Never Say Never

Chapter 12

Nervous. Why was he even there anyways? JC wasn't really sure. All he did know was that a new star would be discovered tonight and somebody wanted him to be there. Who, you ask? It came as a complete surprise to him. There was no way he would have guessed who invited him to this event.


"Jace, your mail is here!" Justin called, tossing a stack of letters tied together. JC caught them and thanked Justin, ready to open his mail. It was something to pass the time he spent doing absolutley nothing. Between rehersals, he had been bored out of his mind.

"Hmm... fan.. fan.. bill.. fan.. fan.." JC flipped through the letters until he found a letter witha return address that read 'The Attic'. Curious, he opened it up and took a look at its contents. "..invitation?"

You are invited as a special guest to Ameture night at The Attic
When: Spetember 20, 1998 as 7:30 pm
You have been invited by Nichelle Watts

"Nichelle?" JC asked out loud. Why would Nichelle invite him to the event? She hated him!

Please R.S.V.P. by Spetember 15 to either nichelle (555-1252) or The Attic (555-6722)
We hope you will be able to attend this night of up and coming singers and songwriters

JC hadn't a clue about this. She wanted him to go, that was apparent. But he couldn't help but ask himself why. Nichelle had broken her friendship with Destiny because of him.

But, he did want to go. He loved to listen to music. Maybe he would meet a future busnieuss partner of something. But it was something in his gut that made him decide to call Nichelle.

"Thank you so much for RSVPing, JC. I am so glad you agreed to come."

"Can I ask you why you invited me?" JC asked, looking down at the invitation. "Last time we spoke, we weren't on the best of terms."

"Well, I guess I wanted to find a way to apologize. Destiny isn't talking to me.. and I know you love music. So I figured- why not?"

"Oh, okay." JC looked at his watch then sighed. "I need to get going to rehersal now. I guess I will see you at the show."

"Okay. And thanks again."

*End Flashback*

JC sighed watching the performer now on stage. Her name was Shanice, and she was by far the best that had gone so far. To JC, she was almost as good as Destiny. But nobody could compare to her.

* * * * *

Shanice finished and waved, walking behind the curtains with a satisfying smile on her face. She slapped Destiny a high five and wished her luck. Next up was her, and Destiny felt even more nervous. All the songs she had planned on singing were written for JC. Just singing them was one thing, but with him sitting right in front was a whole different story. She just hoped she was ready to do it.

* * * * *

"And that was Shanice!" Nichelle said, allowing the sudience to applaud. They were quite loud, but Shanice had put on a good performance.

"Next up we have a 22 year old female originally from New york City. She relocated down here and has been writing her own music since she was fifteen years old. Here in her debut performance, is Destiny Evans."

JC's ears perked and his head shot up. Nichelle caught his eye and winked, grinning widley. She wished Destiny good luck as they passed eachother, heading for their different destinations.

His gaze fixed on her. She was so beautiful to begin with, but new additions had made her even more radiant. It seemed like an eternity since he had last seen her. Now with this surprise, he was rejoicing over the fact that he had decided to come. He would get to see her, and hear her sing. JC knew how beautiful her voice was, even if she wouldn't admit it.

The opening music played, and somehow, Destiny's nerves were lifted. She saw JC watching her with a smile on his face. She smiled back then began to sing.

JC smile grew even brighter as he recognized the song he had memorized so long ago. She was singing the song she had written after their first date, "My First Night With You." He knew it was a beautiful peace, but it sounded even more perfect hearing her voice singing it. Destiny looked at peace, and that made him at peace.

* * * * *

Seven friends of the performer on stage now sat at one table at the side and back a little. the four guys were completley amazed at the talent she had hidden from them. The three females sat and smiled. They knew she was having absolutley no regrets.

So they sat and watched (in their opinions) the best performer in the show.

* * * * *

Destiny held the final 'you' in the song, wishing that it would never end. Even though it was her first time, she loved it. Performing was a blast.

