"Hello?" I picked up the cell phone I recieved for my 26th birthday.

"Jazz? That you?"

I immediatley knew the identity of the caller. How could I not? He had been my best friend since forever. "Chris? Whats up, bud?"

"We're geting a few days off and I am headin' back to Clairon!"

"Chris! Thats awesome!" I couldn't describe my excitement. I hadn't seen him in so long. NSync took up a lot of his time. So did FuMan Skeeto... so did Danielle.

"We board the plane tonight. I'll be home tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see you!"

"Aww.. CK, are you gonna go all sentimental on me now?"

"Don't count on it, Jazz." He laughed and I could almost picture his beautiful smile. "Anyways, I have something really important to tell you."

"And what, my good friend, do you need to tell me?"

"I can't tell you now. Just meet me tomorrow at Mona Lisa."

"Will do, CK. Will do." I looked at my watch then went into a quick panic. "Oh, shit Chris, I gotta go. Work calls."

"Alright then, bye Jazz."

"Bye, CK." I hung up then hustled out to my car.

I had known Chris since I was a one day old baby. Ever since then, we were inseperable. Even though I was 3 years younger, we still got along great.

I was the one he took to his Senior prom. Imagine everybody's shock. A sophmore at a Senior prom? But he was quick to explain that I was his best friend. Thats what I would tell them too. But it was more believable coming from his mouth.

When he began to go away for auditions, work, and finally NSync, I realized my true feelings for Chris. I loved him in more than a friendly way. I was in love with him. And stupid me vowed never to tell him.

Then he found Dani. Once they were together, I knew it would stay that way. And I knew he would never love me.

~This is the place where I sit
This is the part where I love you too much
This is as hard as it gets
'Cuz I'm getting tired of pretending I'm tough~

That night, I decided I couldn't hold it in any longer. I would have to tell Chris, even if he didn't return the feelings. Holding it in would only make me feel worse. It was better now rather than never.

So the next day, I sat on a swing outside of Mona Lisa, our favorite hangout as kids. It used to be a coffee and Ice-Cream shop, but it was shut down. Nobody had the heart to knock it down though. It was a landmark in our town.

"Jasmine!" I looked up from my feet to find Chris jogging towards me. I immediatley jumped up and ran to give him a hug.

"CK!" My thick dark brown hair bounced as I jogged towards him.

My brown eyes met his and we both smiled. "Jazz, you look so good! It's been so long since I have seen you last."

"These past few months have been boring in Clairon, Chris! You need to come home more often and visit me!"

"I would if I could, but I can't."

I laughed at his lame response and we both sat on a swing. "So, CK; what did you want to tell me? Better hurry cause I have something to tell you too."

He took my hand and looked deep into my eyes. "Jasmine.. this is something really important.."

~I'm here if you want me
I'm yours you can hold me
I'm empty and achin
Tumblin and breakin~

"...Dani and I are engaged." He smield brightly.

My heart stopped. My ears had to be playing tricks on me. They couldn't be engaged.. could they? "You're ummm... engaged? Seriously?"

"Yes, she is planning with some people down in Orlando right now."

"Chris!" I plastered a fake smile and a happy face. "Thats sooo great!" I lied. It was great for him, but shattered my heart. This is something I could have never pictured, but always dreaded.

"Isn't it wonderful?" He hugged me and I returned it, though it wasn't like the others I used to give him. This one was distant. But Chris didn't seem to notice at all.

"Okay, now it's your turn! What did you need to tell me?"

I pulled away. There was no way I could ever tell him now. It was like against the law, at least to me. So I searched my mind for something, anything, to replace the words I had planned on saying.

"Well, I was thinking..." Nothing yet. C'mon Jazz! You have a quick mind! Just think of something!! I told myself. "Umm.. Ja.. C... JC! Is he still single?"

"Umm.. yeah why?" Chris replied.

"Because I umm.. wanted to umm.. wanted to give him that date I promised him a while back." Mental high five for me. That was a great but late save.

"Thats awesome, Jazz! He was always saying, and I quote directly," Chris sat up and put on his JC mocking face and cleared his throat. " 'I know Jasmine will agree to a date one of these days. And when that day comes, I will be free and ready for her.' "

"Well then, I guess his wish is finally coming true." I said, showing a weak smile. I looked down at my watch to try and find and excuse to get out of there. "Oh god, not again. Work calls, CK."

