Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know

Chapter 1

"Hey, Joey.. come here!" Ange said, waving over her best friend. "Look at that new girl, I wonder where she is from. Have you talked to her yet?"

"No, But if I am thinking what your thinking, we need to introduce her to Justin."

The two friends laughed as they made their way across the Science classroom to the girl who was scribbling in her agenda. Being the courageous person she was, Ange spoke first. "Hey, whats your name?"

"Hey, my name is Priscilla, but everyone calls me Silla. Whats yours?"

"Well, I'm Angela, but everyone calls me Ange." She then turned to joey. "And this is my best friend Joey. So where are you from?"

For the rest of their Study Hall period, Silla and Ange went off into a conversation. They asked questions about eachother, and giggled when Joey whined about being left out of the conversation.


"Okay, Silla, I'll tell you who everybody in the group is when we get to the table. I hope you can remember names easily, there are a few of us." Ange joked.

During the Study Hall, the two found they shared the same schedual. Since this was extremley convienent, Ange offered to show her around school.

"Hey Ang!" A high pitched male voice shouted form across the lunchroom. It was her friend, Chris.

"Thats Chris." Ange said while pointing across the room. "He has a big mouth, but practically everything that comes out of it is hilarious."

Silla giggled as she followed Ange over to the table in the middle of the room. "Hey everybody, this is Priscilla. She is new, so be polite and introduce yourselves."

"I'm JC." Silla watched as a dark haired, skinny guy with blue eyes stood up. She smiled kindly and watched as the girl sitting beside him stood up.

"Hey, I'm Kaitlyn.. but you can call me Kait. I'm JC's girlfriend." Silla smiled, amused at how loud she spoke and how bubbly her personality was. Her short brown hair framed her face, and her well done make up accented her hazel eyes.

"I'm Katie." The female with two braids hanging beside her face stood up and waved. She had a baby kind of face, and was incredibally short.

"I'm Brianne... or Bri. Whatever." She shrugged and smiled at Sill. Silla made notice first to her clothes. They were trendy, but at the same time kind of out there. Her carmel colored hair was pulled back with a flower pony which matched the hawaiin flower theme she had going.

"You know me.. I'm Joey." Silla laughed remembering the guys antics earlier during Study Hall.

"I'm Chris!" The short man Ange had pointed out to her had now stood up, and began shaking her hand quickly and with alot of energy. This one was also an energetic one, Silla could tell.

"I'm Lance... Ange's boyfriend." The deep voiced male who Ange haad taken a seat next to shook her hand gently. The forst thing she noticed about him was his large adams apple, which protruded out of his throat like it didn't belong.

Silla smiled at all of them and sat down. Ange was right, they were a big bunch alright.

"Hey Kait, where is Justin?" Ange asked as they all began eating their lunches.

Kait took a bite of her broccoli and swallowed before speaking. "I think he got in trouble in Spanish. Why? You got another bright idea in that hollow head of yours?"

Ange laughed, knowing her friend was joking, and smiled. "Your right, the light bulb has been going off lateley."

Just then, Justin slammed his books on the empty seat between Silla and Ange.

"Hey, Justin, where ya been?" Ange asked.

"My Spanish teacher gave me a Monday lunch detention." He sat down and ignored the new female sitting beside him who had gone off into a conversation with Kait.

Ange made sure nobody was listening then leaned towards Justin's ear. "Well, I have something to show you."

"Ange, how many times do I have to tell you? Stop finding me dates."

"I know you've told me, but I know your going to like this one." Ange cleared her throat, grabbing everyones attention. "Silla, this is Justin. Justin, Silla."

Justin turned his head over to see the new girl. A weird look grew in his crystal blue eyes as he caught glimpse of her. "Nice to meet you.. umm.. Silla."

"Like wise.. umm.. Justin."

Ange could see the look in Silla's eyes, and she gave herself a mental pat on the back. Maybe this time, her match would succeed.

"Hey! Katie!" Ange called across the table. "Do you write down the Science homework? I forgot."

"Oh, yeah. Here." Ange stood up, planner in hand, and walked over to their side of the table. She pulled a seat form an unnoccupied spot and sat in between Kaite and Brianne, writing the homework down.

"So, Ange.." Katie began, husing her voice a bit. "Who is this new girl? I mean, she is Silla, but who is she?"

"Well," Ange began after she finished writing her homework. "Her and her family moved here from New York City. Her father got a better job down here I guess. She went to TRL every week during the summer- isn't that cool? And she can sing!!"

"Oh my gosh! Remember when i was saying how you guys needed another girl voice? Your prayers must have been answered!" Katie revealed, smiling brightly.

Bri just shook her headfinsing their conversation pretty amusing. She let out a little laugh as Katie and Ange walked over to Silla. To Bri, it was even more amusing that they were just gonna walk up and ask her.

