Dreams Will Come True

Chapter 1

Indianapolis, IN (August 14)

"Kristen Wakefield?" Chad Baker, the accounting manager of the Bank One head quarters of Indianapolis, IN, asked as she stepped into his office.

"Yes that's me."

"Good." He smiled a cheeky grin as he pointed to a chair for Kristen to sit in.

Kristen was a 21 year old, 5'8" tall, brunette with wavy hair down to the middle of her back, hazel eyes, and a very nice figure, that she tended not to be very modest about. She was applying for a secretary position at the Bank One Building in Indianapolis, and this was her interview, if she got this job, she wouldn't need to live at her parents house anymore. She was living there for a little while, until she new exactly where she could buy an apartment.

"I understand you were wanting to apply for the position as my secretary," stated Mr. Baker, as he stared at her chest and legs as she walked over to a chair.

"Yes sir," she said as she cringed under his stare.

"Hmm, well what kind of experience do you have?"

"I worked for my uncle for about 2 years while I was in school, and I have a recommendation right here from him."

"That's not exactly the kind of experience I was talking about Miss Wakefield."

She was totally grossed out my this old man, she had finally got what he meant about 'experience'.

"What's it going to be, Miss Wakefield? Do you still want to apply?"

"You are a sick man, I'm leaving now, I don't want to be your job."

Kristen walked out of the building, glad she was free for the day, no more interviews, and now she could go to her dance class, she always looked forward to those. Dancing and singing were her dream, she had wanted to be a singer since she was about 10, and stuck with that dream her whole life.


Kristen drove to her dance class, like she did everyday. She lived in Plainfield, IN, a suburb of Indianapolis. She was into dancing, and singing. She had been since she was five, but her parents never supported her. She moved away from them and into her grandmother's house a couple blocks away. Her grandmother was the only one who supported her in singing and dancing. Her parents wanted her to become a lawyer, like them. She had dreams of her own that she wanted to fulfill, and arguing wasn't one of them. She got to the building, and found her instructor wasn't there yet. She didn't take them with anyone else, it was just her and her instructor. She got changed in the dressing room and walked into the studio.

She started doing her newest routine to Bye, Bye, Bye, by NSYNC. As she was dancing, a guy came in and started dancing right next to her. Not wanting to be upstaged by this person, she kept dancing. She had sweat pouring down her face and rolling off of her neck by the time the song was over. She looked over at the guy next to her, that looked about her age, and was in about the same condition. His hair was matted down from sweat and his shirt was clinging to his chest. luckily all she was wearing was her sports bra and a pair of shorts, and not the white shirt she changed out of, since she would be having the same problem he was at the moment with his.

She checked him out before looking away embarrassed because he had caught her. He looks so familiar. She could feel her face burning up, and she knew she was blushing.

"I'm Wade Robinson," he said breathlessly.

"Kristen Wakefield," she said in the same manner.

"Well Kristen, your a very good dancer,"

"Thank you I've been doing it since I was about five, so I better be good," she giggled. What is wrong with me? I never giggle!

They heard a throat clearing off from the back of the room, and she looked hoping she would find her instructor there. She always had a secret crush on her dancing instructor, Brad Stanson. But instead they found Allyse, her best friend from fifth grade, waiting to be introduced to this dancing cutie, and waving to her friend with a sly grin on her face.

"OH!!! This is my best friend Allyse Sampson, Allyse this is Wade Robinson," she watched as Allyse and Wade shook hands, Allyse had a dreamy expression on her face, and thought, Figures that girl has to be the most boy crazy girl in the world.

"Nice to meet you Allyse," he gave a head nod, "Kristen, your dance instructor happens to be a good friend of mine, and he asked me if I could come and instruct you today, while the guys were in Indianapolis, since he's sick, he also said that it would be a real treat to see you dance, I guess I know what he meant now, you have got some talent." And a really nice bod, damn girl.

"Thanks, and what did you mean by the guys are in town?" she asked baffled.

He chuckled at her and asked her if she knew who she was just dancing to.

"Ummm, wasn't it NSYNC?" Then it clicked. "Oh My God, your Wade Robinson!! I knew you looked familiar, I just couldn't place your face. I have looked up to your work since you became known, I have always wanted to meet you."

Allyse, who was a hard core alternative fan, had no clue about anything that was going on around her. "Didn't he just say his name was Wade? I heard that a long time ago, I don't see why it's so special, isn't he just another guy?"

