Never Say Never

Chapter 13

"Why aren't you crying?" Chantel asked as Destiny approached their table. "I mean.. take a look at Rebecca! She is bawling!"

Destiy followed Chantel's gaze and found Rebecca. Her head was buried in the shoulder of a guy who appeared to be her boyfriend. He was whispering in her ear, probably trying to comfort her.

"And," Nikita pointed another way. "Shanice is crying too!"

Destiny smiled when she saw Shanice. She was sitting with her family, laughing and wiping away tears of pure joy. Patrick was allowing her a few minutes before she would sing the final song of the evening.

Destiny couldn't have been more happy about the outcome of the contest. Shanice really deserved to win, she had worked so long to get that deal. If Destiny had won, she would have given it up to Shanice. There was no way she would have taken it.

"Well," she said to her friends. "I am happy to see you too! I'm glad you enjoyed everything!"

Her friends became embarrased by their rudeness and each her a big hug.

"But really- you aren' dissapointed at all?" Chantel asked.

"Nope. The right contestant won, and I am glad the right decision was made." Destiny sighed. "Besides, I didn't really want in on this whole thing anyways. It wouldn't be fair if I won against somebody who really wanted it."

All three nodded. "I guess you're right." Mya smiled. "But aren't you glad we signed you up?"

"Yeah, I am." The events and memories of the whole process came flooding into her mind and she couldn't help but smile. "It was a wonderful experiance. Alot of memories."

"Which brings us to the nect topic of discussion," Chantel said. "What is up with Nichelle? Are you two friends again or is she just trying to get on our good side?"

She couldn't help but smile. Her life was coming back into the place it should be in. Almost everything was becoming perfect. "Nichelle and I are friends again."

The look on her friends' face was classic. They were surprised, but to Destiny it wasn't really that shocking. How she wished she had a camera.

"You are just gonna go up and forgive her without a reason?" Mya asked in disbelief.

"No." Destiny replied simply. "She had a good reason."

"Better be a damn good one if you forgive her just like that!"

"Chan, will you calm it?" Destin couldn't believe how pissy her friends were being. It was just Nichelle! "She is the one who invited JC!"

"Oh! So thats how he found out!" Mya said, understanding now. "I guess that is a very good reason."

Nikki's eyes widened as she saw the guys coming their way. Mentally, she scolded herself. She had completley forgotten about their plan to get Destiny and JC back together.

"D, excuse us but we need to go and.. and umm.." Nikki was clueless. Her mind was blank until an idea hit her. ".. we have to go congratulate Shanice!"

Mya and Chantel looked at her like she was crazy. Noticing their stares, Nikki made a tiny hand gesture signaling past Destiny. Their eyes widened, much liike Nikki's had, when they realized what they had forgotten.

"Yeah!" Mya said as she nodded her head.

"You're right, we have to. You stay here, D. Just sit and relax."

Destiny looked at her friends oddly as they rushed off to Chanice. Before she could sit down, she heard somebody clear their throat behind her. Turning, she saw the four men who had chauffered her to the club. All were standing in a straight line, looking as if they had something on their minds. Destiny just ignored it and passed it as excitement.

"Hey guys! Whats up!" Destiny asked, looking quickly at all of them.

"You should have won." Chris said while the others looked over their shoulders.

"No, I think the best woman won." Destiny looked over and saw that her friends were introducing themselves to her. She just laughed and they all began to talk.

After hearing no response, she truned to see the guys. But they weren't there- somebody else was.

His eyes were a bit red and puffy, and he looked down immediatley after seeing her gaze. Destiny laughed, he reminded her of a nervous school boy. He was just too cute. Casually, she walked over to him. He looked up, and his heart almost stopped. She was such a beautiful sight.

"Hey, JC," she said softly.

"Hey, Destiny," he replied as Shancie walked onstage and asked for everyones attention. Both tore their eyes from one another to give respect to the performer onstage.

