Never Say Never

Chapter 5

"Have you ever been to The Attic before?" Destiny asked JC as they walked down the sidewalk towards the club, hand in hand.

"I have, but not in a while. Chris and I would come once in a while before we started touring in Europe. He didn't like it, but I had fun."

"I don't really see Chris as a jazz music kind of guy."

JC thought about it for a minute, then shook kis kead. "Nope, me either."

As the club came into view, Destiny's eyes widened. They had a local band playing tonight, Urban Rythms. And one of its biggest supporters was Nichelle. Which meant she would be there, no doubt. She stopped, while JC kept walking and pulling her arm with him. As soon as he realized she wasn't moving, he walked back to her side. "Destiny? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a little surprised by whose playing tonight."

"Urban Rythms.." He read from the sign in front. "What, are they no good?"

"Oh no they are really good. Its just.." Destiny quickly searched her mind for an excuse. "They played last week."

He nodded, not actually believing. But if Destiny wanted to tell him, then she would. He didn't want to pry, so they just continued their walk to the club.

Once inside, the smooth sound of the bass filled the air. It immediatley comforted Destiny, like music often did. Just the sound of it made her smile. And seeing her smile, made JC smile.

"Oh, free table over there. Lets go set our coats down JC..."


Both JC and Destiny turned to see Nichelle walking towards them. Destiny rolled her eyes and sighed. Since JC hadn't really met her formally, he just shrugged and smiled at Destiny.

"Hey Nichelle!" Destiny put on a cheesy smile and hugged her friend. "Nichelle, this is JC. Remember, from the beach?"

Nichelle looked over and her smile faded. Sure, she knew about JC. But the fact that Destiny had brought him here was shocking. Whites weren't usually present at the club. Only a selective few we came. And Nichell knew Destiny was aware of that.

"Oh yeah, hi JC." Nichelle shook his hand then turned to Destiny. "D.. can I talk with you for a minute?"

Before Destiny could answer, Nichelle grabbed her arm and pulled her away towards a corner in the club. Destiny mouthed 'Sorry' to JC and followed until Nichelle stopped.

"D, what is your problem?" Nichelle asked, dropping her riends arm.

"What do you mean what is my problem? I should be asking what your problem is!" Destiny shot back, crossing her arms over her chest.

"My problem is that white popstar whom you arrived with." Nichelle put her hand on her hip and used her other to motion towards JC. Destiny found him sitting at a table, singing quietly to himself.

"Why would you have a problem with JC coming? Alot of whites come here 'Chelle! I mean, Ross is a regular!"

"Yeah, thats true. But you aren't dating Ross."

She rested her forehead in one of her hands and shook her head. "I don't have to take this from you. You have no right to say something like that." Destiny began to walk away but again felt Nichelle's grasp around her arm.

"Destiny, black and white do not mix. That is a well known fact. Are you going to continue to date someone who is an ancestor to those who beat and enslaved our ancestors?"

"Don't give me that crap, Nichelle. That is all over. Life in the present, not the past."

"Okay than fine. his people are the reason your parents are dead."

Destiny was silent. Did she really just say that to her? The one subject she was most touchy about? The one she never liked to bring up? "Its.. It isn't his fault that my oarents were murdered."

Nichelle saw the look on Destiny's face and the tears that began to well up in her eyes. She wanted to take her words back for her friends sake, but didn't. Her African-American pride stood in her way. "You know that scar on your side D? Guess who did that to you- white. White is what gives us the crap that we get today. White, equals pain."

"Nichelle, equals bitch." Destiny shot back. Nichelle just stood in shock. Taking this as her cue to leave, Destiny walked away from her 'friend.' Some friend, Destiny thought. There isn't anything wrong with me seeing JC. And it isn't his fault that my parents aren't here.

As she headed towards JC, she did she what Nichelle was talking about. There must have been about 5 white people there, JC included. And she didn't feel comfortable with Nichelle there.