"Allyse," Kristen whined, "you don't know who this is? How could you not know, I've only been talking about him since about 2 years ago, and haven't stopped, remember I always referred to him as 'that hot guy that could put the moves on me any day'," she said before she could stop herself, and looked over at him, where he was trying to hold in laughter, but it didn't seem to be working very well. "OK I think I'm going to go home and die now."

"No that's ok, I get it a lot actually...ok no I don't...that...has got to be...the...first time...I've ever...heard that one...before!!! He finally choked out between fits of laughter. After his laughing subsided, he said "I'm sorry for laughing, but I've never heard that before, and seeing how red in the face you were, just made me laugh, I really am sorry, can you forgive me?" he put on the most pathetic looking puppy dog face she had ever seen, and she melted.

"Yeah but only if you stop making that face, I'm starting to actually feel bad for you."

"Hey Kris, I've got to get home, I'll see you tomorrow," she said, knowing they had forgotten her question in the first place.

"Ok, bye Allyse."

Wade and Kristen looked at each other and both sang at the same time, "Bye Bye Bye," and doing to waving move at Allyse, as she left laughing at the two's antics.

"Ok, now that you've forgiven me, would you like to go to the guys' concert Saturday night?"

Kristen, who was busy working on a move that she was having trouble with, didn't hear what he said, but said yes anyway so she could get to work on that move.

"OK, that's great, I'll pick you up on Saturday around ten in the morning so you can catch sound check with us."

She just gave him a head nod and let out a sigh of frustration.

"UGH!!!, I can't seem to get this move down!"

"Well, Brad had me learn all of your choreography, so which move are you having trouble with?"

"The one where I swing my hips in a circle and throw my arms down from their position in the air, I can't get it timed right."

"Here let me help," he walked up behind her, and put her arms back in the air, and his hands on her hips. "Your on an eight count right?"

"Uh huh," was all she could manage to get out because of his hands on her hips. Sure she had danced with guys before, but she never felt tingly from a guy's touch.

"Ok, on the fourth count your supposed to be done circling your hips, and starting to throw your arms down."


"Here like this, 1...," he grabbed her hips and started to swing his hips with her in a circle." 2...3...4... ok now throw your arms down. Did that feel like it should have?"

She thought of what that statement could have meant, but decided to go with the professional way of taking it.

"I don't know, you're the choreographer, and tour director for NSYNC, what did you think?"

"Try not to move your legs so much, and throw your hips out more."

"Ok, I'll try that."

She did the move again, with his hands still on her hips, and got it down perfect.

"Perfect," he said, "how long does your lesson last normally?"

"Damn, it should have been over fifteen minutes ago!!! I'm gonna be late for voice lessons!"

"I didn't know you took voice lessons too."

"Yeah I've been doing those since I was about five, too," she exclaimed while running around to get all of her stuff together so she could drive home and get in the shower before her voice lessons.

"Oh ok, well don't forget about me on Saturday, ok?"

Oh how could I forget about you? "Yeah ok, I won't forget, you said you were picking me up at ten right?"

"Yeah, so be ready, and dress casual."

"Alright, bye Wade see you Saturday."

She left the studio, and raced home as fast as she could. She got home and took a shower, and got ready to go sing her heart out. She left the house and made it to the building in time for her lesson.

She was entering a contest that Sunday at the RCA Dome. Her Voice teacher, Mark Taws, was just getting in too, since he was running late, most likely because of his daughter, who was the most spoiled little girl that Kristen had ever met in her entire life.

"Ok, Kris let's get to work. Do you have your music with you?"

"Yeah, I have it right here."

"Ok then lets start on the measure you come in on, 1..2..3..4."

Kristen sang the opening notes to the song and thought of how she always felt like she was alone in the world, but then she found herself, and someone was there. Someone was always there to help her through to find her dreams and make them come true. Even if she was the only one there for herself.

There's a hero,
if you look inside your heart,
you don't have to be afraid,
of what you are,
There's an answer,
if you reach into your soul,
and the sorrow that you know,
will melt away,

Then a hero comes along,
with the strength to carry on,
and you cast your fears aside,
and you know you can survive,
when you feel like hope is gone,
look inside you and be strong,
and you finally see the truth,
that a hero lies in you,

It's a long road,
when you face the world alone,
no one reaches out a hand,
for you to hold,
you can find love,
if you search within yourself,
and the emptiness you felt will disappear,

Then a hero comes along,
with the strength to carry on,
and you cast your fears a side,
and you know you can survive,
when you feel like hope is gone,
look inside you and be strong,
and you finally see the truth,
that a hero lies in you,

Lord knows,
dreams are hard to follow,
but don't let anyone,
tear them away,
hold on,
there will be tomorrow,
in time
you'll find the way,

Then a hero comes along,
with the strength to carry on,
and you cast your fears a side,
and you know you can't survive,
when you feel like hope is gone,
look inside you and be strong,
and you finally see the truth,
that a hero lies in you,

that a hero lies in you,

that a hero lies in you.

