I sat alone on my living room couch in my apartment. My legs were covered with my bed's comforter, warming the skin my boxer shorts did not cover. The only sound that could be heard was that of Dick Clark's New Years Eve special on ABC. I was all alone on the final day of the year, sipping my hot chocolate. Damn that man.

Sure, I knew that there were certain things to accept about my boyfriend. He was a very busy person. Breaking promises was something that he did on a normal basis. Yet, wouldn't you think he would make an exception for his girlfriend? Not a chance. This man had managed to miss my birthday, our 2 year anniversary, and just barley made Christmas this year. Maybe a girl like you would had said good-bye by now. But I can't leave him. I love him too much.

Right now, I really care about his absence. Sure, I really cared about all his others as well, but this one was different. I had called him and specifically asked him to spend the night with me. You want to know what he said to me? "Baby, don't even worry about it. I will be there well before midnight, and it will be just the two of us. I promise."

Well, it's already 11:30. I have given up all hope for him at this point. This time though, when he calls me to tell me how sorry he is, I am not going to tell him that it's all okay. He may be some big idolized popstar, but he is still my man. If he wants me to be here for him, then he'll have to be here for me. That means no more making promises he can't keep. I understand the fact that he can't come whenever I need him to. But when he makes and breaks a promise, I am not going to let him off easy. That is my New Years Resolution.

I could hear the excitement outside of my apartment as the clock turned to 11:45 PM. Only 15 minutes left in the year, and still no sign of him. My apparent anger turned to sadness as I searched in my dresser drawer for it. It was the picture of us at his bandmate's New Years Party last year. We had spent the entire night at eachother's side. What a change had taken place.

I heard the countdown begin as I walked into the living room with the picture held tight against my chest. I wept as couples were shown cuddling closer as the clock counted down the final ten seconds.

10..... 9..... 8.....

As I watched the ball drop, I imagined the sound of a door opening. I was so upset that even dreaming that he was there would make me happy.

7..... 6..... 5..... 4.....

A hand rested on my shoulder. I turned from the TV and saw a sight I definitely didn't expect to see.

3..... 2..... 1.....

In surprise, I wrapped my arms around the man that I had been waiting for all night. Quickly he smiled and rested his lips upon mine, and I received my kiss at midnight.

Happy New Year!

