
Choater 1

Its been a year. A year as Dani Rose, the gorgeous brunette dating the fat bastard they called Kenneth Hudson. And now that she had everything she needed, it was time to leave. Time to get going, and start another job. All she had to do was wait for him to go to sleep, then she would be off.

She loved to pretend. It was a family busnieuss. Go date some rich man, or woman for her brothers sake, and steal. Steal what they needed. And when everything was contained, they would leave, and never turn back.

This time, she had been Dani Rose. But she couldn't wait to get home where she would be called her real name, Arianna. And she would be able to rest, loathe in her beauty. Sure, men desired her. That was what made her job so much fun.

"Kenneth?" She asked, looking over at the other side of the bed. She recieved no answer, just a simple snore. I'm free. She squealed in her head. Quietley, Arianna stood up and removed her silk robe, revealing her Black T-Shirt and black flared pants. Sure, she was 25 years old, but she loved the fashion of teens today. Flares and Bellbottoms were the only pants she would wear.

Her bags were all packed and ready. Alot more than she had come with. Kenneth had spoiled her, spoiled her rotten. And with all the last swipes, her car was practically full. Laptops, Television sets, VCRs, all the expensive appliances had been shipped to her home already. Right now, she was taking her things, and little tokens. Some jewelry, Cell Phones, cash, China, and other tiny things.

As she drove through the state of Florida, she switched on the radio. A favorite song filled the radio, one she was especially fond of.

Don't wanna be a fool for you
Just another player in your game for two
You may hate me but it ain't no lie
Baby Bye Bye Bye
Don't really wanna make it tough
I just wanna tell you that I've had enough
Might sound crazy but it ain't no lie
Baby Bye Bye Bye

It was kind of like her theme song. Only she was the player. Yet she was the one who was saying goodbye. All in the fun. When the song was over, she smiled and listened to the DJ's voice.

"Hey Hey there Orlando. That was *NSync with 'Bye Bye Bye' and I have some news for you on the five popstars. *NSync has just recentley announced that they have split up and retired from the group. Yes teenies, its true. But we know their music will live on in the boyband hall of fame."

"Ha, they should know a boyband will never live on." Arianna smirked. But her mind didn't dwell on that. She couldn't wait to go home and get rid of the dyed brown in her hair. Get rid of the green contacts in her eyes. Get rid of Dani Rose, and be Arianna Anderson again.

She missed her home state of South Carolina. Her home on the beach she shared with her Mother and Brother. Her Mother used to con men, she had gotten Arianna to do it. But now, she ran the busnieuss while Arianna and her brother Bryce did the dirty work. Sure, some children would be shocked if they had found out that their mother was doing this. But Arianna and Bryce were intrigued and interested, and now they were the lovers.

Her father had died when she was 2 and Bryce was a baby. The lonlieness and lack of love made her mother, Natasha, start with the whole Con Artist thing. She did it first for the money, helping to pay for herself and two children. Now it was mostly for the fun of it.

Since the whole family was good looking, it helped alot. Naturally, each had blond hair and blue eyes. Her mother and herself were thin yet curvy, and Bryce was muscular and well built. The fine clothes they wore attracted pawns even more, which meant better for the family.

Arianna had been doing this since she was 20 years old. 5 years of men and money. She had never gone less than 2 months, or more than a year. The one thing she longed for was something she could never have- true love. She would always be in it for the money, which meant love was forbidden. She would just get what she wanted and leave, like she always had. Besides, it wasn't like any of the men she had been with had been her type anyways.

And she couldn't let her family down. That just wasn't something she could do. Because she loved her family. And they meant everything to her. Which made the trip home even better.

* * * * *

It was 3:00 pm in the state of South Carolina when Arianna pulled into the hidden driveway. Their residence needed to be hidden in case anyone found out. Even though they never used real names for anything, they still needed to be careful.

321654, she typed in the security password. Once it cleared her, the gate opened to reveal the beautiful mansion just off the shore of the beach. One she had missed for a year. Childhood memories came flooding back to her, and she smiled at them. Times when she was simply Arianna, not the flavor of some mislead rich man.

Arianna parked her silver BMW in the drive way and shut the door quietly. Her mother wasn't expecting her today. Arianna had purposley told her a later date to surprise her. Bryce would also be home today, since he as well had finished an assignment.

Ding Dong

The doorbell sounded. It was amazing how she could just miss the sound of a simple doorbell.

"Who is it?" She heard through the door.

"UPS special delivery." She replied in a high squeaky voice. The doorbell opened to reveal her mother with a shocked look on her face. "Hey Ma."

"Arianna! I can't believe you're home!" She recieved a big bear hug from her daughter whom she wasn't expecting until next week. "Bryce! Get down here!"

"Coming Ma.. Ri!" Bryce hopped the rest of the stairs and ran to his sister, enveloping her in a sibling hug. "What are you doing home? I thought another week."

"I tricked ya." Arianna smirked. Bryce just shook his head and relased her. She smiled warmly at her family. "I missed you guys so much!"

"We missed you too baby." Her mother smiled. "Is everything in the car?"

"Yep, all in there. You gonna help me Bryce?"

"Lets get going now, see what you brought us this time." Bryce rubbed his hands together excitedly and rushed to her car. Arianna followed while her mother cleared a path inside of the house. Suitcase by suitcase, they brought everything inside and up to her room.

All 3 talked about things in the suitcase and the past year she had been away. Bryce pulled out a black thong and waved it at his sister. "Oh, Ri... looks like we got some wedgie action."

Arianna snatched the underwear and blushed slightly. "What can I say? He was kinky."

"Oh honey, this is nice.." Her mother pulled out a black speggetti strapped dress.

"Isn't it?" She asked, taking it from her mother and laying it on the bed. "The bastard spoiled me so much... I was almost sad to leave."

"Arianna.. you didn't.."

"Mom, not because I was in love with him! Because I am gonna miss his presents and money." She flashed a cheesy smile and her mother laughed. "Besides, he was like- 39. I mean, come on!"

Bryce and Natasha both laughed at Arianna and continued to unpack her belongings. She was home, but only God knew for how long.


Chapter 2 - Con-Love - Home - Contact Me