--Mariah Carey, Hero, Music Box

"That was incredible, Kris!!! You are going to do so well on Sunday."

"Thanks, I've been working on it at home, and I was wondering about the twenty-second measure...." The two continued to critique the song to get it perfect until her mother called her cell phone, and asked her if she would run to the store to get some eggs and milk, and then drop by the drug store to pick up her fathers prescription. "Yeah sure mom, I'll be home in a few," she said as she hung up the phone. She then walked out of the studio, mimicking the mice on Cinderella, "Cinderelly, cinderelly, night and day it's cinderelly..." Mark laughed at her antics, as she left the building to run the errands for her mother.


At home, Kristen gave her mom the food, and her dad the medicine, then went upstairs to her room. She got online, and told Allyse all about what happened after she left the studio.

Singergirl924: i cant believe he asked me out!!!

Sleepychick314: i can, your gorgeous, and talented, and you can dance

Singergirl924: did i tell you about when i was working on that one move ive been havin trouble with?????

Sleepychick314: nope i dont think you did

Singergirl924: oh well, see i was doin that one move where i count to four, then drop my arms...

Sleepychick314: ok what does that have to do with anything???

Singergirl924: if you would let me finish i could tell you the rest of the story

Sleepychick314: fine, sorry, keep going

Singergirl924: ne way as i was saying, before i was so rudely interrupted

Singergirl924: hehe

Singergirl924: i was havin trouble with that one move, and he comes up behind me, and puts his hands on my hips, and does the move, only behind me, where his hands were, got all tingly, and i like couldnt give a straight answer

Sleepychick314: girl you have got it bad

Sleepychick314: you're crazy for the boy, so what else happened?

Singergirl924: nothing really, he asked me somewhere, but i cant remember where we were gunna go, all i remember is that hes pickin me up tomorrow at ten in the morning

Sleepychick314: : well i hope you have a great time, and i g2g ok?

Singergirl924: latta chica

Sleepychick314: : ciao

b> SLEEPYCHICK314 singed off at 11:11pm :


Saturday morning 8:30 am

CRASH!!!!!! Kristen's alarm clock went sailing through the room, and hit the wall breaking into a million pieces. Second one this week, I really have to stop doing that. She got out of bed, in the best mood she had been in for weeks. She went to her closet and remembered, dress is casual. She grabbed a cute, thigh high black skirt, a dark blue tank, and some black sandals to go with it. She put her hair up halfway, and fixed it with cute butterfly clips. She put some light make-up on, and was left with about an hour to spare before Wade arrived.

"What am I going to do for an hour?"

Almost on cue, her mother came into her room, and asked if she could make breakfast for her father. She said yes, and that she would be down in a second. When Kristen got downstairs, it was about 9:15, and her father wanted homemade waffles, eggs, and toast, with fresh squeezed orange juice. She sighed and took the ingredients out of the fridge. About half an hour later, her fathers breakfast was done, and she brought it up to him in bed. The doorbell rang while on her way back down and she figured it would be Wade ready to pick her up for their date, but instead she opened the door to find a big, black, burly, bald man at her doorstep.

"Kristen Wakefield?"

"Yeah that's me, but who are you?"

"Oh, you're so nice, a stranger walks up to the door, and you greet them with 'Who are you?'"

"I'm sorry, I was just expecting someone else. Is there anything you need?"

"Actually I need you, Wade sent me to pick you up, and bring you to where your date is, since he couldn't get away from work."

"Ohh ok, well what's your name?"

"I'm Mike, one of Justin's body guards."

"Body guards, with an 's'?"

"Well he needs two, one for him, then one for his hair, have you seen his mop lately?"

Kristen laughed at this huge man, and couldn't help feel safe around him.

"Well Kristen, I brought Lance with me, he insisted on meeting Wade's new date. They think of each other as brothers, and brothers always have to check out the dates, whether they're male or female. So lets go."

"Ok," she said as they walked up to a black jeep. What if Lance doesn't like me, he might not think I wouldn't be very good for Wade, and that would be horrible, because I really like him. He's the nicest guy I've met since...UGH I promised I wouldn't compare anyone to him, not now, not ever.

