
Chapter 2

"So B, how was your last job?" Arianna asked as they sat in the large family room watching TV together. Their mother was sleeping, since it was around midnight. But she had opted to stay up and bond with her brother.

"Good. Went very well. She was a rich widow in Oregon. Lemme' tell you, that is one of the most boring states ever." She laughed and he continued. "And it didn't take very long either. She was completley oblivious to the fact that I was swiping from her. But let me tell you- she sure was horrible in bed."

"Ahh, too much information!" She cried, bringing her hands over her face. Bryce just laughed and switched the station to MTV, right in time for a news brief.

"This is Kurt Loder with an MTV News Brief. Pop superstars *NSync have recentley made public their plans to end the career. Today was their final performance at Madison Square Garden. Though the group is splitting up, don't expect to see the last of these 5 men. We caught up with JC Chasez of the group after the concert and he gave us a preview of their plans..." A handsome face flashed the screen and Arianna smiled. He sure was hott.

"I think all five of us are gonna take a much needed break and fall back on our other stuff. like Chris with FuMan and Joey with acting, Lance with managment, Justin will probably try a solo career and I will definitley work on writing and producing songs for other artists."

"Thats all the news for now. Stay tuned for more news at 10 to the hour."

"Woah Bryce, did you see that guy? Total hottie."

Bryce's face broke out in a grin. this was the perfect job for her. A fallen pop superstar, alone and vulnerable at his home. All that money from his fame shouldn't go to waste..

"Hey Ri..." He taunted. Arianna looked over at her brother and knew the look on his face. One of mischeif and excitment. One she knew he got when a good oppurtunity came up.

"Oh no Bryce! No, no, no, no, no, no NO!" She protested. "I just got home from the last dope!"

"Which means you'll be full in practice for him! I mean, Ri, you even admitted to thinking he was hott. This would be fun for you."

"But I wanna stay here." She wined.

"Ri, I don't think this guy will take as long as Kenneth did. I mean- he was a popstar. Surrounded by fake people everyday! He should be easy to Con!"

"Oh come on Bryce! Can't I get a break? Please?" She got on her knees and begged her brother. He just shook his head no in response.

"Ri, this can be a big scandal here! Mom would love it, and I'm sure you'd meet some famous people as well. And you'd get to get in bed with him.."

Arianna fell in defeat. At least he wasn't old like the others. And who knows, maybe Bryce would be right. Maybe she would get some pleasure out of this. "Well lets get planning then."

* * * * *

"Arianna, hold still. We need to get this done." Her mother demanded while rinsing out the platinum hair dye. It was alot closer to her original color, but still not quite the blond she once was. Her mother had quickly agreed to the cleverness of her next scandal, and was quick to help.

Her new identity hadn't been hard to plan out either. She was now Harmony Higgins, a collage dropout who had recently been dumped by her longtime boyfriend. Her brother found out that he had a home in California, which is where she would stay until becoming involved with him. That is, if he was attracted to her.

But there was never any doubt that he would be. Every man that had set eyes on her was interested, why should he be any different?

Bryce had agreed to go out with her until the plan began to work. Who knew, maybe he would find a new pawn as well. But mostly he was going out for support. It may be a bit harder for Arianna since she hadn't been able to spend alot of time with her family. So him being there would be a bit of a help.

"Hey Ri! I got the tickets!" Bryce called as he entered the house. Arianna came down with her new hair color and smiled as Bryce waved two plane tickets in his hands. "Flight leaves in 2 days."

"You are too good B. Did you get the ID as well?" She asked, looking over the plane tickets. He smiled and pulled out a fake drivers liscense. Having a friend in the busnieuss of manufacturing things like these was a big help. All they had to do was take a head shot of her with her new hair color and then bring it back so he could fix it up.

Arianna looked at the tiny rectangle that held her new identity. Slowly, she read the information.

"Harmony Marie Higgins." She stated proudly. "I think I am going to like this one."

"Hope you do baby." Her mother kissed her forhead. "Now lets go get you and Bryce ready. We have alot to do."

* * * * *

[2 Days Later]

"Bye Ma." Arianna hugged her mother tightly, not wanting to let go. She still thought it was too soon for another job, but was going on her mother and Bryce's wishes.

"Bye Baby. Do well alright? Make me proud like you always do."

"I will." She smiled and picked up her carry-on bag. After kissing her mother's cheek, she smiled and left to join Bryce at the boarding gate. They handed the woman their tickets, and turned to wave goodbye to their mother one last time. Once the wave was returned, both set off down the long path towards the plane.

"Remember Ri, from now on I am Toby and you are Harmony. I'm your 'boyfriend', and we are a happy couple." Bryce whispered.

