Never Say Never

Chapter 2

"D.. wake up or you'll be late for work!" Chantel nudged Destiny early Monday morning.

Destiny groaned. "5 more minutes."

Chantel couldn't take it anymore. Destiny was like this every Monday morning. "DESTINY EVANS! GET UP! TODAY IS IMPORTANT!"

Immediatley, Destiny shot up in her bed. Shit Chantel, what time is it?"

"6 thirty, dearie."

"Oh no! There is a signing today! And I am covering for Robbie! Shit!" Destiny popped out of bed and headed straight for the shower. Today was an important day for the Orlando branch of Virgin records. A group was coming in for an autograph signing. Normally, she wouldn't be so rushed. But the coordinater of such events, Robbie, was out of town and had asked Destiny to cover for him. It was a big day for her, and she couldn't screw up.

Destiny threw on some denim flares and a white Tee, the regulation outfit for work. As she blew her hair dry, her thoughts drifted to Saturday at the beach. JC hadn't called yet, but she didn't actually expect him to. With his looks and personality, he probably wouldn't want to waste his time with her. But just thinking about that chat they had as they walked along the beach made her smile.

"D! Hurry up!" Destiny took one last look at her reflection through her tinted singlasses. Oh Well. There are plenty of fish in the sea.

* * * * *

"Okay, so the table is set up and everything?" Destiny asked Chantel as they walked towards the front entrance of the store. Though the store was closed and the group wasn't here yet, there was an early crowd of screaming teenage fans.

"Yup. Now we just have to wait for them to get here, and that should be any minute now." Chantel said as she looked down on her watch. The other employees of the store were all waiting at their registers, talking amongst themselves. Destiny was in charge today, with Chantel helping her out. It was a chance to prove to her manager that she was capable of this kind of responsibility. "To the back door!"

Chantel and Destiny headed to the back door where the group would be arriving. "So Chan, what group is coming?"

"Remember Saturday in the car on the way to the beach? That song you liked?" Chantel asked. Destiny remembered all of Saturday. Yet, that moment wasn't one she thought about constantley. "That group, *NSync, is coming here."

"Any of them cute?"

"I don't know, haven't done my research yet." Chantel snickered and opened the door for Destiny to walk through. They stood out there for about 5 minutes when a big van pulled up. The windows were tinted, but she could see movement from inside. From the shotgun of the car emerged a large man, one Destiny considered a security guard.

"Hey, I'm Lonnie. You in charge?" The man asked while shaking Destiny's hand. She nodded and smiled.

"Yes I am. My name is Destiny and I'll be helping you guys out along with Chantel here." Destiny introduced. Lonnie shook Chantel's hand then motioned towards the van.

"The group is in there. Is the area clear?"

"Well, the people inside are the employees. The fans are locked outside, right in the front of the store. But it doesn't open for another.." Destiny looked at her watch. "45 minutes."

"Alright then, I'll get them out." Lonnie turned back to the van and the girls turned to enter the store.

"Destiny? Chantel?" The two turned back at the sound of their names. The voice sounded extremley familiar. Destiny's eyes widened as she saw the face in front of her. "It is you!"

"JC?" Destiny questioned. "What are you doing here?"

Destiny looked past him and sure enough, she saw the other four she saw the beach. "When you said you were in the music busnieuss.. I didn't think you meant.."

"Yeah. We're *NSync. Sorry I didn't tell you."

"Thats okay. I completley understand." Destiny smiled and JC couldn't help but smile back. She was radiant, her beauty shone. They just stood there, smiling at eachother, until Chantel tapped Destiny's shoulder.

"D, if we don't get going inside with the guys, the girls out front are gonna catch on..." Chantel had a point. Destiny was supposed to act professional, and she was standing there smiling like a dumbass.

"Yeah. You're right." Destiny cleared her throat a little. "Hey guys. I know 3 of you already, but let me re-introduce myself. My name is Destiny and I'll be helping you around here today. So if you'll follow me.."

Destiny motioned towards the door and the guys, followed by their security, followed close behind and into the store.

* * * * *

The whole morning was hectic for everyone. The guys were only supposed to be there until 1, but ended up staying until about 3 to sign as many autographs as they could.