They finally reached the jeep, and Mike opened the door to the back for her.

"Thanks Mike."


She hopped into the car, and sat down next to a man with a hat and glasses on. Some bleach blond hair was poking out of the back, and she decided that this was Lance.

"Hi, I'm Kristen Wakefield." The man looked at her with an expressionless face, or at least she thought it was expressionless, since she couldn't see his eyes.

Lance's breath had been taken away. She was beautiful. The way Wade had described her, she was like a normal girl they met at a Meet and Greet. But in his mind, she was no ordinary girl. From what he heard, she was an awesome dancer, and she was taking voice lessons, maybe she had a great voice too. Lance finally found his normal breathing pattern.

"Hi, I'm Lance, nice to meet you Kristen. So... I've heard you and Wade are dating," He smiled as he took his glasses and hat off, the first step to see if she was fit for dating in this business.

It was Kristen's turn to be breathless, he was so handsome, that voice could kill, and those eyes were downright deadly. She thought of what Mike had said, about him checking her out to make sure she was ok for Wade. She thought he was probably there to make sure she was dating Wade for Wade, and not to get to the guys. So she quickly found her voice, but automatically turned defensive, her way of shutting people out, if she shut this gorgeous guy out, then he wouldn't have a problem with her dating Wade. It's not like she didn't trust Lance, but she liked Wade, and knowing he was there to make sure if she was ok for him, she was going to do everything she could to prove she only liked Wade.

"Yes I like Wade, I met him the other day, and I liked him right away, do you have a problem with that?" she snapped at him.

OK so this girl can bite, she must not be after us if she has an attitude with me.

"I'm sorry if I offended you, but we have to make sure a girl that our crew and friends' dates, aren't just after us, we've had it happen before, and it always ends in heartache. I really am sorry," he couldn't help but look at her, she was the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on. She had great legs, and the most entrancing eyes he had...No, stop it Bass, she's Wade's girl.

"Me too, I shouldn't have snapped like that, but I'm not used to being questioned by a date's friend though. It's kinda awkward."

"OK, well you seem like you're after Wade and not us, that's for sure."

"Haha, yeah I like Wade a lot, he's really cool, and man does that boy have some moves."

"He taught me everything he knows."

"Hmmm, well maybe I should think twice about dating him then, if he taught you everything you know, then it won't be worth it." Oh my god, I'm flirting with him, I don't want do that, he's going to think I'm after him, and not Wade.

"Hahaha, ohh the guys are going to have a good laugh over that one, I'm sure, they're always teasing me about my dancing ability."

"Don't you mean lack of?"

At that Mike busted out laughing, he just couldn't take it anymore, he had heard everything from the beginning, and thought this girl was a puzzle, and that she was, and he knew she was going to be here for a long time.

"Now that was mean Kristen, you shouldn't tease the boy like that, look he's pouting now."

And there was that same pathetic puppy dog look that Wade had on the other day. Now I know where Wade gets it.

"Well should we go meet your date?"

"What are we doing at Conseco Fieldhouse?"

"Didn't Wade tell you what your date was for today?"

"Yeah he did, but I didn't hear what he said because I was working on a dance move."

"Well Kristen, you and me are going to watch the guys' sound check, then we are going to go eat, then we're going to come back, and watch the concert, that ok?"

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kristen screamed, "Oh my god, Wade don't sneak up behind me like that, how did you get behind me without me hearing anyway?"

The three guys laughed at Kristen's expense, they couldn't get over how mad she looked when she realized what was going on.

"I'm...sorry Kristen...but that face...was way...to...funny." Lance said gasping for air.

"Would anyone like to tell me what was so funny, and why this girl is standing here looking embarrassed, and it seems you three are laughing at her?" Joey said after he walked up to the group.

"Wade...and Kristen...then she...oh it is too funny!" Mike finally got out after about doubling over again.

"Here, lets leave these three stooges alone, and go inside, it's really hot out here, and it's a lot cooler in there, although, it might warm up a bit once you step in." Joey crooned.

"Ok, thank you, at least someone around here has some manners." She rolled her eyes, and smiled at him to show there weren't any hard feelings.

"By the way I'm Joey, and you must be Wade's date Kristen." Joey said as he checked her out.

"Yep, that's me, and your not going to check me out all day are you?"

"Haha, I might, but with as fine as you are, you have to be used..."

Suddenly, Chris ran out of the doors of the building just as Kristen and Joey were about to enter.

"Would somebody stop him, I don't need to be hurt before the show!!!!!!!!!!"