When JC saw Destiny coming closer, he smiled. But the smile soon faded when he saw the upset look on her face. He stood and put a hand on her shoulder. "Destiny, are you okay?"

Destiny pursed her lips together and shook her head no in response. When she shut her eyes, a single tear made its way down her cheek.

JC cupped her cheek and wiped the salty tear with his thumb. "Would you like to go and talk about it?"

Again she pursed her lips, but this time nodded. "I think that would be a good idea."

* * * * *

Nichelle watched as JC and Destiny left the club. She didn't mean to upset Destiny that much. All she was trying to do was make a point. And she thought she had, until Destiny called her a bitch.

After that she just felt like crap.Sure, alot of people had called her a bitch. It was practically a second name to her. But Destiny was a friend. A good friend. Nichelle didn't have alot of friends like Destiny.

Most were just like her, cultural. No real fun. Just making sure that white people stayed away. Making sure they didn't repeat actions from so long ago. Making sure they whites didn't steal their men or women. Becuase they were the enemy.

Weren't they?

* * * * *

"...and then I called her a bitch and walked away." Destiny finished telling JC the events that took place earlier on. They were no in a park not to far from the club, walking around.

"I think I knew we were gonna get something like this once I stepped foot inside of the club." He sighed. "But I already got some."

"What do you mean got some?"

"Well, before I was coming to get you, I ran into our image consultant..."

* * * * *

[Earlier That Night]

"Hey JC."

"Oh, hey Frankie." JC smiled then walked towards his car. They had just finished a meeting with their manager about the upcoming tour they would be going on. It took longer than expected, and he needed to get home and get ready for his date with Destiny.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?"

"Date tonight. Gonna ask her to be my girlfriend." He informed.

"Really? Who is the lucky female?" JC knew this would come. Frankie was RCA's way to protect their 'boyband image' so they would be more successful.

"Remember the other day at the autograsph signing? She worked there."

"Could you give me a mane.. I am drawing a blank here."

"Her name is Destiny."

"Destiny.. Destiny.. oh yes!" Frankie's smile faded when he remembered the employee. "Excuse me for asking, but isn't she black?"

"Yeah." He nodded then turned.

"Wait a minute JC.. this cannot happen."

"What can't happen?"

"You and her. Not a very wise thing to do. It could damage your image."

"I don't even have an image! There isn't anything to damage!"

"Trust me, there will be. And you will not date her."

"Like hell I won't. Why should skin color matter? This is the 90's here, free country."

"It doesn't matter what year it is JC. As long as your under me, there will be no Destiny."

* * * * *

JC finished telling Destiny the story, but couldn't read her expression. So many feelings were seen in her eyes. But the most visable one was saddness.

Destiny look into his eyes. "So does this mean we won't be going on any more dates?"

"No, not at all." He broke their gaze by shaking his head no.

"Well, than what about Frankie and.."

JC stopped her by leaning in and placing a tender kiss on her lips. When he pulled away, he saw her eyes closed and a smile was closing.

"That, is what I think about Frankie." His hand found hers and they interwined fingers. "Destiny, I want to be around you. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met. And.. I want you to be my girlfriend. I want us to be together."

"I want that too JC." Her voice was soft, but he could hear it just fine.

"No matter what anyone else says?" He asked.

"No matter what."

* * * * *

No matter what they tell us
No matter what they do
No matter what they teach us
What we believe is true
No matter what they call us
However they attack
No matter where they take us
We'll find our own way back
I can't deny what I believe
I can't be what I'm not
I know I'll love forever
I know, no matter what
If only tears were laughter
If only night was day
If only prayers were answered
Then we would hear God say
No matter what they tell you
No matter what they do
No matter what they teach you
What you believe is true
And I will keep you dafe and strong
And sheltered from the storm
No matter where its barren
A dream is being born
No matter where they follow
No matter where they lead
No matter how they judge us
I'll be everyone you need
No matter if the sun don't shine
Or if the skies are blue
No matter where the end is
My life began with you
I can't deny what I believe
I can't be what i'm not
I know this loves forever
Thats all that matters now
No matter what

"Wow, I am good." Destiny mumbeled. The only reason she was writing good songs like this was because she had her insperation. Not just him, but their relationship. And the things they talked about. Just- everything.

