Only One Friend

Chapter 1

Marie was different.

And Chris knew that from the first second he saw her. She was almost like the sterling artists who would have smudges of paint on their cheeks. But instead she had films in her pockets, a pencil behind her ear. And her camera, that was as important to her as her own arm, slung around her neck. She had smiled at Chris from the other side of the room, only briefly, but it was a gentle smile, comforting in a strange way. He had turned to Justin and said,

"Who is that?" But by then Justin was already hypnotized and unable to speak. He tilted his head, smiling as he watched her move. Her blond hair was secured in a bun, although several curly pieces hung down, in front of her face. She fumbled uncertainly with several photographs, scattering them all over the table. Chris made an observation, she was clumsy, and unorganized, but even then it was endearing.

“Hers name is Marie.” Lance chipped in, realizing Justin wasn't about to speak anytime soon. She's that new photographer they got in; you know, to do those pictures for that photo album book thing?” Not really knowing what Lance was on about, Chris nodded anyway. “She's English” Lance added afterthought. Justin grinned resting his head in his hands, never taking his eyes off her.

“I like the English accent. It's poetic.”

“Yeah and that’s not all you like is it?” Chris said softly, but Justin didn't hear him.

“So she’s sticking around for a while?” Justin asked.

Lance nodded, “I think so.”

“She's beautiful.” Chris observed. “In a chaotic kind of way.” Lance agreed. She wore jeans and a white shirt, which was slightly too big for her tiny frame, she couldn't have been more than 5 feet 4. But if you looked past the crumpled shirt and ruffled hair, She had really warm eyes, Deep blue; with fluttery eyelashes. Justin licked his lips, causing Chris to roll his eyes. Justin really didn’t waste any time.

“Does she have a boyfriend?” Justin asked. Lance shrugged.

“Hell, Justin I don't know. We talked like once, and I-." Lance continued to talk, as Justin, ignoring him, wandered over to Marie. Chris watched fascinated.

"Is he gonna ask her out?" Lance said thoughtfully,

"Hey, it's Justin. You never know what he's going to do." Justin leaned over her, picking up a photograph. She looked up at him, brushing her hair aside, speaking to him casually. She looked annoyed. Justin flashed her his million-dollar smile. She shook her head, either disbelief or defeat, smiled an equally dazzling smile back, and offered him her dainty hand.

"How does he do that?" Lance asked a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"If I knew Lance, I'd tell you believe me. What do you think they're talking about?"

"He's either saying you're really beautiful, or do you like pie?" Lance replied with a chuckle. "Although, I've never heard Justin use corny chat up lines."

"People change." Chris said bowing his head, as Justin pointed over to them. Marie eyes followed Justin's arm and she waved at Chris and Lance with a laugh. Lance raised his hand back. Justin spoke again to her again softly. With that Justin finally walked hands in pockets, slowly back over to his friends.

Chris looked up at the teen. "What did she say?"

"You wouldn't believe the way her voice sounds so-"

"What did she say?" Chris repeated louder. Justin tipped his head.

"She said she didn't have a boyfriend- yet."


One month later.

Justin laughed throwing Marie the basketball; she caught it, but only just. The cool English wind blew her hair in her face and she shivered, glad of her warm denim jacket, Justin however wore only a thin t-shirt.

"Was that better?" She asked bouncing the ball steadily. How had he managed to convince her to play basketball with him? Outside in the English weather, the way it was? He had his ways.

"Oh, that was just perfect. Now try throw it in the net". With a drawn out build up, and the sensation she was about to embarrass herself, Marie threw the ball energetically towards the net.

"Hey, not bad, next try to get the ball in the net." Justin said sarcastically, arms folded chuckling triumphantly. When it came to basketball Justin considered himself an expert.

"Oh you think your so funny mister, I'll show you." She stormed off to retrieve the ball. Determined to somehow teach him a lesson. She picked up the ball, aware of him watching her every move. He tended to do that, study her. Not that she minded, but sometimes she thought he didn’t really see her as she was, but as he wanted her to be. But maybe she was just crazy.

He knocked gently the ball out of her hands, when she returned with it. "Forget basketball." He whispered slipping his hands around her waist. "I'm taking you out tonight."

"Is that a request or an order?" She asked wriggling playfully out of his grasp.

"It's a promise." Marie wondered how he always knew the right thing to say, like he'd rehearsed it. Maybe he was just a natural.

"So where are we going?"

"Um." He took hold of her again and she didn't protest. "Somewhere quiet." By that he meant no girls screaming in his face." Somewhere expensive." He smiled knowingly." Really expensive."

"You don't have to do that."

"Oh come on, let me spoil you, you know you want me to really."

