“Im staying with his parents”

“O, he’s really cute” she said with a dreamy look on her face

“No he isn’t!” I said walking away looking for Chad.

“Hey beatuiful” said Chad walking up to me and wrapping his arms around me

“Hey” I said as we walked off to our lookers.

School wasn’t that bad. The only bad thing was Jenny wouldn’t stop talking about Isaac! I think she asked me 50 questions about him! Chad said that he’s going to take me to a party on Friday, thats tomorrow, after the football game. I have cheerleading practice after school today. Yes Im a cheerlarder, please don’t hate me for it! Not all cheerleader’s are ditsy and stupied or even blonde. Luckily Chad’s football pratice and my cheerleading practice ends at the same time, so Chad brought me home, and I invited him in. Bad idea!

“Why are all of these girls outside?” asked Chad when we pulled in the driveway

“Oh, those are Teenieboppers” I said getting out of the car

“Ok” said Chad folowing me into the house. Of course they were practing some you could hear their music all through the house.

“Are they musicians?” screamed Chad

“Yeah” I screamed back walking into my room. “Its a little quieter in here” I said closeing the door.

Chad and I were on my bed for about five minutes getting ready to kiss when the all might Isaac walked in.

“What are you doing, Haley?” he asked walking in

“Get out!” I screamed

“Who is he?” asked Chad

“Im Isaac, I live here, and if im not allowed girls in my room you can’t have a guy in your room”

“Whatever” I said turning back to Chad.

“Im telling my mom” he said walking out of the room.

Ok, so he told Diana, she came in screaming her butt off and Chad had to leave. The she sat me down and gave me a long borning talk about her house rules, and why she doesn’t want anyone in my room. Then I told her to explain that to Isaac, because he is always coming in my room, and she said that that was different. So, I strated to yell at her about why It wasn’t different. Then she told me to go to my house to cool down a little bit, so I got up and walked over to my house.

Chapter 4

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