55 reasons we love Backstreet Boys more then N*sync

"God made rivers god made lakes god made Nsync oops, he makes mistakes!"


  1. bsb can write their song for their mom's
  2. n sync wrote their songs? i read their credits on their cd and they only co-wrote one!bsb wrote most of theirs
  3. lance looks like a pig
  4. um hello! a.j. just recently had red hair(orlando concert) and now joey has red hair?
  5. bsb most be good cause their performing at the 1999 mtv awards for the 2nd time!
  6. yes bsb sit in chairs but only to sing the slow romantic songs.and some girl daid bsb flip chairs over their head? um no!
  7. ok ok so i'm being a little mean but hey i gotta give n stink credit the work at least half as good.
  8. lance and justin must be jealous of nick cause they die their hair blonde too
  9. joey's obsession with superman? is he like 4?
  10. .bsbdo not fly in their concerts!maybe they did once but they were as i recall performing with n sync.
  11. A.J. copy chris's style? chris needs to get some style before n e one can copy.
  12. so it took bsb a little longer to write and get their new cd out! hey they can't help it if they were busy touring cause they have so many fans. besides it was worth the wait
  13. BSB were here 1st and they will always be 1st
  14. at least bsb don't dress in astronount costumes! what is n sync planning to do? board APOLLO 13 after the concert?
  15. chris needs to wash his nappy hair
  16. justin is butt ugly
  17. NICK is not fat!hello for his height his weight is perfect! he also has a nice butt!
  18. Giddy up? what the hell kind of song is that?
  19. backstreets back! bsb have a song with their name in it then n sync had to go do the same!
  20. bsb most be great cause they were #1 on the top 50!
  21. ok so like why doesn't n sync have a recent video to vote for on the mtv awards?
  22. bsb have 3 commercials for sears. n sync had to use their old video and the old herbel essences!
  23. i'm sorry but the bsb's sears contest is better than recieving a shampoo or whatever.
  24. u say sears clothes r stupid? well i don't! at least their not being sponsered by a shampoo. plus in case u haven't noticed bsb have been sponsered by tommy hilfiger for like every world tour
  25. chris and joey are ugly dogs.
  26. sorry but this must be mentioned again lance looks like a pig.
  27. bsb put their name on their stage! n sync does the same! come on guys get a life and be orginal.
  28. ok everything bsb does n sync does and everyother boy band. that's why bsb r making so much money. their selling boy band guys to the other group.
  29. lance? ha ha ha nice name
  30. bsb at least interact with their fans. they wrote
  31. n sync's new video has got to go. i could stand in front of a crowd of ten people and a bunch of empty chairs and try to sing too.
  32. justin looks like a horse
  33. thank god chris finally got his braces off1 man if i were constenly getting my picture taken i'd never smile!
  34. BSB were offered to do the disney concert but they were to busy so n sync took the job. so bsb didn't copy.
  35. fire,sun,steel,water,air, hello it's called growning up!
  36. i also looked at n sync's thank yous? um a few sentences isn't much guys.
  37. rumor has it n sync signed with bsb's record company and that's why bsb sued them? um no bsb weren't getting money that they had earned. the company was cheating them out(geez u'd think n sync would get a clue and leave too)
  38. nick's mushroom cut isn't bad to have at 19! it's that spider growning out of chris's head that is immature. plus a couple years ago a.j. had a hair look like that! once again n stink copies a.j.
  39. bsb were here 1st
  40. j.c.so looks like a banana! brian has nice cheek figure
  41. u call j.c. having a better voice than kevin? nope. j.c. sounds as bad as justin
  42. BSB can dance!
  43. if u call nick fat what do u call joey/
  44. i'd like to see justin take on brian and nick in a little b-ball game
  45. justin is soo conceited if u weighed how much he was conceited it would be in tons
  46. who dresse j.c.? his mom? and for those of u who say he dressed nice i'm glad i can't see u threw this screen cause i'd hate to see what u r wearing.
  47. bsb r a clean cut group
  48. lance looks gay
  49. bsb were #1 on the top 50!
  50. lance looks like a preppy girl
  51. just remember bsb #1 and yes the spot for #2 is reserverd for n sync
  52. bsb r nomiated for 4 awards n sync? only three which they r not nominated for best new video of the year! bsb were!
  53. booya! bsb r #1and n sync sucks
  54. What kind of name is N*sync? The definatly aren't Nsync!