Destiny ended the final note and opened her eyes, which she had closed for effect. What she saw was amazing. Every single member of the audience was applauding her. Some whistled, some did the 'whoo' thing, and others just sat and applauded.

After mouthing a 'thank you' to the crowd, she walked backstage with a humongus smile. She first saw Shanice, who was clapping lightly, smiling at the wonderful performance. Destiny just kept smiling and widened her eyes, mouthing an 'Oh my god!' Shanice's way. All she did was nod in response, acknowledging the rush that always happened.

Nichelle walked up, holding her hand in the air. Destiny slapped it and erupted into a fit of giggles. Nichelle did too, knowing their friendship was back to the way it was.

"Des, you sang beautifully!" Nichelle said, calming her giggles so she was able to speak. "Did you see him?"

"Yeah." Destiny said, also calming herself down. "I felt so confident after seeing him, Chelle. It was liike he was the reason I did so well."

"Well, D, if that is true," Nichelle said, preparing for the next introduction. "Get him back."

* * * * *

"Ladies and gentlemen, I hold in my hands the names of the three contestants who will be moving on to the final round."

All eyes watched as Nichelle stood at the microphone. The ten contestants stood in a line on stage, awaiting the announcement. Before hand, Patrick brought back the judge of the contest, introuduced as Mr.King. He was from the record company that would sign the winner, and was a very nice man.

"Congratulations to Rebecca, Shanice, and Destiny!"

Shanice and Destiny stepped forward along with Rebecca, a blond with an attitude. They all smiled, grateful for making it this far. The not so lucky seven congratulated them then walked offstage and into the audience.

Destiny knew many eyes were looking her way, but she couldn't help but search for one particular pair. They were still at the same table, still connected to the man she loved so deeply. His lips were turned upward in a grin, which only widened once she looked at him. Their eyes locked, and both felt completley lost.

A tug at Destiny's hand broke the gaze and she was pulled backstage. Once back she looked at Shanice. "Why did you do that?"

"Because," she started. "Rebecca is about to go on for the next round and I don't think her snobby butt would appreciate you standing in the middle of the stage while she sings."

"Oh, good point." she laughed, a bit embarassed. "So, they're moving it this quickly? Why not give us a break?"

Before Shanice could answer, a voice inturupted. "Because we are onb a scheduale, ladies."

The two turned to see Patrick Atwood standing at the doorway. "Mr. King is leaving tomorrow morning to bring a tape of the winner to different managers. he is human and needs to sleep too, you know. plus, this isn't television. There aren't any commercial breaks or things like that."

Both nodded in understnading as Patrick moved up closer. "Between you and me, he said the competition is between you two. Mr. King said himself that it would be Destiny and Shanice, down to the very last piano chord." With that, Patrick walked away.

Clapping could be heard, signaling the end of Rebecca's performance. Destiny looked at Shanice then smiled. "Looks like its every woman for herself." she stuck out a hand. "Good luck, Shanice."

Shanice shook it warmly. "Good luck, Destiny." "Before I begin," Destiny said into the micrphone, grabbing everyone's attention. "I'd like to tell a brief history of this song, so you'll know where I am coming from with the lyrics."

She sighed, ready to tell everyone how she felt. "A bit more than a month ago, I fell in love. Right now, I'll refer to him as Josh. Josh and I were happy together, but not many people were happy for us. you see," she found JC and noticed his intense concentration. "Josh is white. I couldn't take the remarks anymore, and made a horrible mistake. I ended things with Josh, and begun my heartache.

"While missing him terribly, I realized how wrong it was for me to listen to what others had to say." Destiny noticed the glisten of hope in JC's eyes. This was now her chance. "I still love him very much, and I am finally ready to listen to what my heart says."

La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la

So let them say its wrong
for me to love you
They could never feel
The way that I do
When we kiss
When we're close like this

They can't see inside my soul
They can't know this love we know
All they do is waste their time
They can never change my mind

It's what my heart says
That is what I listen to
It's what my heart fells
That tells me, tells me what to do
It's what my heart knows
That's the only, the only truth I know is real
All I hear is what my heart says to me

La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la
What my heart says

Let them say I'm a fool
To fall so deeply
Cause they will never ever be
Loved so completley
how can they even talk that way?

