"I'm sorry William." Natalie turned yet another invitation
to the senior Valentines Day dance down. She didn't
want to go with anyone. Actually, there was someone she
wanted to go with. Ever since the first time she saw
him Natalie had a huge crush on Justin.

Her friends told her to get over him, but she couldn't.
Not only was he attractive, his personality was awesome.
He was everything she ever wanted, and the only one who
she thought was worth it. She just needed the courage to talk with him.

~Nikki says, we're all downtown
whats my problem? I don't wanna socialize.
Why don't they leave me alone?
Bad boys, jealous girls
Been there done that I just wanna fantisize~

"Nat! Don't zone out on me girl! How does my dress
look?" Natalie smiled and rolled her eyes.
"Claire, you look great. James will love ya.
Now what about me?" The baby blue dress Natalie was
Wearing went well wit her blue eyes and red hair.
As Claire began to ramble about how good they both looked,
Natalie's mind began to drift. It always did, and always to the
same subject. She just couldn't get him out of her mind.

~Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Starin at the ceiling thinkin bout you
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Its a freaky feeling, what can I do?~

"Are you ready to blow Justin away Nat?" Claire asked
as they approached their high school.
"Now more than ever Claire." Nat replied. When she walked
in she was pulled away to the bathroom by Jessica, a friend of
both her and Justin. "Hey Jess whats up?"
"Guess what I found out?!"
"What?" Nat asked, anxiously awaiting what Jess was gonna say.
"Justin wants to dance with you!"
"Are you sure?"

~I don't like anyone, the way I like you
i don't go anywhere, if you're not there too.
Its not as if, I'm hard to please
You're the only one, good enough for me.
Those others just won't do
I don't like anyone but you.~

"Thats like, the fifth guy you've turned down Nat!
dance with someone already!"
"Calm down Claire, I will dance with somone. He just
needs to ask me first..."
"I know Jess said that he wanted to dance with you,
and I know she wouldn't normally lie,
but don;t you think he would have asked already?"
"Not really Claire."
"I know you really like him, but you don't have to think
about him 24/7! I mean, hell! I'm dating James but we're
dancing with other people!"
"I choose to think about him. Besides, you and Jimmy aren't a very serious
couple anyways."
"Whatever. I swear if you could you'd die for him.."
"Maybe so.."

~They think I'm a little obsessed
But there sending mental telepathy
I'm concentrating on you.
Wanna give, you everything
But if I do will you think the less of me?~

"Will you please just dance with someone!"
"Fine Claire.. I'll dance with..."
"Hey Joey! Will you dance with Natalie?"
Oh great Natalie thought one of Justin's best friends.
"Sure I'll dance with ya Nat!" Joey came over and they moved
out to the floor to begin. It wasn't of any meaning, the dance.
Natalie had known Joey for a long time and they were just friends.

~Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Everyone else just wasting my time.
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Baby can't you see we're two of a kind?~

As they danced, Natalie felt like
someone was watching her and Joey very closley.
"You know what? Justin is gonna kill me."
"What do you mean?"
"Oh damn did I say that aloud?"
"Yeah Joe you kinda did."
"Now I'm really dead. Um.. well, Justin likes you. And
If looks could kill then I'd be dead as a doornail right now."
"Really? Then why hasn't he asked me out?"
"I honestly don't know the answer to that question Nat.
Jess is always pusing him to, but I think he thinks you
would say no."
"What is he waiting for? He's gotta take a chance! "

~I don't like anyone, the way I like you
I don't go anywhere, if you're not there too
Its not as if, I'm hard to please
You're the only one, good enough for me
Those others just won't do
I don't like anyone but you.~

Joey looked down on Natalie and she
realized what she had said. What has he been waiting for?
Your the one to talk Natalie! What have you been waiting for?

Joey noticed the look on her face and laughed. "Well, I'll
let you go and think about your next move. It sounds like the
last song is coming on soon. Maybe that will help your
"Thank you Joe." Nat stood on her tip toes and kissed his cheek.
As Natalie sat at the drink table, she decided what she was
gonna do. She couldn't sit and wait for Justin to
come around. She needed to make the first move. And thats exactly
what she was going to do.

~Starin at the ceiling thinkin bout you
Its a freaky feeling, what can I do?~

"Hey Justin."
"Hey Natalie." Justin smiled.
"Whats up?" Damnit Nat! You're supposed
to ask him to dance!

"Nothin really. Umm.."
"Wanna dance?" They both asked together.
Natalie smiled and blushed. "I'd love to."
Justin took her to the floor where the last song of the evening,
'All My Life', was playing.

~Its not as if, I'm hard to please
You're the only one, good enough for me
Those others just won't do
I don't like anyone but you.~

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