Never Say Never

Chapter 3

Ring Ring

Destiny looked up from her notebook when the phone rang. When it failed to ring again, she figured that Chantel picked it up. So she went back to her song.

"DESTINY! THE PHONE IS FOR YOU!" Destiny was once again inturupted. Sighing in defeat, she shut her spiral notebook and picked up her phone on the nightstand.

"I GOT IT CHAN!" Destin called. She brought the phone to her ear and heard a click signaling that Chantel had hung up. "Hello?"

"Destiny? This is JC."

"Oh, hey JC! Hows it going?"

"Good since yesterday. How about you?"

"Everything is fine here."

"I was just wondering if.."

"Yo C who is on the phone?" A voice inturupted.

"Destiny is. Why?"

"Can I talk to her?"

"Can it wait?" There was a slight scuffle and then JC's voice returned. "Can Justin talk for a minute?"

"Sure. Put Curly on."

"Hey Destiny."

"Hey Justin. What can I do for you?"

"I just wanted to apoligize for yesterday. I shouldn't have asked you about that."

"Thats okay Justin. I can't really blame you."

"So we're cool now?"

"Yup, we're cool."

Okay good. Now here's JC."


"Hey Destiny. Sorry about that."

"Thats okay."

"Anyways. I was just wondering if you wanted to join me for dinner tomorrow night?"

Destiny didn't need to think about it, she already wanted to go. But so she didn't sound anxious, she played him of a bit. "Well, what did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking maybe a picnic by the beach. Watch the fireworks." Tomorrow was the Fourth of July. Destiny knew it was a perfect plan.

"That sounds great. I will take you up on your offer."

"Great! So can I pick you up around say, 6:30?"

"Can we make it 7:00 cause I have work til 6:00 and I need more than a half an hour to get ready!"

"Of course." Destiny gave him directions and hung up after saying goodbye.

Chantel noticed Destiny's mood as she mad eher way down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Whats got you all la-de-dah?"

"I have a date tomorrow night." Destiny pulled the milk out of the fridge and smiled. Chantel's jaw dropped and she began to clap.

"D has got a date with a pop star!" Destiny just rolled her eyes and poured some milk. "So where would you two be going?"

"Can you get me the Oreos Chan?" Destiny ignored any chance of telling Chantel about her date with JC.

Chantel sighed, reached into the cabinet, and grabbed Destiny's favorite cookies. She held them out, but snatched them away when Destiny tried to retrieve them. "Not so fast D. Tell me your plans."

"Why do you care anyways?" Destiny tried again to snatch the cookies but failed like before. "C'mon Chantel!"

"No Destiny. I need to know because.. umm.. well.. he is.."

"Don't even say it. Please don't say what i think you are going to say.."

"But D he is! You can't ignore the fact that he is white."

"Why can't I? I like JC as a person, and the color of his skin doesn't matter to me. We shouldn't even be talking about this. Now give me my cookies!" Destiny retrieved the cookies and her milk, then headed back to her room.

"I'm sorry Des!" Chantel called. But Destiny couldn't hear. She set her cookies and milk down then lay back on her bed. Sighing, she flipped on her radio for some musical comfort.

Baby I don't understand
Just why we can't be lovers
Things are getting out of hand
Trying to much but baby we can win
Let it go
If you want me girl let me know
I am down, on my knees
I can't take it anymore

"This would fit the mood perfectly, except me and JC aren't really lovers. We are just friends.. for now." Destiny sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Stop talking to yourself Destiny!"

She looked at her alarm clock on the nightstand. 7:30, the store is still open. Destiny grabbed her car keys and wallet then headed towards the stairs. When she reached the front door, she was stopped by the sound of Chantel's voice. "D, where are you going?"

"I left something at work, I'll be back." Destiny lied. She was going to the record store, but she didn't leave anything there. If she told Chantel the real reason she was going, she would never hear the end of it. "Do you want me to pick up anything to eat?"

"Yeah. Large number 1 from McDonalds." Destiny nodded and began to leave. "Oh and D, I am sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have said that. JC is a good guy, and his skin doesn't matter."

"Thats okay Chan. See ya soon." AS she drove the short drive to work, her thoguhts drifted to the reason Chantel had apoligized. Is it a problem if me and JC go out? I mean, I do like him. But what will happen if we get serious? Destiny then thought about JC's career. I guess I shouldn't be worrying about that, It would be impossible to get serious.

In ten minutes time, Destiny had arrived at her place of work. Once in, she headed striagt for the section labeled Dance/Pop.

"N... N.. gotta get to N..." She scanned the covers looking for the right one. "We are in the N's... now we just gotta.. here we are."

"Talking to yourself Destiny?"A voice asked her. She turned and saw Ross standing by her.

"Well, not anymore!"

He laughed. "What are you here for? Didn't your shift end at 6:00?"

"Yeah I just came to pick up a CD."