"Everybody," she began. "This is the last song of the evening, and I am glad to have prepared this certain piece. Before I begin, I would like to make a special dedication." Shanice's eyes found their way to the two who happened to be standing on the dance floor. "Destiny and Josh- this is for you."

The opening piano noted played, revealing the slow tempo of the song. JC turned to Destiny. "Would you care to dance?"

"I'd love to." She replied with a small, genuine smile on her lips.

His arms made their way around her waist as her hands locked around his neck. They weren't very close, but the only thing that mattered was the two of them. Shanice began to sing.

[Authors Note- The conversations are going on during the song. It doesn't pause to allow talking, lol.]

Darling here we are again
Right about now, there isn't need To tell you what I'm feeling
I'm so grateful
To have a man like you
Who knows what to do
And makes me feel like a woman should

"I loved your song."
"Thank you."
"All the ones you have showed me are very beautiful."
"They came from my heart. I had a wonderful inspiration."
With that, the two moved closer.

When I close my eyes
I break down and cry
Its something 'bout the
Way you love me
The thought of your kiss
My heart can't resist
Its all about the
Way you love me

Never thought I would find
So much piece of mind
In every moment that I spend with you
Sometimes I don't know why
We fell so deep in love
But then it all comes back to me because

"I'm glad you came, JC."
"I'm glad I came too. You did wonderful uring your performance."
Destiny smiled, glad to not be hearing the 'you should have won' coming from his mouth. With that, they moved even closer- their bodys now in contact.

When I close my eyes
I break down and cry
Its something 'bout the
Way you love me
The thought of your kiss
My heart can't resist
Its all about the
Way you love me

When I'm with you
I feel so good
No one loves me like you
When I close my eyes


"I'm.. I'm sorry. I can't imagine the pain I've put you through. The past two months have been nothing but hell for me.. and I can only guess what it has done for you." Tears left her eyes as she looked into his blue orbs, which were becoming watery also. "I can't believe I gave in to people.. to Frankie... and ended it like that."

"Please don't cry." JC said, removing a hand from her waist. He brought it to her cheek and wiped her tears with his thumb.

"I can't help it JC. I just love you so much, and I can't believe myself." She sniffled, holding in her snobs. "I can understand if you don't love me anymore. I just wanted you to know how sorry I am."

Without saying a word in response, JC leaned in and kissed the outside corner of each of her eyes, then kissed the tip of her nose, and finally settled on her lips. There was no surprise when hers responded quick and livley. Passion filled their hearts, and both forgot where they were even standing. All that mattered was eachother.

When I close my eyes
I break down and cry
Its something 'bout the
Way you love me
The thought of your kiss
My heart can't resist
Its all about the
Way you love me

When I close my eyes
I break down and cry
Its something 'bout the
Way you love me
The thought of your kiss
My heart can't resist
Its all about the
Way you love me

Music faded as the two pulled away, lips still yearning for more passion and love. But both needed to Be close to one another, and feel loved in a less passionate way. "Hmm?" She mumbeled, enjoying the closeness they were sharing. His arms felt so good around her, like they were meant to stay there forever.

"I will never stop loving you. even if you didn't return the feeling. I still did love you when we were apart, and I fell in love with you all over again tonight."

His voice was soft, making it that only she could hear his sweet words. A few people had stopped to watch, notiving how in love they looked. Most probably knew who the 'Josh' from her story was, and who Shanice's song was dedicated to.

JC heard nothing, but could hear her soft sobs. "Destiny whats wrong?"

"I'm... I'm just so.." she lifted her head from his shoulder to look him in the eye. "I can;t even explain how I feel right now."

She didn't need to tell him, because JC could see it in her eyes. She had a look of complete happiness and faith. But most of all- she looked in love.

Now noticing the music was over, JC dropped her waist and brought his hand around his shoulder to take hers. Once secure, he interwined his fingers with hers and kissed the bak of her hand gently.

"What do you say we get out of here?"

"I'd love to."

And with that, the two walked towards the exit and towards their new beginning. The only thing that mattered was eachother. They were happy, but most important- they were together.

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