"Hey Silla," Ange inturupted Silla's conversation with Lance and Justin. "Katie and I were wondering if you wanted to be in a music group that some of us are in?"

"Its nobody you don't know." Katie said. "It's only Kait, Ange, Joey, JC, Justin, Chris and Lance."

"Well, I guess so. That sounds cool." Silla shrugged and smiled kindly.

"Great! They have practice tomorrow at Justin's house but we are gonna sleep over Ange's tonight."

"Oh gosh, you know what?" Silla said, now becoming more thirlled with the idea. "My Dad has a studio! We could practice there, since its right next to my house!"

"Thats cool!" Ange said, answering her statement. She went off and told everyone about the plans as Katie sat back in her seat. Soon, Lunch was over and they all had to depart to classes.


Ange and Silla went to English after their lunch period. Ange offered to introduce her for the last classes, since Silla was shy about the first few.

"Hey, Mrs.D, this is Silla. She's new here." Mrs. Degener walked over and flashed a warm smile at Silla.

"Well, Priscilla, its nice having you in our class. You may take a seat next to Justin."

Silla smiled brightly and was a bit more happy because she was slowly gaining a crush on Justin. When they were talking in Lunch, he was incrediably nice, making him even more cute.

"English is gonna seem like the longest class of the day, so I'd be prepared if I were you." Justin whispered as Mrs. Degener went off into one of her life stories she loved to tell.

"I am beginning to see." Silla joked back.

After English was over, Silla said bye to Justin and joined Ange at the door. "Only two more to go!"

"Who is in the next class?" Silla asked Ange.

"Umm.." Ange visualized the seating arrangement of the room as they walked down the hall. "Kait, JC, and Chris."

"Oh.. so, Justin isn't in it?"

"No," Ange smiled deviously. "Do you have a crush on J?"

"Well, maybe I do, and maybe I don't."

They walked into the next class, Social Studies, and Ange told their teacher about Silla being new like she had done in the other classes. Mrs. Kolodny gretted Silla, complemented her on her hair, then instructed her to sit beside Chris an she retrieved a textbook. Before ANge went to her seat near Kait, she warned Silla about how annoying Chris could get.

Before they knew it, the class was over. Again, Ange waited at the door for Silla who was talking to Chris.

"Oh gosh." Silla said as they began down the hall. "I don't think I am gonna learn anything while sitting next to Chris!"

"I told you!" Ange saw the look in Silla's blue eyes and knew what her next question was. "Yes, Justin is in the next class; along with Kait, Joey and Katie. And its Math, by the way."

Silla rolled her eyes, even though she knew Ange was right. She followed her new friend to the teacher. Again, she was introduced. The teacher was a kind and quiet one, a change from the loud and eager teachers she had been faced with so far. "Lets see, Priscilla, why don't you just find an empty seat and we can get you a book after class."

The empty seat she found was next to Ange and in front of Kait, who were the nicest girls she had ever met by far. As Mrs. Stead began teaching, Kait leaned forward. "Justin is sitting next to you." She taunted in a low sing-song voice. Silla just nodded her head. The friends who sat near them could tell that they were flirting throughout the whole class.

After the bell at the end of Math, it was time to head home. Before they left, all stopped at their lockers and grabbed the necessacary books needed for homework they would put off until Sunday. Ang, Silla and Brianne all had lockers downstairs, while the others were spread out in the upstairs hall.

"Okay, Silla, we have to go get everyone now. We all stay and chat a bit after buses leave."

"Okay." The two went a bit down the hall to where Brianne's locker was.

"You ready?" Ange asked, right before Brianne shut her locker.


Both Brianne and Ange noticed Silla running up the stairs. Silla was anxious to see Justin, even though they had hust seen eachother not even five minutes ago. They all reached the top of the stairs to hear Kait screaming at somebody. Of course, it was Chris.

"You stupid! Why did you have to trip me! That was mean, and now my butt hurts!" They heard her saying. When they reached the top, they saw Kait being helped up by JC.

"Ange, come here." Lance waved her over. She gave him a quick kiss then pulled abck to listen to what he had to say. "What time do you want us over?"

"Umm.. my parents are away do it doesn't really matter. Whenever you feel like it."

They all nodded and began to walk down the hallway, telling Silla what to bring. There were the basics- clothes, CD's, PJ's, swim suit, hygeinge products, all that jazz.

"Oh, and bring food. Ange never has any." Joey added secretly. Silla laughed and nodded.

After all the buses left, they walked over to their cars. "Hey, guys, do any of you think you could hitch me a ride home?"

"Yeah, I'm sure one of us can. You live on Mohawk, right?" Kait asked, standing beside the passenger side of JC's black jeep.

Silla nodded and Ange smiled. "Well, Justin, your going that way."

"Alright. Come on Silla."

Chapter 2 - Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know - Home - Email Ang - Email Kait