
Chapter 5

"How could you do this to me?" JC asked, looking deep into her eyes.

Arianna shook her head. "JC.. please, let me explain..."

"Explain? You lied to me. Your name isn't Harmony Higgins. You have been lieing to me this whole entire time."

"Yes, JC, I have been lieing. I can confess that much to you. But trust me there is a perfectly..."

"A good explination? A good explination for you using me and taking my things behind my back?" He waited for and answer and saw the look of shame on her face. "Thats exactly what I thought."

She stood, waiting for him to say something else against her as her sat on the couch with his head buried in his hands. It stabbed her in the heart to know he had to find out like this.

"Why?" JC looked at the woman before him. "Why did you do this to me? I was so good to you. I gave you everything. I didn't need to take you in when I barely knew you. I didn't need to buy you things, to help you get a job. Hell... I didn't need to fall in love with you either."

Arianna mentally gasped. He had never told her that he loved her. She would have left long ago if she knew he was in love! But then again, she may not have. Something inside, her heart, was telling her that she really loved him as well.

"JC.. I mean Josh..."


She blinked and saw him standing before her. His face held a completley serious and hurt look that scared her to look at. "What?"

"Did I stutter? I said out. Get out of my home now."

Arianna didn't move. She was to afraid to, afraid to move. In a minutes time he had gone from a sad and hurt man to an angry and hurt one.


She let the tears fall as she headed towards the door. Once she reached it Arianna picked up her bag and took one last look at him.

"In the past, I would regret saying this JC. But right now, it doesn't matter. I love you, I am not lieing. Thats not the player you have met. Thats the woman in me who feels very strongly for you, and would never admit it because she was afraid. But I am not afraid now, JC." She stepped out onto the porch then took one last look at him. "Goodbye."

Arianna jerked up in bed as lightning crashed, illuminating the night sky. That was a horrible mightmare. She hadn't been there for a full 24 hours and was already fearing the day she would leave.

Tunder mixed in well with the rain that crashed against her window. She never was very fond of storms, no matter how much Bryce loved them.

"Shit." She mumbeled. "I need to call him."

Arianna exited her bed and out into the hallway. She figured now would be the best time to call. If she went calling somebody in the middle of the day, JC would become suspiscious because as far as he was concerned- she had no friends. Or Harmony had no friends. And Bryce was always clubbing when he wasn't on the job. His cell phone was always on so he would answer it no doubt, even if it was 3 am.

Arianna tiptoed down the staris, being careful to not make any noise. Waking up JC would not be a good idea. Tonight was her first night in the house, and waking him would not make a good impression.

Her foot reached the final step at the bottom of the stairs and she noticed that the kitchen light and a lamp in the living room was on. JC is up, Arianna thought. This is a great scared moment. All Arianna had to do was act afraid whenever lightning hit, flinch a few times, things like that.

As she walked towards the kitchen, her mind wandered back to the dream. Of all the men she had "played", she had never been caught. Was that dream a premonition? Would she really be caught doing what she was sent to? Would she really fall in love?

No, Arianna told herself. She was here strictly for busnieuss. And her busnieuss was something she was talented at. The number one rule was to never fall in love. Falling for somebody would be against everything she had worked for. At most, she could fake the "l" word, and say it just to make the male happy. That is where it would end. Arianna refused to break that rule, that one which would ruin everything.

But there was and always would be that longing she had. Watching movies, seeing those perfect couples who fall so deeply in love and get married and have lots of children- it was exactly what she wanted. Now that Arianna had gotten so far with her line of work, she would never be able to have the children, tell the man of her dreams "I do"; she would grow old as a sad and lonley woman.


She snapped out of her daze when she saw JC's silouette standing in the doorway to the kitchen. Embarrased, she walked over and smiled, pink the apparent color of her cheeks. "Sorry, I kind of got lost there."

"Thats okay. Did the storm wake you up?" JC asked while looking out of the sliding glass door.

"Yeah," she looked also, noticing how hard the rain was falling. "I am not too fond of them. The booms and flashes get to me every time."

As if on cue, a flash of lightning hit and Arianna let out a small yelp. JC just laugehd seeing her jump slightly as a light illuminated the dark outside.

"At least we still have power." JC said as he walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Arianna followed the actions and got comfortable on the other end. "We can watch a DVD or something."

As JC picked up the remote, another bolt of lightning struck and the lights went out all around. Everything seemed to be happening on cue that night. Arianna screamed and grabbed JC's arm in fright. JC thoguht it was cute, how she acted so afraid. As she continued to hold onto his arm, he reached for a different remote and turned on the automatice fireplace.

The room was immediatley lit up by the dim glow of the hot fire. Arianna let go of JC's left arm, but still sat right next to him on the couch. The two sat in silence, listening to the cackle of the fire as the rain outside began to slow.

"Thats a cool fireplace." She said, still staring and amazed at how it had started and grown so quickly.

"Pretty nifty, isn't it?" JC asked while draping his left arm over the back of the couch. "Bobbie insisted that I put it in. She insisted I do alot of things...."

JC's voice trailed off and Arianna could tell it wasn't a good topic for him. "Its quite the romantic setting if you ask me."

JC turned his head and saw the beautiful look on her face. And for the first time, he noticed her lips. The soft, pink and full lips that rested on the beautifully structured face she possessed. It was the first time he noticed how kissable they seemed. It made him want to pull her face closer to his own and smother his lips on top of hers, closing a gap they had created. But JC shook the urge, remembering that he hardly knew this woman and should not be getting involved with anyone so new.

Standing up, he stretched his arms above his head and yawned. "I'm getting pretty tired, so I am gonna head upstairs. Would you like me to walk you to your room?"

"Umm, actually... no. I think I am gonna crash on the couch by the fire. The cackle will put me to sleep."

Arianna watched as JC nodded and began to make his way to make his way up the stairs. It was amazing to Arianna how he knew his way through the house with no light. After hearing his bedroom door click, she reached into her PJs' pocket and pulled out her cell phone. The convienent light up feature made it easy to dial the number she knew by heart.

"Bryce A. here, whats shaking?"

"Hey Bryce, its me." Arianna said just above a whisper.

"Arianna? What are you doing calling so early?" Bryce asked in a regular voice. "I obviously haven't disturbed anything you are doing so that question doesn't need to be answered. I'm just checking in. I have told him everything, so I think I am all set now."

"How is the house?"

"Better than any I have ever stayed in so far. This man has beautiful taste, Bry."

There was hesitaion on the other line before Bryce asked his next question. "Hook up yet?"

Arianna rolled her eyes and shook her head at her younger brothers immaturity. "No, Bryce, we have not hooked up yet. You need to give me time to work my magic. Soon enough things will happen."

"Okay, Ri, just make me proud. I have to go now though, so I'll talk to you. Remember to call me if you need anything."

Arianna smiled. Her brother and her had a very rare and caring relationship. They had always been very close. "Bye, Bryce."

Becoming tired once again, Arianna turned off her phone and lay down, pulling the blanket the draped over the back of the couch over her tired body.


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