Justin stopped chasing Chris when he saw what Joey was standing at the door with.

"Hi, I'm Justin Timberlake, and you must be the beautiful Kristen Wakefield."

"You're more of a flirt than Joey, I didn't think that was possible."

"Naw, Joey's not the womanizer, that's me, the magazine people just got mixed up," he said while winking at her.

"Hey I resent that, at least I can get a woman."

"Joe the only women you can get are 14 years old, and therefore jailbait."

"Look she bites too, who would have thought?" Joey said as Lance, Wade, and Mike returned with Chris in their grasp.

"Oh we know," Lance, Mike, and Wade all said at the same time.

"Well Krissy, it seems you only have one more member to meet before you've met the whole crew," said Wade as they entered the venue.

"Krissy? Where did that come from?"

"No ones ever called you Krissy before?"

"Nope, I've gotten Kris, Kristy, Kristen, and Kirsten, but never Krissy. Oh and I forgot, there's the occasional Leah."

"Oh ok, what's Leah?."

"My middle name."


Everyone turned and eyed Chris who was standing behind everyone, whistling, acting innocent.

"Chris what did you do this time?"

"What makes you think I did something Lancesten?"

"JC just yelled, and he seemed very mad, what did you do?"

"I took Joey's blow-up doll, and put it next to him in bed."

"That doesn't seem that bad."

"Krissy, you don't know this group very well," Joey crooned, "he did something else that he's not telling us."

"Ok, so I, ripped the buttons off of his shirt, and put lipstick on, then kissed his face so it looked like she had, big deal," he said shrugging his shoulders.

"CHRIS I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" Yelled a very angry JC as he stalked around the corner, and sure enough, with lip-stick all over his face, and the buttons of his shirt ripped off.

"JC, now, we wouldn't want to scare the guest away now would we, killing me just might scare her a little, don't you think?"

"What guest?"

Chris pulled Kristen away from Wade, and in front of him as a shield.

"This guest, now you wouldn't want to scare her would you, I've heard she's a bit jumpy anyway, and that would just traumatize her."

"Hey who told you I was jumpy, was it Lance? I swear I'm going to hurt that boy," she said as she looked his way, sending him flying behind JC.

"Hey, you wouldn't want to hurt this boy, I'm just a dumb pop star, I didn't know any better," Lance said frantically.

That made Kristen crack up, it was her final straw. This group had so much fun with each other, and they were so much fun to be around.

"You guys...are too much....I can't....stand it...anymore!!!"

JC was dumbfounded, he had no clue what was going on, but was entranced by this young girl, she was so beautiful, and full of life, and definitely fit in with this group.

Everyone took one look at JC's face and Lance hiding behind him, and lost it, everyone fell to the ground laughing, and couldn't stop.

Kristen was the first one to gain her composure, and introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Kristen, and you must be JC Chasez."

"Yeah that's me, what are they laughing about?"

"Here let me tell you the story..." she said as she pulled him into the dressing room to tell him the story, while the five on the floor were still trying to breathe.

About five minutes after she pulled JC into the dressing room to tell him what had happened that day, the other five guys had filed in. Lance was on the couch next to Kristen, and JC was on the other side of her. Wade was standing behind her, playing with her hair, Justin was sitting in a chair on his cell, Chris was sitting on the floor, listening intently to the conversation the three on the couch were having, and Joey was talking to the hair stylist about his hair.

"JC IT"S NOT FUNNY, STOP LAUGHING! Ugh, you people make me so mad!"

"I'm sorry Kris, but it is funny you have to admit it."

"No, it's not." She sat there pouting.

"My god guys, were rubbing off on her already, look at that puppy dog face, it's pitiful."

"Your face is going to look pitiful to in a minute here if you don't stop making fun of me," she said sticking her tongue out.

Wade reached down and pushed her tongue back in her mouth and whispered, "You look so cute when you pout, but stop cause I wanna go show you the dance studio they have here."

"Ok, but I'm not gunna stop pouting until we get out of here, Mr. Frenchman over here thinks he's so funny."

"Yeah well everyone knows Frenchmen make the best lovers."

Kristen blushed and everyone laughed, "Come on Wade I don't need this." She stuck out her tongue and then had to bite it to keep from laughing after she got five funny faces in reply.

Everyone howled and cat-called as Kristen and Wade left hand in hand. And once they were down the hall away from the group, they busted out laughing.


Back in the dressing room, JC was staring off into space while his buddies talked about Kristen.

"Man did she have a nice body or what?"