So maybe she did want to be spoiled, what girl didn’t? Maybe he spoilt her just a bit too much, because she never really felt like his equal.

But Marie was Justin's girlfriend. So he had a right to spoil her. That was how there relationship worked. He bought her gifts; she smiled and thanked him for it. Nothing wrong with that, right?

She sighed defeated. "Ok, Just you and me?"


"Somewhere quiet?"

"Yes. Somewhere just perfect." She laughed inside; he had to have it perfect. Always just perfect. Justin Timberlake would have nothing less. It was all roses and expensive gifts. Just because he could.

"I can't wait."

"Me neither." He kissed her forehead. "Ok, back to basketball."

"You know what? I don't like basketball." Marie said softly with a devious smile, tracing her finger up his arm. Justin looked slightly hurt; basketball was like his second lover.

"You don't?"

"No, you pay more attention to a ball than you do to me. I don't like that. Let's do something else."

Justin smiled slowly. "Sure like what?"

She leaned forward to his ear and whispered. "I don't know lets do something say-perfect."

Jc had, had a bad day. His voice had someone managed to sound painfully flat. Dave had been less than impressed. It truly bothered him when he couldn’t sing. His voice was his soul speaking, and if it wasn’t working he felt isolated. And that deep sinking in your stomach ate away at him. That feeling you get when your hurting and you don’t know why. And to top it all off Lance's back had given in at rehearsal.

And then they were in England for a whole month. Rain, rain and more rain. The ultimate pick me up. He had goose pimples right then. Bloody weather. Bloody country.

He tapped his pen praying for some inspiration. It usually didn’t come when you prayed for it. Thank god he and Justin were going to the movies tonight, he needed a break. He sat crossed legged on the bed, staring at the blank piece of paper in front of him.

"Hey Jc, what's up?" Justin asked breezing into Jc’s room. He didn’t knock, because he didn’t need to, he was always invited. "You look a little rough, writing not go so well huh?" He concluded from looking at Jc’s empty page, as he sat beside him on the bed.

"Crap day, man, I swear it, How about you?" Jc put down his pen and looked at Justin. Why must he be so perky? His smile was truly dazzling. Sometimes you could forget Justin was just a human.

"So happy it’s illegal." Justin smiled knowingly, casting a dreaming glance out of the window. Typical. Not only is he perky. He’s away with the fairies as well. Justin sighed, and returned his gaze back to Jc. "Don’t you just love this country? Its so-." he paused momentarily.

"Dull, gray, and wet." Jc suggested, but Justin ignored him. He had this annoying habit of shutting people of when he was having a daydream.

"No beautiful," Justin said lazily. "So beautiful." Jc shook his head. To Justin everything had suddenly become beautiful. Even everyday objects seemed to amaze him. But seeing beauty in everything wasn’t healthy it clouded your judgment. But if Justin couldn’t see, Jc would always be his eyes.

"We’re still on for tonight right?" Jc said finally. "Cause if we aren't, I'm going to-."

"Shit, man I'm so sorry I made plans with Marie." Justin interrupted quickly, his smile replaced by a frown. Now Jc was just pissed off, going out with Justin was the only thing keeping him going all day. And now it was canceled.

"What?" Jc snapped staring at Justin in disbelief. "You did what?" He put down his pen, slowly. And gave Justin that look that let him know who was the oldest.

"I forgot and made plans with Marie."

"So cancel them." Jc looked at Justin hopefully. "Can’t you just cancel them?"

"I can’t I promised her." Justin stressed looking desperate. How could he cancel with Marie? He’d promised her it would be perfect, and Jc was there for him all the time.

"And you promised me!" Jc cried. Justin started to fiddle with the skin on his thumb. How can he do this? Jc thought. Something in him just snapped.

Justin bowed his head bashfully. "She's my girlfriend." It was barely a whisper. He knew it was a lame argument.

"I'm your best friend! Though that seems to count for very little any more."

"Jc you have other friends. Why are you making such a fuss?"

Jc threw his arms up. "Because one minute we're going out, and next we’re not. You screw me around Justin!"

"Jc we go out all the time." Justin said quietly, he hated when Jc got mad. But Justin could give as good as he got.

Jc stood up. "No. We don't I cant even remember the last time we went out!"

"Oh come on!" This was so unfair. If Jc was his best friend than why couldn’t he understand they didn’t have to be together all the time?

"You know why we don't go out anymore. It's because Marie comes first doesn't she?" It was the harsh and painful truth, and Jc knew it from Justin’s expression; it was like being punched in the face.

"On this occasion she does, yeah, but I'll make it up to you. We can go out tomorrow or anytime." Justin was pleading with Jc now. But the brunettes face was determined, he was having none of it.

