Never Say Never

Chapter 4

"What am I gonna wear Chantel?" Destiny asked as she rummaged through her closet for anything to wear on her date with JC. She had one hour, and she wanted to get everything perfect. Normally, she would just put on some nice pants and a tanktop. But she wanted to look special for JC.

"D! You have to wear this!" Chantel pulled out a short, silky lilac dress with a matching cardigan.

"Chan, I can't wear this."

"Why not? It would look great!" She held it up to her friends body. Destiny sighed and looked in the full lenght miro that stood in front of her. But one thing bothered her.

"You don't think it will look bad against my skin?"

"Don't start with this. It will look great. Now get dressed and ready."

"Fine now! I'll be down there when I am finished. Lets just pray I'm done in time." Chantel laughed and left. Once Destiny was dressed, she slipped her sandals then made her way to her bathroom.

"Thank god I'm having a good hair day." She mumbeled to herself as she looked into into the mirror. She put a light gloss on her lips then considered herself finsihed. Not much, but she never was a big make-up fan. To her, it was pointless.

Glancing over at the clock, she noticed the time, 6:50. "Wow I spent that long choosing an outfit?" She asked herself as she searched for her favorite earings. "Definitley a first."

After finding the missing earings, she checked her reflection one last time. She smiled in satisfaction. The mirror showed a reflection she rarely saw. Its not every day that she has a date, but she actually looked excited. After high school, dates were just like an event that went on for every day life. But tonight she felt like she were reliving her senior year, going out with the best looking guy in the school. "A plus."

Chantel's eyes widened when she saw Destiny coming down the stairs. Quickly she made her way to her friend. "D get back upstairs now! You're supposed to make him wait!" Chantel tried to pull Destiny back up the stairs, but Destiny just rolled her eyes and pulled away.

"Jesus Chan, calm down! Its not the prom, so therefor that plan of action isn't necessecary." As if on cue, the doorbell rang. "And that is my date. Bye now."

Destiny made her way down the stairs then to the door. After smoothing out her outfit, she opened the door to reveal JC. His smile widened when he saw her. She looked great. "I.. uhh... wow."

"Hey to you to." Destiny returned his smile. He was looking great himself. His outfit consisted of slightly baggy kahki pants, a navy button up shirt, and on top of that was a leather jacket. "And a wow to yourself JC."

He laughed and held out his arm. "Are you ready to go?"

Destiny took his offered arm and smiled. "Of couse I am."

They began to walk away and Chantel ran to the door. "Have her home by 11:00 mister!"

Destiny rolled her eyes and looked at JC. "I'm sorry, she's kinda.."

"I know, Justin is the same way. Oh, and I forgot to tell you about Lonnie. You remember him right?" Destiny thought back to the day earlier that week and remembered the big security guard.

"Yeah, I remember him. Why?"

"Well he kinda has to.. come with us. I tried to get out of it but Jonny refused over and over. Is that alright? I mean, he won't be holding our hands or anything. he'll just be.."

"I understand. Thats fine." As she approached the car she saw Lonnie sitting in shotgun. JC opened the door.

"Move your but Lon, your in the lady's seat." He laughed and removed himself, allowing Destiny to sit down. JC shut the door and hurried to his side while Lonnie got in the backseat.

"So JC, where are we going anyways?"

"My spot on the beach. I'm pretty sure I am the only one who knows about it. We'll be able to see the fireworks perfectly." He tore his eyes from the road after finishing the sentance so he was able to smile at her. Kindly, she smiled herself.

"Sounds great."

"Hey Jace, I don't meen to be rude or anything, but could you turn on the radio?"

"No problem Lon. Hold on." JC leaned forward and switched on the radio. Immediatley, the sounds of a jazz song filled the silence. "Just in time for a good song."

"You like Jazz too?" Destiny asked, surprised at the new discovery. It was nice to know they had something in common.

"Oh yeah. I love it." They continued to listen as the beach became closer and closer. Destiny softly sang along to the female jazz voice coming through the speakers. JC just smiled. She had a good voice. He decided to talk to her later about it.

"Hey Destiny?" Lonnie inturupted her voice and JC's thoughts. Destiny turned to look at the large man. "I just had to say you have a beautiful voice."

Well, there goes my whole 'talk about it later' plan. JC thought to himself. "Took the words right out of my head Lon."

Lonnie and Destiny just laughed. "Don't flatter me guys. I'm not very good."

"Are you kidding? You are good!" JC argued as he pulled into the parking lot at the beach. Destiny just smiled and shook her head. Sure, it wasn't the first time someone had complimented her on her singing voice. She actually heard it alot. But coming from JC, it felt different, it felt special. Maybe it was beacuse he himself was in the busnieuss and had an amazing voice to call his own.

As JC discussed something with Lonnie, Destiny looked him over. He sure was a work of art. Perfectally gelled black hair, full lips, and amazing blue eyes. Everything about him seemed perfect. Especially his voice. Sure, the only time she had heard him sing was on her CD and the radio, but he sang with such feeling and emotion. It just blew Destiny away.

"Alright well I'll give you two your space. But if you need anything just call. It's as simple as that."

"K Lon." JC smiled and folded the blanket over his arm, making his way towards Destiny. "You ready?"

"Of course."

* * * * *

Over the time period of 2 hours, Destiny and JC had made through the beach to his spot. JC was right, nobody else was there, making it a great place to just talk and get to know eachother really well. And thats just what they did. Over hot dogs and soda, the two became closer and closer, sharing details about their lives and telling secrets nobody knew.

"The fireworks should be starting soon." JC looked down on his watch, it was 9:00. As if on cue, a big explosion of color boomed in the sky. "Speak of the devil."

