Love Is Such A Crime

Chapter 1

My dear Kenneth

It is with great regret that I write these last words. My life is like an endless pit of blackness, and I have fallen to rock bottom. It may sound cliche, but my life has no meaning, and ending it is the only way for me. You're love was my only lifeline, but right now that isn't enough. And as for your proposal, I would have married you. I would have been your wife now and forever. But I feel now it is best for me to just end everything. Please, I beg of you, don't bother looking for my body. Even if you do see some washed up corpse on television- don't identify me. I want to leave as I have lived- unknown.

Goodbye my love,
Danielle Renee Coleson

A smile turned on her lips. That was one of her most beautifully written suicide notes yet. Though most were the same, Arianna still believed that this one was the best. Right about now, she wished she had a photocopier to remember this masterpiece by. Sighing because she wasn't privileged enough this time around, Arianna left the note on the vanity table.

Most of the jewelry was gone. Some was left to not make it too obvious that she had taken it. Most of these losers were stupid shitballs anyways. They would mourn, and write their little obituaries. Arianna laughed each time a missing report was on TV, or in the newspaper. It was useless though, Arianna was careful with each job she had. Her picture was never taken. Then when she "killed herself", nobody would go looking. Stupid dopes.

Oh, how she loved her line of work. The money, the clothes, the luxury, the rare account of good sex. It was like a fairytale; well, for her at least. Any other female would think she was a dirty, money greedy slut. But nope, not Arianna, who thought of herself as an incredibly genius, incredibly beautiful woman. And now, she was free.

Quickly, Arianna took the blade of the sharp butcher knife and cut the tip of her ring finger. The crimson red liquid from inside her dripped onto the paper, making her note even more realistic. The pain was nothing- it was practically her best friend. Everytime she cut a fingertip, it meant that she was done with a con, and that she could go home and enjoy the time with her beloved mother and brother. After the note was stained with enough evidence, Arianna sucked her finger dry and grabbed her bag. It was time to go home.

This past job had been a relatively easy one to complete. Kenneth was only a 34-year-old pediatrician. He owned his own practice, so he was never home, making it a quick and easy to get the stuff she needed. The fact that he hadn't loved anybody since his wife who died ten years prior made him lonely and vulnerable. All Arianna, or "Danielle" as she had been called for the past four months, needed to do was give him some comfort, some nookie, and bang- like putty in her silky smooth hands.

Now, as she left the house at 10 at night, she smiled. Just before she ducked into her jet-black Mercedes, Arianna stood in front of the house and chuckled evilly. "Goodbye house, goodbye bad sex, and goodbye Kenneth!"

Feeling dangerously rebellious, Arianna picked up a rock and threw it at the window to the luxurious dining room. She had no real reason to throw it at the window, she just thought it would be fun. Oh, how much fun it was. The natural blond felt the urge to just throw a million more rocks. She quickly decided against it, then hopped into her car and sped away.


The tight fitting black dress she snuck out in was perfect for when she needed a pit stop. A full tank of gas, a quick pee, and maybe even a large fry from McDonalds was all she needed to make it the rest of the way to South Carolina. The next thing she needed was an unsuspecting victim.

As Arianna scoped out the helpless men, she silently wished her brother were there. They were unstoppable when they were together. Only two years ago did they decided to split up into two different projects at a time. It was so much easier with these little scams to get what was needed with two people working on it.

Her prey sat alone at a table outside, sipping at a McDonalds drink all alone. He looked around Arianna's age of 23 and from a distance, she could see no ring on that specific finger. It was a perfect set-up, and Arianna knew just how to handle it. The fact that his wallet was laying out on the table carelessly did wonders as well. Confidently, Arianna set her mind frame and walked over.

Seductively, she sat down and crossed her legs. Casually she ran a hand through her un natural brown hair and giggled as she saw him look her way. She sighed and looked at him. "Pardon Moi?"

When he did not look, she scootched over and tapped his shoulder. "Pardon Moi?"

The man looked over at her in surprise, and began to stutter. "Uh.. H.. H.. Hi. Can I help you?"

"Ah, oiu." She used her French accent. "I was just wondering if you would be so kind as to direct me towards the toilettes?"

"Umm.. sure ma’am." He faced the entrance then pointed. "If you walk right into the door, there's a big sign that says restrooms and its right through there."

"Oh," This man obviously was brain dead. "You see, monsieur, I am new to the country, and am not yet able to read your Americain language." She moved her head to his ear. "If you would be so kind to, physically, direct me towards the toilettes, then I would be ever so pleased. Such an attractive Americain man like you should be so kind.."