"Shutup Joey, we all know she's beautiful, and apparently she does too. She knows how to work it...very well," Justin said almost drooling as he remembered the view as she walked out of the room.

"JC, man are you ok? Hello, Jayce, dude, you in there?" asked Lance as he waved his hand in front of JC's face.

"I think JC has a little thing for Miss Kristen out there."

"Huh, what are you guys talking about, I don't have a thing for Kris, she's cool, but I don't like her, so Joey would you stop talking like that, besides you're the one commenting on how good she looked in that mini-skirt, and tight tank, not me."

"Ummm, Jayce, dude, I didn't say that, no one did."

"Yes you did."

"No, I said she had a great body, I didn't say anything about, and I quote, 'How good she looked in that mini-skirt, and tight tank' you were the one that said that.

"Whatever, I don't like her, she's not my type, yeah she's beautiful, ok she's downright gorgeous, she's around my age, and she's really cool, and fit in well with the group, but I do not like her. Plus she's taken!!"

"Jayce are you trying to convince us you don't like her, or yourself."

"Lance shutup, I'm going to go get ready for sound check." He left the room saying something about ignorant band mates.

"We know you love us JC, you don't have to tell us twice," Chris snickered.


Wade led Kristen down hallway after hallway, trying to get to the dance studio.

"OK we're here, Krissy, close your eyes."

"Ok, they're closed." He waved a hand in front of her eyes to make sure they were closed like she said.

"Ok," he opened the door, "now open your eyes."

She opened her eyes and looked at the room in front of her, "Oh my god, this place is huge," she said in awe. "I didn't even know Conseco had this down here."

"Yeah, they use it so the performers can practice before a show."

"Oh ok, makes sense."

"Watch this, this is something you have to see." He walked over to a wall, and hit a couple of buttons. Suddenly the mirrors turned around and it now looked like a wall, the lights went out, and colored ones started spinning around the room.

"Oh my gosh, this is so beautiful."

"One more surprise," he walked back over to the wall, and hit a couple more buttons. A slow song started playing, and she found herself dancing with Wade, to 'God Must Have Spent...'

"This is great, I didn't know that a room could do that from a few buttons."

"They use this room for after parties too."

"Oh well that explains it." They danced to about 5 more slow songs and just talked with each other. They were having a great time, then a fast song came on, and Kristen recognized it immediately, "I can't believe you remembered this song."

"I was there with you when we worked on the move to this song, remember?"

"Oh yeah, well I can't do my routine in these clothes, so we'll just have to find another way to dance."

"Like how?" he asked eyes twinkling.

"Like this," she pulled him close and they started to dance to a club mix of Bye Bye Bye.

After the song was over, they heard a round of clapping, and they turned to see five faces looking back with amazement.

"Girlie, only you could do that song justice." Justin crooned as usual.

"Well I try, and quit flirting. It's not attractive on you."

"Well what would be attractive on me?" he asked raising his eyebrows up and down playfully.

"My hand on your face," she said sweetly.

"Ouch girlie, retract the claws, I'm just messin'."

"Hehe, I know, me too. So did you guys like the show. I've never had an unannounced audience before."

"What show? All it was, was grinding. That isn't a show." JC said, but then realized he should have kept his mouth shut.

"Well if I had known we had an audience, I would have put on more of a show." She winked at the guys.

All five of them gulped audibly, and she had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing.

"Come here JC, you want more of a show, you're going to get one, and since you couldn't keep you mouth closed, you're going to be the center of it." She looked at Wade and winked, he caught onto her plan, and walked over to the CD player. She walked over to the other side of the room and pulled a chair over to where the guys were.

"Wade are you going to let her grind with me?"

"Oh JC, I'm not grinding with you, just sit down, and enjoy the...umm...show. Besides all it is, is dancing, right guys?"

She got five head nods back in reply.

"OK, Wade start the music." Everyone's jaws dropped when they heard what song was on. She started singing in her most seductive voice, and started dancing to the music.

"Baby, baby we can do all that we want,
We're gettin' nasty, nasty, we're getting freaky deaky"

She walked towards him as slow as she could, and watched his eyes follow her. She closed the gap between them when she wrapped her arms around his neck and brought her mouth to his ear and whispered the next verse:

"Baby, baby we can do more than just talk,
Cause I can hear ya, hear ya, and I can see ya, see ya
Baby, baby we can do all that we want
We're getting nasty, nasty, we're getting freaky deaky"

She stood back up and turned and sat in his lap, she used her finger to draw designs in his chest as the sang the chorus, looking directly into his eyes:

"Digital, digital get down just you and me
(You may be) Twenty thousand miles away but I can see ya"

She looked him up and down, and smiled devilishly at him, sending chills up his spine. She watched as her finger slid down his chest, past his stomach, and curved towards his leg, then went up from her knee, up her stomach, and right before she got to her chest she pushed herself off of him, and sang:

"and baby, baby you can see me"

She licked her lips real quick, then looked at the other guys, whose mouths had all dropped open. She almost laughed but started singing again instead.

