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Dreams Will Come True

This hosted story was written by Kristen

Warning- this story contains sexual content (like, a lap dance, which isn't a visual) so if you are not willing to read that stuff, then be warned.

I am working on getting a pic of Wade, so until then... no banner. Sorry

It's August, and NSYNC is in the middle of their 'No Strings Attached' tour. Their choreographer and tour director Wade Robinson meets Kristen Wakefield, a beautiful, talented, and fun-loving girl, and immediately falls for her. 21 year old Kristen is excited about being on tour with her boyfriend, and with the guys. With her first meeting with them, she immediately becomes attached to the entire group. She is also very excited about music surrounding her. Since she was little all she has wanted to do was sing and dance. But will something on this tour keep her from making her dreams come true? She must face many things, and people before she finds her true destiny. On this tour will something from her past haunt her, or will it leave her alone? Will more then one person on this tour be falling? Will her dreams come true? Only she hopes Dreams will come true.

Chapter 1