"Okay now that thats all taklen care of.. I get my lunch break!" Destiny smiled where they were standing in the back of the store. "Ross! Call Pizza Hut!"

"Sure Des." Ross at customer service called back.

"Okay well thanks for coming you guys." Chantel said, shaking each guys' hand. They smiled and gladly walked to Destiny who was telling Ross her pizza order.

Chris looked down at his stomach then rubbed it. "Pizza sounds real good right now."

Destiny laughed. "You guys wanna join us in the back room for lunch? It'll be safe."

"Sure." Chris and Joey agreed.

"Well, we gotta run it by Jonny first." Lance told her.

She nodded then told Ross to order two extra pizzas just in case. And if the guys couldn't stay to eat it, then there would be leftovers for lunch tomorrow. Ross ordered while the guys went over to there manager. When he hung up, he nudged Destiny who was sorting through some papers.

"Hey Des.. whats going on between you and the tall brunette?" He asked.

"JC? Nothing at all. We met the other day at the beach." Destiny smiled. "But he is cute, don't ya think."

"Don't ask me Des. That ain't my department. But I think I can say he likes you."

"In my dreams."

"No. Seriously. Did you see the way he smiles at you? I've done that to girls before, and trust me.. he likes you." Destiny just shook her head. "Well Des, you should be excited because I know you like him."

Destiny opened her mouth but quickly shut it because the guys were coming back.

"We have a couple of hours free. We would be happy to eat with you." JC said, again smiling at Destiny. They had been smiling at eachother throught the whole day. It was their own little way of flirting in the work area.

"Okay so Ross, just have the delivery boy bring it right back there okay?"

"Sure Des."

"Alright well follow me guys." Destiny smiled warmly and motioned for them to follow her. They followed and Destiny laughed as Chris poked fun at Joey.

"You smile alot you know that?" Justin asked her. She smiled and giggeled, looking down at the passing floor. "Aww don't be shy smiley. We don't bite."

"Joey bites." Chris mumbled, loud enough for Destiny to hear. She laughed again and looked back at Joey who was talking to a woman in the store.

"I can tell." She wispered back. Chris nodded and chuckled.

"I knew I liked you, Smiley."

"So where is this back room?" Lance asked.

"Right here!" They all stopped in front of a door that was labeled 'Employees Only'. Justin tapped Destiny's shoulder and leaned in to whisper.

"Ooh Smiley, careful not to break the rules." Justin joked. Destiny again smiled and opened the door. Inside was Chantel, who sat on the phone. She motioned for them to come in, and each found a seat around the rectangular table. JC made sure he was across from Destiny, he wanted to be able to see her. The way she was smiling all the time amazed him.

"So I take it you five are joining us?" Chantel asked after hanging up the phone. They all nodded in unison. "Okay then what to drink? Coke okay?"

"Coke would be fine." Lance spoke up while the others continued to nod.

"So.. since lunch isn't here yet.. how did you guys get started in a group?" Destiny asked.

"You mean you don't already know?" Chris joked. They both shook there heads and he let out a dramatic sigh.

"Should we know?" Chantel asked.

"No, he's just playin." JC assured. "Lets see.. It all started with our buddy Chris-"

* * * * *

"-And now we're here!" JC finished. The pizza had arived about 10 minutes ago, and most of the seven were finishing up.

"Wow, that took a while!" Chantel joked.

"It would have taken longer if we weren't so used to telling it." Joey said after swallowing a bite of his pizza.

"Smiley, lemme ask you a question." After finishing his sentance, Justin burped causing Destiny to smile.

"What's your question, curls?"

"Well, how did you get the name Destiny?"

"Even I know that, and I hardly know her!" Chris exclaimed. "Her mother and father gave it to her!"

"Shut it old man. You know what I mean. I like the uniqueness of it. It's a beautiful name."

JC saw the look in Justins eyes. The two were doing some innocent flirting, and he couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Well, my mother had some sort of problem-I forgot what it was called- and they told her she would be unable to have children. But when she was pregnent with me, she knew it was Destiny that aided her through it. At least thats what she always told me."

"Told?" Lance asked, noting the past tense she used.

"They uhh.. died when I was 15."