"Digital, digital get down just what we need,
We can get together naturally,
(We can) We can get together on the digital screen"

She stood directly in front of him and leaned in to whisper, "Which would you prefer," right after she sang the last verse. She watched as his eyes almost fell out of his head.

She sat back down in his lap, this time facing the wall opposite of the guys, so she had her back to them, and the only one that could see what she was doing was JC. She sang very seductively but changed the lyrics to fit this situation:

"Every time I'm sittin' home alone boy,
I can't wait to get you on the phone boy,
So pick it up babe"

She sang directly into his eyes, and his were directed to her lips, when she licked them really quick, his eyes bugged out, and he knew he was caught. He looked back into her eyes, and decided to play along with her plan:

"I can see everything you do,
Bouncin' me from satellite to satellite,
I love the things you do for me so late at night,
So turn me on,
It's like I'm right there next to you, yeah"

She threw her head back and winked at the other guys, who were all looking at her in awe.

She threw her arms around JC, and stood up, with her arms still around his neck, she stood right in front of him, and started shaking her hips to the music as she sang the next verse:

"Can we get connected?
I need some love and affection baby"

She stood up straight, held her hands above her head, to revile her belly button ring, and gyrated her hips towards him.

"I'll call you on the phone
I hope that I get through
If you're in the mood and I'm not home
Here's what you do: leave a message
You know the kind (you know the kind I like)I like to get back to"

She leaned over to his ear, giving him a full view of cleavage, and whispers, "I hope you know the kind I like to get back to"

She stands up and raises her eyebrows playfully at him.

"Digital, digital get down just you and me"

She spins around and throws her hands down on his knees.

"(You may be) Twenty thousand miles away...

She looked up in his eyes, and gave him a devilish grin, she looked down at her hands, and starts to slide them upward.

"but I can see ya"

She looks back up at him and winks, and just when she's about to reach a certain spot, she lifts her hands.

"And baby, baby you can see me"

She uses her hands to go from her chest down to her thighs, and watches as JC follows her hands.

"Digital, digital get down just what we need,
We can get together naturally,
(We can) We can get together on the digital screen,

JC's part came up and he watched as she sat down on his lap, with one leg on either side of him.

"I lose my mind just when you're speaking,
I see you on the screen, I get to freaking,"

At freakin', she gyrated her hips again, but this time she was on his lap, and his eyes bulged out of his head.

"So get down babe,
And I'll get down for you (I'll get down for you)"

She leaned over so they were only about an inch apart, and she used her nail to drag along his cheek, very lightly, making goose bumps all over his body.

"I get so excited when I'm watching boy,
I can't wait to see you touch your body boy"

She took her hand and rubbed up from his stomach to his chest, then she grabbed his neck with one hand and did what they did to the floor, on his lap. She threw her head back as the last lines of what she was going to dance to started, and stopped doing the floor thing. When she arched her back, and threw her head back, it brought his head down towards her stomach, right above her belly button ring.

"It's just me and you
So we can do what we gotta' do (yeah)"

She sang that last line, just as Wade turned off the music. The lights came on, and she sat back up, and whispered in his ear, "Thanks for playing along," She got off of his lap, and left the room without a word to anyone, but with Wade hot on her heals.

"I guess she proved her point, didn't she JC? It is just dancing." Joey said, disappointed it wasn't him that she picked.

JC was speechless, he just got a lap dance from a girl he hardly knew, but was very attracted to, but still wouldn't admit it, and to her it was just to prove that she was only dancing.

Lance once again waved his hand in front of his friends face trying to get him out of his trace. "Dude, you awake in there?"

Justin had to get a last word in, "So...JC, does she have good moves?"

All the guys snickered as JC got up and left the room without a word to anyone.

"This is going to be interesting, especially if Wade gets her on tour like he was planning on, didn't he want to do it as like a surprise or something?"

"Yeah he did, now Justin shutup before she hears you," the guys all left the studio, and went to get ready for the concert.


"Wade, dear, where are you taking me?"

"I'm not telling, you just have to wait."