"I know Bro. Don't worry, I have it all under control." She smiled a confident smile and they continued the walk in silence.

Bryce had so many connections, that he had gotten them First-Class seats. Arianna sat down in the middle of the three seats in their row and bounced on the comfy material. "Ha! This is cool!"

"Calm down, don't blow it." Bryce commanded, sitting in the window seat. Silentley, Arianna wondered who would be in the seat beside her. Almost all of the First-Class riders were on already, since they would board first. She looked out and down the isle with her now hazel eyes and saw a familiar face making its way towards their seat.

"B, look who is on the plane." Arianna used her head to motion towards the isle. Bryce looked and saw their target, JC Chasez, coming towards them. He looked at his sister and took a deep breath.

"Okay, just be calm. Plan on a breakup later in the flight."

"Yep. And B," Arianna leaned in towards her brother. "No kissing, or slapping."

"I know. Its not like I'm gonna do that to my sister." He rolled his eyes and awaited the arrival of their victim.

* * * * *

JC walked sluggishly towards the door to the plane. He still couldn't believe it was over. His long time dream was over, done, finished. All because of women.

Britney and Justin were getting married... Chris and Danielle wanted a baby... Joey had to take care of his love child.. Lance wanted to spend more time with Stacy. They were all very happy. Except him.

What had he seen in Bobbee anyway? The guys tried to warn him that he was being used, but no, he couldn't listen. And now he was left alone, with nobody to comfort him when he needed it. Nobody to fall asleep next to at night. Nobody to grow old with. Alone.

That laast flight from Orlando to Charlotte had been hell. Fans, fans, and more fans. Didn't they know it was over? He was no longer the star he once was, no longer the heartthrob of *NSync. So why did they still crowd around him like flys on a piece of dead meat?

All he could do was pray there would be no fans on his flight. Looking around the First-Class section, he saw alot of elderly people and some mid-wives. But no teenage or per-adolescent fans. When he found his seat, he realized he was sitting next to an attractive female and.. her boyfriend. Just what he needed. Another reminder that he was alone.

After he placed his carry-on in an overhead compartment, JC sat in his isle seat and rested his head against the back of it. "Hi there."

JC opened his eyes and turned to find the blond girl sitting next to him smiling. He returned the smile warmly. "Hi."

"My name is Harmony. This is my boyfriend Toby." She introduced. He shook both of thier hands politley, when all he really wanted to do was sleep.

"My name is Josh, but everyone just calls me JC."

"Well, its nice to meet you JC." She again smiled, flashing her row of white teeth.

Was he hearing right? No- JC Chasez? No- Do I know you from somewhere? No anything? Just Nice to meet you? It had to be an act. But if it was, they were great actors.

* * * * *

[1 hour into the flight] Arianna watched as JC got up to the bathroom. All 3 had made small converstaions during the time they were on the flight. He was a pretty nice guy. Which only made him easier to con.

"Alright Ri, when you see him coming back, plan goes into action."

"Got it." She replied as tears began to form in her eyes. She was an excellent actress, could cry right on cue. But the tears need to be there when JC got back in order for them to make it believable.

"Here he comes." Bryce whispered a minute later. "I'm sorry Harmony, but I can't do this anymore."

"But, I love you Toby."

"No.. you don't. This charade has gone on long enough. We both know this has only been going on for my benefit. But, I feel horrible putting you through this."

"But why now? Why not wait until we landed?"

"Because, its for the best." With that, Bryce stood up and walked back towards the bathroom. Arianna put her head in her hands and cried.

When JC sat down, he noticed the shaking, weeping figure next to him. "Uh.. Harmony, are you okay?"

All she did was nodd her head yes. JC knew she was lying, so put a comforting hand on her back. "I don't think you are so okay."

"He broke up with me. Just before you came back."

"Toby? But.. why?"

"I'm not sure. But, I don't have anywhere to go." She wiped her eyes and looked at him. "I lived with him, and I don't have any real family..."

JC knew what she was feeling. It was the way he felt when Bobbee had broken up with him. Sad, confused, and alone. And though he hadn't known her very long, he wanted to help her.

"Well, you could come stay with me..." He trailed off. She just looked at him then shook her head.

"No I couldn't. You're girlfriend wouldn't like it and I would be causing to much of a burden."

"No really, I mean it. I live alone, no girlfriend. There is more than enough space and I think i can trust you."

Arianna took a dramatic pause, then looked into his deep blue pools. "Are you sure you wouldn't mind?"

"I wouldn't mind at all."

"I guess so." She sniffeled and smiled. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Chapter 3 - Con-Love - Home - Contact Me