Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know

Chapter 2

The drive to Silla's house was silent, with the exception of the pop music on the radio. Justin couldn't take it. All day they had been chatting like old friends and now that they were finally alone it was like they were complete strangers. He had to change it, so he did. Besides, he needed some more information anyways.

"So Silla, which house do you live at?" He asked as they drove down Mohawk Avenue.

"Drive up a bit more.." Silla said, concentrating on the houses. "Okay, that one."

Justin nodded and pulled into the long driveway, which ended at a large white house. The exterior was decorated with many different kinds of wild flowers, and the driveway was lined with flowers as well. Justin could already tell that her mother had a flower obsession.

"Would you like to come in, Justin?" Silla asked as she unbuckled her seatbelt.


He followed her actions of getting out of the car and to the steps that led to her front door. After walking the many steps, they walked forward to the mini-hallway and to the big white front door. Silla knocked and Justin gave her a questioning look. "Why do you have to knock on your own door?"

"Oh." Silla laughed noticing how ridiculous that looked. "We just moved here and we only have two keys. My mom is getting copies after work today."

Justin nodded and smiled just as the door was opened. It was a short, dark haired female bearing a resemblence to Priscilla. "Hey Val, this is Justin. Justin, this is my sister Val."

"Hey Val." He introduced.

"Hi Justin." Val smiled and stepped aside to allow them in.

Silla led Justin into the living room. "Wow, your house is almost as big as Ange's, and her house is huge!"

Silla smiled in response. "Would you like a drink or anything?"

"Sure.. you have milk?"

"Of course we have milk!" Silla joked. Justin sat on the couch as she walked into the kitchen and got 2 glasses down from the cabinet. "So Justin, what is the deal with this group?"

Justin walked to the kitchen doorway so he would not have to shout. "We were all hangin at Ange's one night and singing a song that was on the radio, and Chris came up with the idea to have a group. I mean, all of us have thought about becoming singers, especially Ange and Kait, so we went for it. We are a pretty big group."

"Yeah, you are. Well, what about Katie and Brianne? Are they in it too, or are they just like spectators?" She asked as she poured the white liquid into each glass.

"They can't sing for beans." Justin joked, getting a laugh from Silla. He took a quick sip of his milk and licked his lips of the flavor. "But seriously, Kaite gets us gigs at places, and Brianne picks out our wardrobe."

Silla downed her milk quickly, then went to the sink to place her glass in it. "Well, I could help get gigs too because my dad is in a band."

"Really?" Justin asked, also finishing his milk.

"Yeah, he has a studio with all of his instruments above the garage. You want to come out and see?"

Justin looked at his watch, then shook his head. "No, I can't. Gotta get home and watch my little brothers until my Mom gets home from work, then get ready for tonight. Which reminds me- do you need a ride?"

"Yeah, that woul be great!" Silla answered as they walked to the front door.


"So Justin, are you bringing Silla over?" Ange asked over her cell phone while driving in her car home from Lance's house.

"Yeah, shes comin' with me. We'll be there about 7:30 because I have to watch Jon and Steven until 6:00 then I have to get ready."

"Okay well I will see you then."

Ange hang up her phone just as her favorite song, O-Town's 'All Or Nothing' came on the radio. O-Town was her favorite group, and Lance had bought her tickets to their concert a while back. The day of the concert, a tornado came and it was canceled due to the weather. Lance felt bad, so he invited her to his house and they listened to the CD all night long. Ange still thought it was the best time she had ever had.

That sudden memory got her thinking to her group of friends. They had been best buds for so long, and it surprised her how quick they were to invite Silla into the circle. Normally, it would take them a while to warm up to a new friend, but then she remembered how quick they had all become friends.

Ange, Kait, and Justin all went to the same pre-school together. From the start they would play tic tac toe or leap frog at recess, and always hang out. JC, Chris and Joey came in at grade 2, and were also immediatley accepted. The six friends would always be on the same kickball team and in the same groups for class projects. Katie was Angela's cousin, so they knew eachother from that. Lance moved to their town in 5th grade, and his first day he was accepted like an old friend. Brianne finally joined the group in 6th grade, and it had been like that ever since.

The ringing of her cell phone inturupted her friendship memories as she pulled into the driveway of her three story home. "Yeah, what do you want?"

"Geeze, Ange, could you be a little more polite when you answer your phone?" The person on the other line laughed. "You sound like a freak."

"Oh, Chris, you know I learn it all from you." She joked.

"I know, I am the almighty freak master. Anyways, Joey and I are on our way. In fact, we are pulling in right now."

She turned quickly, and she saw that Chris and Joey were in fact pulling into her extended driveway. She shook her head as they got out and began jumping around. After clicking the off button to her red cell, she entered through the side door of her house, followed by the two others.

After clicking on the lights, Ange sat her keys and bookbag on the kitchen counter. She watched as Joey picked up a piece of candy from the jar and looked at her. "Hey, can I have one?"

"Yeah sure, help yourself."

Chris and Joey went in the living room and turned on her TV while she went up to the third floor to her room. The walls were painted in her to favorite colors- red and baby blue. In the room was a bunk bed and 2 other beds for when her friends slept over. Everyone called it their weekend house.

"HEY ANGE!" Joey called.

"WHAT?" She yelled back.


Ange laughed, knowing that was always the first question he asked whent hey got their. "NOT YET, JOE! WAIT UNTIL EVERYONE GETS HERE!"

Ange heard Joey sigh, then say something about going outside. Her house had alot... a basketball court, hot tub, pool, and a volleyball net. Everyone in there group had alot of money, but they didn't flaunt it at school. They were extremley nice to everybody who crossed their path. Every two weeks they would have a party at somebody's house and invite their whole class. Most of the time, many showed up. There were always those who wouldn't come, but that just made it easier for them to get around and made it less crowded.

Ange collapsed on her bed and shut her eyes, hoping to catch a nap before her friends would arrive.

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