They can't see it through my eyes
They can't feel this love inside
All their words don't mean a thing
They can't change the way I feel

It's what my heart says
That is what I listen to
It's what my heart fells
That tells me, tells me what to do
It's what my heart knows
That's the only, the only truth I know is real
All I hear is what my heart says to me

And I have never felt so sure about anything
See you are the one, the one that i need
It doesn't matter what they think
Or what they say
I'm loving you anyways, oh
All I know is what I hear

It's what my heart says
That is what I listen to
It's what my heart fells
That tells me, tells me what to do
It's what my heart knows
That's the only, the only truth I know is real
All I hear is what my heart says to me

La, la, la, la, la
What my heart says
Oh, what my heart says
~Monica, "What My Heart Says"~

The final chord played, and she stood up from her seat on the stool. Everyone present was clapping, showing how beautifully they thought she had done. Some were even standing up. Among those standning faces were her seven faces, some strangers, and him.

JC stood, smiling, tears collecting in his eyes. He was clapping, but she couldn't concentrate on his hands. It was his eyes that she focused on. They seemed so many things- sad, confused, happy. But most of all, she saw a sparkle. That could only mean love, and that is all she cared about.

* * * * *

Sitting backstage was nerve racking. Mr. King was in a private room, making his decision. Patrick told the three finalists they were not allowed to go and visit until the winner was chosen. SO they sat and waited.

"Destiny!" Nichelle called, waving her over to the exit door. Destiny stood and walked over to nichelle curiously, wondering what she could have needed. The were supposed to wait for Mr. King. He could make his decision any minute. As soon as he was ready, the show would come to a close with the announcement of the winner.

"What can I do for you, Nichelle?"

"Some people are here to see you," she replied while openeing the door. Destiny smiled and stepped through, exiting to the back of the club.

"Des!" She heard three female coices shout at once. Chantel, Nikki, and mya stood outside, and immediatley gave her a big group hug. Pulling back, Destiny flashed a warm smile.

before she could mutter one syllable, they inturupted with their reviews.

"Oh, D, you were the best in the show!" Mya said. "You are so gonna win!" "Umm.. guys, I don't want you to hate me.." Chantel said. "...but Shanice was good too, you know."

"Oh yeah, she was!" Mya said. "But I still think Destiny is going to win."

The three got side tracked in their own conversation and Destiyn became cored. As they continued talking, they didn't notice Destiny slip inside until they heard the slam of the door.

"Oops.." Chantel said, noticing their mistake in becoming side tracked. "I guess we better get back inside then." ,p> They all laughed at thier stupidity then walked back around to return to their seats.

* * * * *

JC sighed as the guys returned to thier table. The song had touched him, and made his heart cry out for her. JC's arms ached to hold her, his lips ached to kiss her.

Nichelle walked out onto the stage, followed by two men who had been introduced earlier as Patrick Atwood and Mr. King. Patrick took the microphone first, and lightly cleared his throat.

"I'd like to thank all of you for attending tonight. It has been a wonderful show with some promising talent. I'm not gonna bore you, so thats enough for me."

A few laughed at Patrick's attempted joke and Nichelle took the mic. "Please give a warm round of applause for Rebecca, Shanice, and Destiny."

JC watched as Destiny followed the two on stage. He couldn't help but notice the nervous look on her face. He sat quietley as Mr. King took hold of the mic.

"We have three amazingly talented young ladies here, everyone." He paused, allowing the audience to gove their final applause. "I apologize for taking so long, but this was a tough decision. These three are wonderful, and have some very promising futures ahead of them. To shorten it up, I'm gonna go right on with the decision."

Shanice, who stood between the other two, grabbed their hands and gave them a squeeze. The table of seven friends crossed their fingers, hoping for the same thing. And the man in front closed his eyes, awaiting the name.

"Ladies and gentlemen.. the winner is Shanice."

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