Destiny lauighed and yawned. Without even thinking she scooted closer to him on the blanket and rested her head on his shoulder. JC was surprised at the action, yet had no objections. As a response, he wrapped his arm around her and they cuddeled close. Destiny watched the beautiful in front of her. All of the colors were amazinglike magic. And JC was right, it was a beautiful view. The night was perfect. Not too much, and not too little. Just perfect. And she wouldn't have wanted it in any other way. For some reason she felt incredibly safe. And she couldn't explain it.

Ten minutes of color went by when the display ended. Destiny lifted her head from JC's shoulder. "That wasn't much of a finale."

He looked donw on her and smiled. "You can say that again."

"That wasn't much of a finale." She joked. "That was really corny. I can't believe I said that." She laughed and shook her head.

"Thats alright. I can be the king of corn sometimes myself." Destiny laughed and looked up at him. Once their eyes met, neither could tear themselves away. Ever so slowly, JC's head leaned down and their lips met in a sweet, gentle kiss. And again as if on cue, the fireworks began again. Their lips continued to caress eachothers as explosion after explosion erupted in the sky.

Reluctantly, Destiny pulled away. "That was nice." An innocent smile grew on her face and a dreamy look was apparaent in her eyes.

"Yes, it was." He returned her smile and leaned in again, hoping for another kiss. Just as they were about to meet again, a loud screamer tore through the air. Surprised, they both jumped back. "Well, that was odd."

"Tell me about it." Destiny mumbeled. Looking up she saw that the display had finally ended, leaving dimly lit sparksfalling to the water below. "I guess we should get going then huh?"

"Yeah I guess so." He stood up and extended his hand for her. She gladly took it and rose to her feet. Once they gathered everything, the two set out of the private area of the beach and into the more crowded area. Only few spectators were left, making it easier to spot Lonnie. he looked up from teh magazine he was engrossed in and shut it when he saw them coming. Lonnie stood up and brushed the sand off of his pants.

"So are you two ready to get going?" He asked. They both nodded in unison and made their way to the car. "You guys were actually smart. Most of the people left before the finale."

"The finale? That was nice." Destiny looked at JC and they smiled at eachother.

"Yeah, the best part." JC inched his hand towardsher and they interwined thier fingers. Just the feel of her soft skin sent chills through his body.

"Okay.. you two lost me there, so I'll just walk along now." They made their way to the car then sent off through the heavy traffic.

* * * * *

"I had a great time JC." Destiny said as they stood in front of her door.

"I'm glad. Well, I don't wanna rush anything, but you wanna go to 'The Attic' tomorrow night maybe?"

"I'd love to." She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Call me tomorrow with some details."

"Alright, bye." He smiled and walked backwards down the walkway as she entered her house. Oncehe saw she was inside, he turned and left.

"Chan! I'm home!" Destiny called, knowing her friend would still be up. Once she eneterd the living room, 3 females punced on her dragging her over to the couch.

"Details, details I want destails!" Mya exclaimed. Destiny just shook her head and tried to get up. But Chantel forced her back into a sitting position.

"No no D. Tell us about your date with JC!" Nikita knicked her friends shoulder.

"Guys, I'm sorry but I don't kiss and tell."

"You kissed?" Nichelle emerged from the kitchen holding two cans of Pepsi. "Destiny, it is bad enough you actually went out with him! But kissing?"

"And what is so bad about her going out with him?" Nikita stood up and defended Chantel and also her parents in a way. "There isn't anything wrong with inter-racial relationships!"

Destiny took this as her cue to slip away. Slowly she slipped a can of soda from Nichelle's hand and slipped upstairs into her room. It just pissed her off. Her friend, of all the people, someone she trusted! It wasn't like she didn't expect it from Nichelle. She actually knew deep down the only one who would really support a relationship between the two would be Nikki. Nikki herself came from an inter-racial family.

Nut these problems were ones she didn't want to think about. Right now, she wanted to think about the night's previous events. It was beautiful, perfect, just wonderful. The ideal first date. So perfect it was inspiring. And once Destiny was inspired, nothing could stop her. Destiny swallowed the soda in her mouth and began to hum a fresh new tune. Soon, the words were flowing naturally out of her head, to the pencil, to the paper.

Yesterday. was not just another day
Not like before
yeaterday, I saw your smiling face
Love walked through, my door
One prescious moment
Changed my life
One tender kiss
Made everything right
One touch from you
And this world was mine
It was in your arms where I fell forever

Cried my first tears of joy, last night
Heaven shined a light
All my dreams came true
My first night with you

I felt the sun
Shine so bright on me
Chase the wind from my heart
Through the storm
Through the dakest night
I found my brightest star
One magic moment
Made one magic night
I fell in love
with one look in your eyes, baby
I never knew, I could feel so loved
Darling in your arms
I could feel forever

Cried my first tears of joy, last night
Heaven shined a light
All my dreams came true
My first night with you

One prescious moment
Changed my life
One tender kiss
Made everything right
One touch from you
And this world was mine
It was in your arms
Where found forever, and ever

Cried my first tears of joy, last night
Heaven shined a light
All my dreams came true
Cried my first tears of joy, last night
Heaven shined a light
All my dreams came true
My first night with you

That was a record for Destiny.Only an hour and a half to write that song. normally she would change it if it went by that quick. But that song was pretty good, and fone how it was. And who knoew? If she felt a confidence boost, maybe she would get the courage to show it to someone. Maybe even JC. She thought it over and came up with one word. Nah.

Chapter 5
Never Say Never
Contact Me