"That's not the point Justin!" Jc cried turning his back on his friend, he was so oblivious, so completely unaware, how much he could hurt Jc.

Justin shrugged helplessly. "Then what is?"

"That you dump me for some girl!" Justin’s eyes narrowed. After everything Jc had said that had finally hurt him. No one, not even Jc could get away with calling Marie some girl.

"Some girl? Marie is not some girl." His tone was low and dangerous; Jc had crossed a line. "How dare you?"

"Forgive me, oh great Justin." Jc replied sarcastically with a sigh. "You know what your problem is? You don’t think about anyone except for yourself."

"Oh spare me!" Justin shouted throwing Jc a cold glare. It was funny how when a stranger put you down, you could accept it. But when you’re best friend, who sometimes you thought might know you better than you did yourself, calls you selfish then it could really, really hurt.

"Why are you putting Marie above me? You've known her what a month?" Jc tipped his head thoughtfully. "It won’t last you know."

"Do you realize what you sound like? Are you jealous or something?" It was Justin last ditch argument. And it almost worked, Jc’s eyes blinked in surprise, in denial.


Justin shrugged casually." I don't know, you could be. Maybe you wanted Marie for your self, I mean she's beautiful"

"Are you delusional? I want my friend, not Marie!" He was unbelievable. Completely unable to realize not everyone’s world revolved around Marie.

"No. I think maybe you are, you haven't got a girlfriend so you're angry with me for having one." Justin knew he shouldn’t have said that. But he was already in a hole so he might as well keep digging.

"Oh get over yourself Justin! I could have a girlfriend if wanted one and you know it!" Jc snapped.

"Yeah of course you could cause your just so amazing aren't you?" Justin edged towards the door, as Jc’s eyes became colder.

"You know what? I don't even want to hang out with you; she's welcome to you!" Jc lied as Justin turned to leave.

"I'm glad you feel that way, because you know what they say, twos company threes a crowd!" Justin shouted as parting shot.

Funny how with hindsight, you can see when you’ve made a big mistake, even if your too stubborn to admit it.

Jc shivered

Damn this country

Damn Marie


5 years ago

Justin closed his fingers round the CD again. They said possessions couldn’t make you happy. He knew at that moment that that wasn’t true.

He turned to see Jc behind him, smiling softly.

"Playing with our CD again huh"? He asked playing with random buttons of the recording studio.

"Yeah. God I can’t believe it. I mean I’m holding or very first CD in my hands, and it might as well be a part a spaceship, it just seems so unreal".

"I hope your not like thins with every CD we release" Jc laughed. "It is pretty amazing though."

"I know." Justin stared at the CD intensely for a second. "Jc?" He spoke much softer. Jc knew what Justin was feeling, the way only a friend could, he was afraid.

"Its gonna be worth isn’t it? I mean leaving my mom, and my family. Leaving everything behind just for." He waved the CD slowly. "This"

"Oh Justin. You’ve wanted this your whole life." He kneeled in front of him. "Of course it will be worth it. It’ll be everything you’ve dreamed of and more"

"You promise?" Justin asked shyly, looking every bit the younger man at that moment.

"Yes. And when you’re holding our tenth c.d. in your hands, I'll still be here. Because no matter what happens, if we become the biggest band in the world and win hundreds of Grammy’s, or if no one likes us, and they boo us off stage, and our CD ends up in the bargain bin, I will still be your best friend".

Justin actually had a tear in his eye. Unlike Jc, he was free with his emotions, so it meant even more that Jc could be so honest and caring towards him.

"You mean that?"

"Oh yeah. We are gonna have so much fun you and me. Just think about it. The five of us travelling around the world. Doing what everyone dreams off." Jc could see tears in Justin’s eyes and against his nature he pulled him into a hug. "I’m gonna look after you Justin Timberlake I promise."


Marie watched Jc from the other side of the room. The man had charisma no doubt about it. In a completely superficial way he was truly beautiful. Shame she hated him.

Her date with Justin had been a success in a sense. Except he had been distracted by something the whole time. And it wasn’t helped by the incredible fact, no matter where they went, some genius fan would know even before they did where they’d be. And stalk Justin in a hysterical way. He always gave them some of his time. But it made Marie feel like shit to see the cold look in those girls’ eyes. Usually she said he was his cousin.

Jc shifted in the corner of the room. Why the hell was he sat on the floor? Unlike Justin who seemed to embrace the cold weather, He wore a thick jumper. Pulled down over his hands and over his chin.

Why were the beautiful men always bastards? She lifted her fingers up and created a frame inclosing him in it. A photographer can always see a good picture and that was it right there. He looked like an angel. She shook her hands away embarrassed. He wouldn’t let her take pictures of him, even though eventually he would have no choice.