"Well, I should be going anyways." He stood up to meet my full height and kissed my cheek. "See ya later, Jazz. I'll have Jace give you a call."

I smiled and retreated to my car. I didn't actually have to go to work. I had taken the day of to spend time with Chris. So instead of going anywhere, I sat in my car and cried. I knew the next few weeks were going to be hell.

~Cuz you don't see me
And you don't need me
And you don't love me
The way I wish you would
The way I know you could~

"Do you, Danielle, take Christopher to be your husband? To have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"And do you, Christopher, take Danielle to be you wife? To have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

"I.. I can't."

The whole room went silent as tears came to Dani's eyes. "What? Chris.. I don't understand."

"Dani.. I did love you. But I can't marry you when I'm in.. I'm in love with somebody else."

Dani's mouth dropped as she began to sob and Chris stepped down from the altar and to where the bridesmaids stood. He took her hand and looked deep into her eyes.

"I love you, Jasmine."

Suddenly I jerked awake. What a dream that one was. If only it weren't a dream. If only it were real and Chris did understand. But if dreams always came true, nothing would be right.

In one day, everything had happened so fast. Everything was going to happen so fast too. The marraige was set for next Saturday in Orlando. Apparently, they wanted to do it before the tour for their next album.

JC had called earlier as well. Our first date was the rehersal dinner, making things even worse. I was a bridesmaid, and he was an usher. Chris said he would be sure to 'pair us together', as he said. That made me feel bad. JC was a good guy, but he just wasn't the same as Chris.

Damnit, why could I have told Chris a while ago? I should have told him the minute I started getting these feelings! Now he has Dani, and I am stuck being incredibly selfish! Looking at the direction things were going in, I would have to keep this burning deep inside of my heart.. or try and move on.

~I dream a world where you understand
But I dream a million sleepless nights
I dream of fire when you're touching my hand
But it twists into smoke when I turn out the light~

Four rows in the first class section were filled with friends who would be in the wedding. All of us needed to be fitted for our gowns or suits. I didn't dread the revealing of my dress, like I usually would. Dani had excellent taste, so she would choose a sutiable design.

What i really dreaded was the wedding itself. Sitting there, watching, as my best friend gets taken away from me. No matter how hard he tried, things would never be the same.

"So, Jazz, are you excited?" Chris asked beside me.

I smiled and prepared to say what I needed to say to keep him happy. "Mostly excited for you, CK! You're going to be married!"

"Yeah, I just hope I'm making the right choice."

My heart skipped a beat at that. Had I just heard correctly? Did Chris just say he was doubting his decision? "What do you mean by that, CK?"

"I mean.. getting married. Thats a pretty big deal. I know I love Danielle, but I don't know if we'll be able to survive that type of commitment," his voice was low so I would be the only one to hear him. This could be a dangerous confession for anybody to hear. "She has her job, and I have mine. With all the traveling, we'll never be able to see eachother."

I bit my lip and prepared myself for what I was about to say. "Chris, I have known you my entire life. I know you better than anyone. Believe me when I say, if anybody can make this marriage work, you and Danielle are it. You guys are in love, this engagement proves it. When your married, love is all that will matter."

Chris flashed me a genuine and sweet smile. "Thanks, Jazz. I needed that."

I returned his smile and brought him into a friendly embrace.

~I'm speechless and faded
It's so complicated
Is this how the book ends
Nothing but good friends?

'Cuz you don't see me
And you don't need me
And you don't love me
The way I wish you would
The way I know you could~

"Everybody, thanks for coming and agreeing to be in the wedding. I know we didn't give y'all alot of notice.. so it means alot that you could all come tonight and tomorrow. It's an honor to have all of you as friends and family."

Everyone applauded at Chris' mini-speech. We were all at the rehersal dinner the night before the wedding. Even watching them reherse the wedding made me miserable inside. Danielle looked so deserving, and Chris looked so happy. And I knew he was.

"Jasmine, are you okay?" It was JC. He was being an absolute perfect gentlemen, making things a bit more bearable. But I was still breaking inside.

"I'm fine, Jace. Just a little out of it." I smiled then took a bite of my barely eaten salad.

