Ever wonder why every time BSB tell how they got
started it’s always a different
story? Well we know why. It’s because they are too
embarrassed to tell really
how they did get together. Here is the real story.
:AJ is in the living room of his appartment watching
the shopping channel
looking to buy a toaster:
:hears doorbell ring and runs over to answer it:
AJ- :opens door: Man! Didn’t I tell you dat I would
pay the rent next week?!
Nick- :standing outside the door looking as young as
ever: Hello! Would you like
to buy about 40 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies?
Pwease?! :holds out a few boxes
of cookies to AJ:
AJ- Um... No thanks. I’m busy.
Nick- :crushed: But I said please!
AJ- And I said NO!
Nick- :runs away crying:
AJ- Yeah and don’t come back! :goes back inside:
Nick- :walks down the street untill he gets to a dark
blue house. He goes up it
and knocks on the door:
Brian- :opens door: It is about TIME that you kids
bring my b-ball back! If I find
one scratch or one speck of dirt on it, you are all
gonna chip in and buy me a
new one!
Nick- :holds out cookies: Would you like to buy some
Girl Scout Cookies? They
will help pay for my college education! Please!
Brain- Do you have those little cookies in the shape
of basketballs?
Nick- :looks puzzled: What is a basketball?
Brian- :looks at Nick like he is gonna kill him: You
don’t know what a basketball
is?! How dare you! :reaches out and grrabs Nick’s neck:
Nick- Let-go-of-me! I-didn’t-do-anything!
Brian- Die you stupid little iddiott! I’m gonna kill
:guys look up and see a little Hispanic guy running
gayly accross the street and
up to the house:
Guy- What is going on here? Let him go! :takes Nick
away from Brian:
Nick- Thanks! He tried to hurt Nicky!
Brian- Who are you and who gave you permission for you
to come in my yard?
Howie- I am Howie. Noone gave me permission. I didn’t
know that I couldn’t
break up a fight and try to make two people give peace
a chance! Can’t we
all just get along?
Nick- Yeah? Can’t you all just buy some cookies? It is
for a good cause!
Howie- I’ll buy some. How much do they cost?
Brain- Shut up all of you and get your gay asses off
my lawn!
Nick- :starts crying:
Brain- If your name is Nick, why are you selling Girl
Scout Cookies?
Nick- Because they wouldn’t let me be on the Boy
Scouts so I had to be on the
Girl Scouts. I like this one better!
Brian- Whatever!
Howie- :eyeing Brian and Nick: How about all of us go
back to my house for
some lemon aid and we can eat some of Nick’s cookies.
Nick- Yay!
Brian- Do you have a b-ball court?
Howie- Yeah, I do.
Brain- Ok!
:guys walk over to Howie’s house:
Howie- You guys can sit right here and I will go get
something to drink. :goes into
the kitchen:
:he takes out a packet of koolaid and some liquor. He
makes his “lemon aid.”
Howie- :hands glasses to Nick and Brain: Here ya go!
Nick and Brian- Thanks!
:they drink all of their “lemon aid” and then they
hear a knock at the door.
Howie goes over and opens it. There stands Kevin. He
has his old Nick hair cut
and has on tight jeans. He also has on a tight white
shirt. You can see his mucles
bulging through it.:
Kevin- Hey, I am here to fix your sink. My name is
Howie- :eyes Kevin: Hi Kevin. I am Howie. That is Nick
and Brian. The sink is right
this way. :he leads Kevin into the kitchen:
Nick- :the liquor is getting to him: Brain? I don’t
feel so good... :throws up in
Brian’s lap and falls on the floor head first:
Brian- :stands up: You little asshole! How dare you!
Nick- :crying: I’m sorry! I guess I’m allergic to
lemon aid!
Brian- You better be sorry! Howie? Where is your
Howie- :walks in: Eww! Come here. I’ll get you all
cleaned up!
:Howie walks with Brian to the bathroom:
Howie- Here is is. :walks in and washes Brian’s hands
for him:
Brian- Howie, I can wash my own hands.
Howie- I know that, silly! I just love to touch you.
Brain- What?!
Howie- Oh! That was too soon wasn’t it? I’m sorry!
Brian- Ok... Well, if you could give me something to
wash my pants off with that
would be nice.
Howie- :inspects Brain’s pants: I think we will just
have to throw them into to
washing machine. Take them off.
Brian- :gives Howie a weird look and does as he says:
Howie- You go back and sit down. I will put these in
to wash.
:Brian goes back and watches TV with Nick as Howie
puts the jeans into the
Kevin- Howie? Would you happen to have a wrench? I
guess I lost mine.
Howie- :goes in the kitchen and hands Kevin the
wrench: Here ya go.
Kevin- Thanks. I think I have found your problem. It
seems that there is a fork
stuck in the garbage disposel. How do you think it got
Howie- I haven’t the slightest idea.
Kevin- Ok, whatever you say. :he removes the fork:
Howie- Thank you for fixing it Kevin. Would you like
some lemon aid?
Kevin- Yeah, thanks.
Howie- Come in here and sit with us for a while.
:guys walk in the living room where Nick and Brian are
Nick- Do you guys wanna listen to some music?
Kevin- Sure, man.
Nick- :walks over to Howie’s sterio and turns it on as
loud as it will go:
Howie- Nick! Turn that down! You will get the
neighbors over here!
Nick- What?!
Howie- :walks over and turns it off: I said that you
will get the neighbors over
here if you don’t turn that off!
:they heat another knock on the door:
Howie- See what I mean? :walks over to the door and
opens it to find AJ
standing there:
AJ- What is going on over here? I am trying to watch
Howie- :checks AJ out: Sorry. Let me make it up to
you. Come on in and you
can have something to drink and I will let you watch
TV here.
AJ- :walks in and sits down beside Kevin. Guys
introduse theirselves. Howie
comes in with five more glasses of “lemon aid”:
Howie- Here you are guys. Hope you like it.
AJ- MMM. This is good.
Nick- Yeah it is.
Howie- Thanks. :chucklels to himself and thinks ‘Yeah
it will be real good in just a
few minutes when you are all in my bed’:
:ten minutes pass. there is now a bad storm going on:
Howie- I am not going to let you guys go home in this
storm. Nick call your mom
and tell her that you are staying at a friends house
and you will be home in the
morning. :NIck calls him mom:
Howie- Guys, you can all sleep in my room. I have a
king sized bed and I have a
sleeping bag and two cotts.
:guys go in Howie’s room(all of them are drunk as skunks) and there are lots of
candles lit and soft music playing. Howie smiles:
Brian- What is all of this?
Howie- It’s just my little surprise for all of you.
Just relax. Kevin, help me get the
cotts set up. :they get the cotts set up and the
sleepign bag rolled out:
Nick- Howie, why are you taking your clothes off?
Howie- Because. Nick I want you to do exactly as I do.
Its kinda like Monkey see,
Monkey do. Since you guys are too drunk to know any better, just play along.
:Howie strips and so do the other guys. Howie starts
kissing the other guys and
the copy him. Then, Howie starts doing some other
things to the guys, and guess
what? They all end up in a big sweaty orgy.:
Later that year, the guys form a band called the
Backstreet Boys. They later
have huge mobs of fans all over the world. That is the
story of how BSB got
together! Ya’ll come back now, ya hear?