He had soulful eyes, Rich and deep. He was so-

He looked up at her, into her inquisitive eyes.

My god. She knew some men could do that. Look at you, and make you feel stripped. Like they could see into your soul. Hell she was a hopeless romantic.

She hung her head. Hoping he wouldn’t realize she had been watching him. Unsurely she looked back over him. His eyes were back on the magazine he was reading, but a pink tint was visible on his cheeks.

She had to go talk to him now. An instinct told her to. For Justin’s sake she really had to bridge the gap that had grown between her and this beautiful bastard.

It wasn’t that they fought as such. It was that they didn’t speak at all. It was strange really. Justin worshipped Jc; he really did perceive him as some kind of god. Jc did this and that; Jc was smart, funny, mature and so talented. But to her all he had ever really been was rude.

Maybe she hadn’t given him a chance. She sat beside him; he looked up briefly and back at the magazine.

"So Jc. We need to talk." She hugged her knees to her chest. "I need you to listen."

"Sure. What?" He really didn’t sound too sure. It was very grudgingly he looked up, and never into her eyes.

"Are you mad at me, or something?" She asked, her heart suddenly racing in her chest. The atmosphere around him was so intense.

He leaned back against the wall. "Is there any reason to be?"

"No not that I know of." He was looking at the magazine again. Damn him." Why do you hate me?" She asked softly.

“I don't” there was so many emotions hidden in that short reply. For all the millions things Justin had told her about Jc, one sprang to mind. 'He finds it hard to say what he is feeling.'

"Jc, I'm not dumb you have to at least give me that, why do you hate me?"

He shifted looking out of the window. "Just because he thinks you're an angel, don't think I do."

"What?" Not, what she was expecting.

"Forget it. Is that all you wanted?" he looked at her finally. It looked like it might kill him. He really was beautiful.

"Hey call me crazy but I was hoping we could have a conversation. I mean I've been here over a month now, and well you've said barely a sentence to me." Why was she even bothering with him? For Justin, remember? He just shrugged.

She had this overwhelming desire to learn more about him. This was a complex man.

He spoke finally. "You have Justin, you don’t need me."

"Your kidding right?"

He raised an eyebrow. "No, what makes you say that?"

"You make it sound like I wouldn’t want to spend time with you. And that’s just stupid."

"Don't call me stupid."

She nodded. "Ok." Why was he all defensive what did he think she was trying to do? She got the feeling he'd just assumed she'd hate him, and that was stupid. "Well it was nice talking to you Jc." She stood up and he was reading the magazine again.

Well she hadn’t succeeded much in that conversation. Except now she was 100% completely intrigued about Jc. And 100% determined to open him up.


"Is it supposed to do that?" Lance asked with a pained groan. "It feels like someone ran a truck over my back."

"It really is your fault Lance. I told you not to over do it." Karen replied, barely glancing at Lance, who was trying desperately to examine his back in the long glass mirror.

"Compassion please? Does it look bad?" Lance twisted in front of the mirror, with a little yelp. Karen put down her book reluctantly.

"Lance really, it looks fine. As always." She picked the book back up. Lance sighed pulling his black sweater over his head.

"It wasn't my fault though Karen, and you know it. I fell." Karen raised her eyebrow in disbelief. "What? I did!"

"Lance your back packed in right in the middle of space cowboy. Jc told me." She kept her eyes on the book.

"Not true."

It is. Is this what we are doing tonight listening to you moan about your back? Karen asked firmly.

Lance’s back had, given in. it was like he had over done, it was just a sharp pain that he sometimes felt if he twisted the wrong way. Karen was giving him very little sympathy. Weren’t girlfriends supposed to kiss it and make it better? He wasn’t about to hold it against her though. It was late and tonight he wasn’t in the mood for going out anyway. Justin had been on a date and come back for crying out loud.

"Ok I get it, I'll quit. Hey, he said brightly did you hear Jc had a row with Justin."

Karen put down her book. "Really? What about?"

Lance did little shrug, "I'm not really sure but I picked out a few words."


"Not repeatable in front of a lady."

"Oh dear, I guess Justin's not too pleased about that." Karen smiled. "What was it about?"

Lance drummed his fingers. "Marie I think. Well it had something to with her at least, maybe Jc's upset Justin is spending less time with him?"

"Maybe. But Jc’s not petty, he knows when you get a new partner you forget about your friends for a while. It must be something deeper."

Lance paused. "Like what?" Karen shook her head.

"Don’t you worry your pretty little head about it? Jc’s a big boy he can look out for himself. Now lets take a proper look at this back of yours."

Lance sighed happily. "Sounds like a plan to me."


Chapter 2
Only One Friend
Email Jennifer