"Which?" Destiny showed Ross the CD she picked up."Aah.. So you're gettin into the boyband thing now?"

"No. Just doing some research."

"Reasearch on your friend JC?"

"Not just JC!" Destiny looked at the cover of the *NSync CD. 5 handsome faces looked back at her. "All of them."

"Sure. Well, come on and I'll ring you up." Destiny smiled and followed Ross to the register. "So have you heard from JC latley?"

"Actually, he called me earlier. We have a date tomorrow night." She handed him the CD along with the money.

"Oh well good luck. I'll see you later." Destin waved and left. She was surprised Ross hadn't said anything about the color. Yet again, he was different. He was one of those people who didn;t really care. One of those who were really nice and saw past everything.

As she left the store, she past her car and and headed into the building next door, McDonalds. Since it was next door, there was no need to go to the drive through. And going inside was always so much easier. "Hey welcome to McDonalds. Can I help you?"

"Yeah hi. Can I large number 1 with a coke and a medium number 2 with a lemonade?"

"Sure. That will be $8.50. For here or to go?"

"To Go." Destiny paid the worker and tapped her fingers on the table as she waited for her food to come. "Smiiiley." She turned at the sound of her nickname being dragged out. All she saw was an elderly woman and a short guy in a baseball cap and sunglasses. So she turned back to the register. "Smiiiley."

She turned again, but only saw the same two un-familiar people. "I must be going crazy." She mumbeled.

"You already are. You agreed on a date with JC." The short guy removed his cap and glasses revealing a familiar face which Destiny now remembered. "Hey there Smiley."

"Chris! Surprise surprise! So I am guessing JC told you about our plans?"

After Chris' preder was taken at the next register, he replied. "Well not really. After he got off the phone he was acting like you. Couldn't stop smiling." Destiny's face grew into a grin as she imagined JC's face doing the same. "You see what I mean? At least you have good teeth. Jc's front ones are messed up a little."

"As long as his breath doesn't smell!" Destiny retrieved her food and drinks then walked to where Chris was standing. "Well I better get going. Tell the guys hi for me will ya?"

"I'll be sure to Smiley." She began to leave but was called back by Chris. "You left your other bag. What did you get?"

"Oh, just a CD."

"Really? Which?"

Destiny looked down at her feet. "Umm.. well.. yours."

"You bought our CD?" Chris sounded amazed. "You mean you don't have it already?"

"No I am not really the boybands kind of girl. But I like that song 'Tearin' Up My Heart.' Its addicting."

"Yeah thats one of the best on the CD. Make sure you listen to the fifth track though, I am sure you'll like that one." Chris' order arrived and they began walking to their cars. "Well I better let you go listen to it!"

"Umm.. Chris? Could you do me a favor?"

"What do you need?"

"Could you well, not tell JC that I bought the CD? I mean, no offense or anything but.."

"No problem. And none taken. Your secret is safe with me."

"Thanks. I'll see you around Chris." Destiny waved and entered the next parking lot over where her car was parked. She knew that she had found a good friend in Chris. When she arrived home, Destiny set the stuff dopwn for Chantel and went upstairs to put her CD and other things away. Chantel would be all over her if she found out that she purchased a boybands CD, let alone *NSync.

"Des! Come quick!" Destiny hurried back down and ran to where Chantel was in the living room.

"What?" She sat down next to her behind her food which was on the table.

"Look what is coming on VH1." Destiny watched as the VJ talked on television. "Now lets check out a back to back sequence by new boyband *NSync. Now the first video was their first single, but the second video was shot before the first one. See if you can tell the difference." Destiny and Chantel sipped at their drinks as the un-familiar tune began to play.

"Okay so here we have the single before the one thats out now." Chantel said as Justin began to sing the first verse. "D look at JC. He looks so damn hott!"

Destiny wacked Chantel's side and watched the video. She was right, JC was looking mighty fine. They both made cracks at different points, mostly Chantel making fun of JC to make Destiny mad. As the video ended, they got ready for the second one. "OKay so this is the newer single, the one I like."

"D look at Joey's hair! And JC's! This must have been shot a while ago! They look so different!"

They continued watching, again making cracks like before. Then Justin's verse came on. "D, look at Justin. Man to bad he is so young!"

Destiny rolled her eyes and watched the finish of the video. After they had finished their greasy dinner, the girls set off to do their own things. Destiny went up to her room and grabbed her wlkman along with the newly purchased CD. She lay in bed, listening to the amazing harmonies of the 5 she called friends. Chris was right, she did especially like track 5, or 'God Must Have Spent..'. It was so sweet. But her favorite was still 'Tearin Up My Heart.'

Silentley, she wished she could get them to sing one of the songs she wrote. But they probably had amazing and well known song writers giving them guaranteed hits.

And she wanted to keep her feelings private a little longer...

Chapter 4
Never Say Never
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