The mysterious man nodded as her voice sent chills up his spine. "Sure, ma’am. I.. I mean mademoiselle."

As he stood up to throw out his drink, Arianna swiftly opened the folding wallet and removed all the cash. Within the time he turned around, she stood up with the money in her bra strap and smiled. "Monsieur, don't forget your wallet."

"Thank you, m... ma’am." He tipped his fitted navy blue Yankees hat and directed her towards the bathroom. Just before she walked in, he spoke again. "Uh, do you think I could get your number?"

"Pardon moi? Je ne sais pas anglais." She smiled and walked into the bathroom, blowing him off.

The man sighed and walked away with no number, and minus 50 dollars.


Within 24 hours, Arianna had made it all the way to her home. Her mother would not be expecting her, and there was no guarantee Bryce would be back from his own job. But either way, she looked forward to spending some time with at least her mother on the beach of their private house. She had not been home for four long months, and desperately wanted to bask in the feeling of being herself.

Her car pulled into the gate, and as quietly as possible she shut the door. Faster than ever, she hustled in her four-inch heels to the door and opened it quickly with her key. Before she knew it, she was clicking into the foyer of the place she had called home since she was 16. Arianna's mother, Natasha, looked up from her magazine and gasped.

"Baby! You're home!" Natasha smiled and pulled her daughter into a tight hug. "Ooh I wasn't expecting you for at least another month!"

"What can I say?" Arianna kicked her heels into the corner, making her stand at her normal height of 5'6. "I am an expert- learned from the best."

The 23-year-old was referring to the days when her mother conned. Her father had died when she was 8 and Bryce was 11, and ever since that their family had struggled for money. Then Natasha Anderson began to start little jobs, which eventually turned big. The money poured in as they moved across the West Coast for safety. Most kids would think their mother was a slut if she did this, but Arianna and Bryce were intrigued. As soon as Arianna turned 18, she began training with Bryce and eventually set off on her first job. Natasha officially "retired" from bigger jobs and kept the money and house together while the two went off to work. It was a wonderful family business.

"Hey, ma, what would you say if I-” Bryce stopped mid-stride as he saw his sister standing there. "Holy shit! Ri!"

"Bry!" Arianna laughed as her brother picked her up and spun her in circles. She held onto her brother tight and tears welded up in her eyes as he set her back down. "I thought I was gonna come home and you wouldn't be here."

"Well, you thought wrong baby!" He kissed her cheek and chuckled. "Man do we have some catching up to do! Ma, would you mind-"

"No problem sweetie." Natasha dismissed them with a wave of her hand as she went to start a family dinner. Bryce picked up her petite sister and tossed her over his shoulder and carried her up the stairs to his room.

She giggled as they went, feeling like she was a teenager again. She loved her brother more than life itself and loved the times when they were both home. It was really the only kind of love she could ever feel. Falling in love was definitely a no-no in her line of work.

As they entered his room, Bryce threw her on the bed and they began there usual "back home" talk about there past job and how the sex was.


Their mother had retired to her room early, saying she was "so tired" because of all the excitement the day had brought. Bryce and Arianna sat on the love seat watching their favorite movie 'Heartbreakers', laughing at how wrong some of the points in the movie were.

Arianna cuddled close to her brother as she began to feel her eyelids drop. Bryce chuckled and wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. Anybody who didn't know them would mistake them for a couple.

"So, Ri, I loved that dress you had on earlier." Bryce joked, admiring the scent of her hair. They earlier had dyed it back to its original golden blond color. "If I weren't your brother, and I saw you, I'd definitely do you."

Arianna giggled. "Yeah well, thanks for the confidence boost there, Bry." She cuddled closer, feeling comfortable next to him.

"Okay so now give me a confidence boost." He said, ignoring the movie completely. Both knew that they were fortunate enough to be blessed with gorgeous looks, and loved to compliment eachother all the time.

"Hmm.." Arianna loved to play with him like that, making it seem as though she had to search for a compliment instead of picking one up instantly. "If I were a hooker, and I picked you up off the street, I'd pay you the next morning."

"Ooh, I like that one." Bryce joked as he kissed his sister's nose. Her blue eyes sparkled in the light of the TV.

"How come it can't be like this forever?" Arianna asked as she rested her head in his lap and he began stroking her hair. "Just all three of us home with no worries."

"Because, Ri," he began, moving down to her pierced ear. "We're beautiful, wanted, and are terrific in bed."

She just shook her head as she channeled everything out and fell asleep with her brother close by.


Chapter 2
Love Is Such A Crime
Please Tell Me What You Think!