He kept his gaze on me, and from the look in his eyes I could tell he didn't believe a word I was saying. Nobody said I had to be a good actress.

"What?" I asked. All he did was continue giving me that look, and I could tell I was gonna have to tell him. "Fine! I'll tell you! Geeze.. do you reherse that look or anything?"

"Naw, it just comes naturally to me."

I shook my head and rolled my eyes then stood up, taking his hand. "We have to talk outside, though. I can't tell you in here."

So he followed me out to the back of the restaraunt. As soon as we got out there, he turned to face me. Being the sweetie he is, he put his fingers under my chin and gently turned my head to look at him. "Jasmine, tell me what is wrong."

I bit my lip then took a deep breath. "I have known Chris for my entire life on this earth." He nodded. "And we have never gotten into any kind of realtionship." Again, he nodded. "But nobody ever said that I didn't want to."

This time, JC didn't nod. He just scrunched up his eyebrows and looked at me. "You mean..."

"JC, I am in love with Chris."

Now to me, I sounded completley stupid. JC was my date! But in a way. It felt good to get it off my shoulders.

It scared me that he didn't say anything. So, being female, I began to cry. "I know I am being selfish.. but watching him get taken away is too much."

JC just took me into his arms and held me. "Jazz, you need to tell him." He whispered. "Not any later then now. After tomorrow, he will be forever with Dani. I know you will be miserable if you can't do anything except ask yourself, 'what if' your whole life."

I cried on his shoulder, knowing he was right. This was my absolute last chance.

~This is the place in my heart
This is the place where I'm falling apart
Isn't this just where we met
And is this the last chance that I'll ever get?~

Calm down Jazz, I told myself silently as I paced back and forth. Jace was a good guy, a really good guy. I know I will need to repay him somehow.

"Jazz? Are you here?"

I stopped pacing to find Chris in the doorway.

"No, CK. This si the boogey-man. I have come to get you." I joked.

He laughed, shut the door, then jogged the short distance over to me. "JC said you needed to tell me something?"

I looked up and smiled, taking his hand in mine. "Chris, I'm your friend."

"Well, yes, but I already knew that."

"Well, as your friend, I should be happy that you're getting married."

"What do you mean should? Jazz..."

"I am happy Chris, but I can't help but feel jealous."

"Jealous? I am not understanding here."

"Chris, I love you."

He paused then laughed. "You better love me! I mean, you are my best friend!"

"No, Chris, no." I can't believe my next move. I took my face in my hands and kissed him. it surprised me, though, when he didn't pull away. So I just kissed him- I kissed him like I have wanted to for a long time. Once I pulled away, I looked shyly down at my hands.

"Jazz, what was that?" Chris asked. Tears began to form in my eyes, knowing finally that he didn't feel the love I felt for him.

"I..I just wanted to do that before you got taken away." I sniffeled and slowly began to walk towards the door. "Please, I beg you, forget this ever happened. I want you to go and get married, and spend your life with Dani. She will make you very happy, Chris." I reached the door, and turned to him for some last words. "And I am still your best friend."

~I wish I was lonley
Instead of just only
Crystal and see through
And not enough to you~

"And now, I would like to ask the happy couple to come to the floor and enjoy their final dance before their honeymoon." Announced the DJ.

I sat beside JC as Chris and Danielle Kirkpatrick took their spots on the floor. They were truly happy, and I crushed myself for feeling so jealous. They were a perfect couple, everyone could see.

Chris opened his eyes, then looked over at me. He smiled, winked, then turned his attention to his wife.

"Hey, Jasmine?"

"Yeah, Jace?"

"May I have this dance?" He asked, holding out his hand. I looked up and saw that other couples were now heading to the floor, joining in on the slow tune.

I smiled and took his hand, accepting his offer. I made a promise to myself last night that I would move on from Chris. It would take a while, I was aware of that. But I could tell JC would be willing to help me. Deep down I knew a part of me would never be able to move on from Chris. But he would never love me like that.

That was a fact that I was now able to face.

~'Cuz you don't see me
And you don't need me
And you don't love me
The way I wish you would
The way I know you could~


note- I know Chris and Dani have broken up, but I still think that they make a great couple. And though I don't know either of them personally, I still think that he really loved her.

*Song used- 'You Don't See Me' by Josie And The Pussycats


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