"I'm sorry-"

"How?" Lances apology was inturupted by Justin's question. Destiny was a bit taken back by the question. Nobody usually asked her about the death of her parents. Memories of the night flooded into her mind, and tears threatened to fall.

"Excuse me." Destiny got up and left the six in the room.

"Curiosity killed the cat Justin." Joey smacked Justin upside the head and rolled his eyes.

"No, its okay. Its hard for her to talk about." They all nodded and let Chantel continue. "If you just let her think for a while she'll be fine."

"Hey Chantel, where's the bathroom?" JC stood up and walked towards the door.

"Down the hall 3 doors and to your right." JC nodded then left. He went down the hall towards the bathroom, even though he didn't actually have to go. He was hoping to find Destiny. Just then he realized that was probably impossible since he didn't know where she could have gone. On his way, he passed another employee.

"Excuse me.. did you happen to see where Destiny went?" He asked politley.

"I'm pretty sure I saw her duck into the boss' office."

"Alright thank you." She walked away and JC realized he didn't know where the office was. You are so smart C. He told himself as he looked at each door for some kind of label.

"Destiny?" JC peaked his head in once he found the room. When no answer came, he stepped in to find Destiny writing in a spiral notebook. She looked deep in thought. "Destiny?"

Destiny's head shot up when she heard her name being called. She shut her notebook and stood up from her seat by the window. "Hi."

"Are you okay? I can see Justin might have hit a nerve when he asked.. uhh.. that."

"I'm fine. Its just.." Destiny ran a hand through her short black hair. "Nobody has ever asked me about it before. I've never really talked with anyone about it."

"Would you like to talk?"

She bit her lower lip in thought. "Are you sure you want to hear?"

"Positive." They both sat down at a table in a secluded area and Destiny began to tell JC the memories of the night so many years back.


A 15 year old Destiny left Chantel's house reluctantley. Her parents had stated firmly that she was not able to stay over night tonight. They had earlier attended a dance at their high school, and Destiny's parents told her to be home by midnight.

The cold air brushed against her as she tugged her coat. Not only was she cold, but there was an aching pain in her stomach. She passed it as a monthly thing and went down her street.

When Destiny approached her apartment, the front door leading to her level was open. Thats strange She thought as she entered.

After her descent up the stairs, Destiny noticed her apartment door also open. Now I know something ain't right.

"Mom? Dad?"

"You best shut your mouth if you wanna stay alive..." A glove covered hand slipped over Destiny's mouth and she was pulled against a man's body. Tears stained her cheeks just thinking about what could have happened to her parents.

The whole apaprtment was dark, and all she could see was the glisten of the street lights and the glare they left on the window. The whole apartment was silent, which made her even more afraid.

"Get on the floor!" Destiny slowly got down and layed on her stomach on the cold hardwood floor. A foot pushed on her back, making sure she stayed put. "Hurry up!"

Another figure emerged from her parents room holding one of her kitchen knives. In the other hand was a bag probably holding personal items with value.

"Take care of this one.." Destiny's back was kicked and the other figure bent down and stabbed her side. She screamed out in pain and she could feel her blood slipping to the floor. Sirens were heard in the distance.

"Shit man we gotta go!" With that, the two men in black left leaving her blacked out on the floor.

~*End Flashback*~

"I was in the hospital for a week. They killed my parents and stole most of our belongings. The man hd just missed any vital orgns; so I stayed alive." Destiny finished, salty tears escaping her eyes every now and then. JC didn't respond, he didn't really know what to say. "I've always wished I could take their place."

"What happened when you were released from the hospital?"

"Chantel and her parents took care of me. We moved down here." Destiny looked at the clock and sighed. "I gotta get back to work."

"Yeah I better get going to. I told them I was going to the bathroom." They laughed and stood up. Destiny stuck out her hand for him to shake. JC ingnored it and oulled her into a tight hug.



"Thank you for listening to me. I really needed to get that out."

"No problem." He pulled away and kissed her cheek. "You are really strong. And expect a call from me sometime soon."


"Bye Destiny." JC left to get to the awaiting bus and Destiny got back to work.

Chapter 3
Never Say Never
Contact Me