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*6-2-03* I thought that since school is over I would have a lot of time to write and what not. But I have been so busy these last week or so it's been crazy. I have been hanging out with my friends, working, and I even went out on a date the other night. But I managed to write a chapter of The Ghost of You and Me. I hope you guys enjoy it!!!

*5-19-03* Well, I updated. Chpaters 14 and 15 of Fantasy Florida have been added. THat's all I have on my computer so I have to write more before the next update. Schools almost over so it will be easier for me to get things done. I just have one more final on Thursday and an internet one due tomorrow. Other than that, I'm almost done. Later!

*5-8-03* I must make a confession... I honestly thought I would never update this website again. Well lookie what I did tonight. I got so bored reading fiction I thought that maybe its time for me to actually share some of my own. I love writing, but I never really have time for it anymore. Well, actually I am just really lazy and never feel like it. It amazes me how much time has past since I last updated, almost two years. Crazy huh? Well I did some majow updating tonight. Chapter 13 of Fantasy Florida have been added. And, get this SIX WHOLE CHAPTERS of The Ghost of You and Me have been added. Chapters 7-12!!!!! Yeah me!!! I am still working on stuff, but I am getting tired and I won't be adding anymore tonight. I'm thinking about diffrent things I want to do with this page but I have made any definate plans. Later

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