After they had left the studio, Wade took Kristen back to the dressing room, and blindfolded her. She objected at first, but he said she would love what he was doing. So she let him blindfold her. He was now walking her towards what sounded like thousands of girls screaming. He led her to the side of the stage, and took the blindfold off.

There she was, standing in front of a huge venue full of screaming teenage girls. "I didn't know this many people fit in here."

"Well they do, but anyway, how do you like our seats for the concert?"

"These are our seats, but they're so close, I mean we're actually ON THE STAGE!!!!"

"Yep these are out seats, and the show is about to start, we just passed the guys, and they were playing hacky sack, their pre-show ritual. I'll never get it."

"It gets them pumped up, I always play with a paddle ball before I have to sing or dance in a competition."

"You are a strange girl."

"Nice to know somebody notices." She said with a grin.

"Ok it's starting now."

They sat through the show and Wade noticed Kristen dancing and singing along with the guys. Every once and awhile the guys would come over and wave, or make a silly face, that would make Kristen laugh. Wade was seeing red, and didn't know why. Maybe it was because he wanted to be the one to make her laugh, and he wasn't, or maybe he thought he saw a glint of excitement from Kristen every time JC came over to wink at her. Either way, he knew he was getting jealous of the guys.


It's after the show, and Wade is tired, but everyone wants to go out. At the hotel room:

"Come on Wade come with us, please," Kristen begged trying to get Wade to go with them to a club.

"No, I don't want to, you guys go ahead and have fun, I have to talk with Jive anyway."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure, go have fun."

"Ok, bye babe," she said as she kissed him on the lips.

"What was that for?"

"Don't question it, it just felt right."

"Oh ok, bye."

"I'll see you tomorrow, I'm coming back to the hotel after so I don't have to go home, and risk waking anyone up."

"Alright, bye."

"Bye," she said as she closed the door.

"OK guys, looks like it's only the six of us. Ready to go?"

"So what did you guys wanna' go do, a Karaoke Bar, a club, or a mix?"

"How about a mix, I wanna hear those singin' skills, and see those dancin' skills you worked out on JC earlier," said Justin smugly.

"Boy, I'm not going to do that again, not after seeing JC blush like he just did anyway," she smiled as she said that in her Hoosier accent

Everyone had a good laugh at that, even JC chuckled a bit.

"Well, I need to go home, and get some different clothes on, I can't dance in this." She looked down at her mini-skirt, and tank top. "By the way, did Wade seem a little jealous or anything during the show to you guys?"

"A little, especially when Jayce went over to your side of the stage."

"That's what I though," she said as they turned into her driveway, "give me ten minutes and I'll be out, ok."

"Ok, but hurry up, I don't think Chris and Joe can last much longer, we need to get them to the club," Lance exclaimed as she walked up to her house.

She ran inside, and up the stairs to her room, she turned on the light, she ran to her closet and pulled out some red leather short-shorts, and a black leather tube top. She got undressed, and put her new outfit on. Then went to her shoe rack to find the perfect pair of shoes, and found a pair of black leather heels, with leather laces that wrapped up to her knee. She grabbed a purse, and ran back downstairs as fast as she could, she stopped at the bathroom, and took her hair out of the clips to let it fall down. She didn't brush it, and it gave it that wild look, she spritzed on some of her vanilla body spray, and she ran outside to a bunch of cat-calling men.

"Damn girl, you look hot!"

"Ouch, I don't think you could get any hotter, your burning me from here."

"Damn, get in here so we can use your body heat to stay warm."

"Anything over there from the peanut gallery?" Chris and JC were sitting there totally quiet.

"You're to young for me girlie, but you do look damn fine, if that helps any."

"JC? Any obnoxious comments from you tonight?"

"I, I, I, uh, I, umm, you, we, I...What was I going to say?" JC struggled to get anything at all out.

"I guess that answers my question, come on guys, I wanna get to the club, and I will be dancing with everyone tonight," she said winking to them as the hopped into the van.

"Hell, I'd dance with you all night," Joey crooned obnoxiously.

"Sorry Joe, but JC was the only one that is going to get that dance," she looked over at JC who was sitting right next to her, and blushing. "Chill boy, I'm only teasing you."

"Yeah, but I think you did the wrong kind of teasing, JC looks like he's getting all hot and bothered from your vanilla perfume and all leather outfit." Chris chuckled.

"Hey, nothing wrong with that, that stuff is going to have me hot and bothered here pretty soon." Lance added before gulping audibly.

"Hey guys we're here, lets get this party started!!!!"

Chapter 2
Dreams Will Come True