Destiny opened to the first page of her new song and wrote the title, 'No Matter What'. It was like thier discussion earlier. No matter what, they would make it work.

She also had begun to write another song. But after writing the first line, she stopped.

So let them say its wrong
For me to love you

It scared her that she had written that. She didn't love JC. She had only known him for about a week. Love didn't come quick like that. It was impossible.. wasn't it?

Besides, he was a popstar. In order to do his job, he had to travel around the country. Being a boyband superstar meant having 10 year olds throwing teddies at him and screaming 'I love you'. Would it all be worth it?

yes, She thought. Becuase JC is a good person.

"How can you say that D?" She asked herself. "You have to stop assuming things like that."

"And you have to stoptalking to herself." Destiny turned to find Chantel standing in the doorway. Chantel smiled when she saw her friends embarassed look. Chantel just shook her head and laughed. "You do that alot nowadays. Do you have an imaginary friend or something?"

"No, but do you remember Mr. Bob and Ms. Joe from our kindergarden tea-parties?" Destiny laughed at the memory, and Chantel did as well. "Hey Chan, you wanna have a like, sleepover or something. You know, like we did in fifth grade! Pull out our sleeping bags and just talk all night."

Chantel smiled. "D, that is an awesome idea! We haven't done that since before.." She coughed lightly. "And those were the best."

"Well, go ahead and get your stuff! I'll get ready over here." Destiny and Chantel giggeled childidhly, then rushed to get ready.

"Oh, Chan!" Destiny called. Chantel popped her head back into the room questionably. "Call Mya and Nikita. It shouldn't be to late for them to come over."

"What about Nichelle?"

"No." Destiny replied quickly. Chantel just shrugged, not understanding. Both girls left to get ready for their late night slumber party.

* * * * *

All 4 girls broke out into laughter at the old memory recalled by Mya. It was well into the morning, and they were having a blast. They hardly got the chance to relive their teen years.

"Okay.. on a more serious note.." Destiny took a sip of her soda then yawned. "I need to talk to you 3."

They all finished laughing and turned their attention to Destiny. Once everyone was looking, Destiny took in a deep breath and began to speak. "I need to talk to you guys about JC."

"What about him Destiny?" Nikita asked.

"Earlier, we went to The Attic and all. Well, Nichelle was there and we had a bit of a confrontation."

"A fight? Did you whack her across the face?"

"No Chantel! It was with words. She basically told me that it was wrong for me to bring JC to the cluc.. and that black and white don't mix and.. and.." She closed her eyes then let herself continue. "..and that he is the reason my parents are dead."

The 3 listening were really taken back by what they heard. They knew it was something Chantel would say. But why would she say that? Didn't she know it tore Destiny apart?

"D, are you okay?" Mya asked, noticing the saddened look on her friends face.

Destiny shook her head and wiped her eyes. The other 3 looked at her with sympathy, then stood up and wrapped her in a group hug. Destiny just sat and cried freely, letting her friends comfort her.

"Destiny, you know that JC had not a thing to do with your parents' murder." Mya spoke.

"And their is nothing wrong with the different skin colors." Mya whispered. "Look at my parents. They are one of the happiest couples ever."

"Thank you so much you guys." Destiny cried.

"You're welcome, Des. Whenever Nichelle gives you crap," Chantel pulled away to look at her friend. "You come to us and we'll give her some crap."

They all laughed and pulled away.

"Thanks again guys." Destiny yawned. "Now how about some sleep, 'cause I am so tired."

"Alright, but I could have gone all night." Chantel joked. The other 3 laughed when she followed her statement with a large yawn. "Maybe not."

"G'night all."

"G'night D."

Chapter 6
Never Say Never
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