Never Say Never

Chapter 6

For Destiny, the last month had been pure heaven- and hell. The time spent alone with JC had always been precious. But when they went out, it was a whole nother story.

How could it be so hard for people to believe? They were just like any other couple in the world. So why, when they held hands in the park, would people stare awarkardly?

And why did Nichelle have to be Nichelle? That was the biggest question in her mind. She remembered one day at the record store... Urban Rythms was there for a signing. Sure, they didn't have a record deal, let alone a record. But they were extremley popular in Orlando. And Nichelle was one of their biggest fans.


Destiny stood by the soda machine, looking over her choices. The dollar was already in, and she was thinking about which soda to get. "Pepsi.. or Mountain Dew..."

She felt a pair of arms wrap around her stomach and a head rest on her stomach. "I think Mountain Dew."

Immediatley, she smiled. "I think so too." She pushed the button and the machine began to vend her caffinated drink.

"Hey Babe." JC whispered.

"Hey." She smiled, turned her head, and kissed him quickly. JC leaned in again, capturing her lips in a more passionate kiss. Destiny turned, never breaking the lip-lock she was engaged in. They knew nobody would interupt them, they were in the employee lounge during Destiny's lunch break.

"Ahem." The cough surprised the two, and they broke quickly. Looking towards the door, they saw Nichelle standing with her hands on her hips in the doorway. Destiny still hadn't forgiven her. They would only exchange words when they had to.

"Can I help you?" Destiny asked, leaning over to pick up her soda from the machine.

"Yeah. Don't make out with white men at work, especially in front of me."

"JC stepped forwards. "Listen.."

"No JC." She put a hand on his chest to stop him. After looking at her, he sighed then backed up. "Listen Nichelle, you cannot tell us what to do. You are the last person we would listen to. Can I ask you what you are doing back here in the first place?"

Nichelle sighed. "Ross needs more Sharpies."

Squatting, Destiny came face to face with a box of black markers in a cabinet. She stood up and shoved the box in Nichelle's hands.

"One more thing."

"Yes Nichelle?" Destiny asked, getting extremley annoyed.

"If this is an employee area, then what is he doing here?" She pointed over to JC whose anger rose even more.

"I have a right to be back here, unlike you. So leave." He pointed towards th door.

"Excuse me, I believe I was talking to black bimbo, not white trash. So just.."

Destiny immediatley charged towards Nichelle, but was pulled back by JC. "Let me go JC."

"Yeah JC, let her go. She couldn't hurt a blind midget, let alone me." Destiny tried even more to get out of her boyfriends hold.

"Calm down D, hit me with your best shot."

Surprisingly, Destiny had gotten out of JC's arms and reached Nichelle. Only, she didn't hit her like she had intended to at first. She just pushed her out then shut the door.

Once she heard Nichelle walk away, Destiny slid down to the floor and let a tear fall from her eye. Immediatley, JC sat beside her, and they just held eachother.

.::End Flashback::.

Destiny always felt safe in his arms. How she wished she could be with him right now. But that was impossible. For he was in New York doing an MTV show called TRL.

Personally, she never watched MTV. BET was always on at her home.But now, she was sitting in Nikita's living room with her 3 friends awaiting the shows start.

She could have been there with him. There were only two problems. One- she couldn't miss work, and Two- Frankie wouldn't allow it.

Frankie. He was a white, male form of Nichelle. Always trying to keep the two apart. Though, sometimes he was a bit nicer. Keyword- sometimes.


JC lay back watching Destiny's sleeping form. Her arms were wrapped around his torso, and her head on his chest. Apparently, she wasn't a very big Star Wars fan. She had fallen asleep watching it with him.

A knock sounded at the door. Since he didn't want to wake Destiny, he just softly called for the person to come in.

"Hey Jace.. gotta talk to you for a minute." Frankie entered. Destiny stirred and moaned at the sudden noise.

JC looked up at Frankie and put a finger to his lips. "Shh," He wispered. "She's sleeping."

"JC, I don't care!" Frankie shouted, causing Destiny to jump awake.

She rubbed her eyes tiredly then looked at the disturbance. "Hey Frankie."

"Yeah yeah hi. can I talk to JC for a minute please?"

"Sure, go ahead. Not like I own him or anything." She laughed and stretched. "I'll just be in the bathroom."

Frankie winced when he saw the couple share a quick kiss. "Please don't do that." He said without thinking.

"What do you mean? Am I not allowed to kiss my girlfriend or something?" JC joked.

"I just.. Destiny, could you please leave?"

"Yeah, I'll just be in the bathroom."

"No, I mean leave as in exit through the front door and go to your own home." He looked at her as if she were the dirtiest human alive. "I need to talk to JC in private."

Destiny looked at JC with saddened eyes. This just angered him more. So he grabbed his girlfriends hand and glared at Frankie. "No, she isn't going anywhere. this is my house, and you have no right to kick her out of it. Whatever you have to say to me you can say to her as well."

Frankie looked at JC and realized he wouldn't be able to get rid of Destiny at the moment, so he sighed and gave up. "Fine then, have it your way.

"I just wanted to inform you that Destiny will not be joining us in New York. You may have had it cleared with Jonny, but it isn't clear with me. Which means she will just have to sit at home and watch it on TV like any other fan."

"But she isn't a fan.." JC began. "She is my girlfriend. That is a good enough reason for her to come."

"Well, I don't understand... why can't I come?" Destiny asked, curious to where this was going. But she already had an idea, a good one at that.

"Don't speak unless spoken to." Frankie spat.

"Screw you Frankie. Tell us; why can't Destiny come?" JC asked, squeezing Destiny's hand.

Frankie's eyes darted back and forth between the couple. JC wanted Destiny to hear, so he would just tell them. "Because she is black."

"What was that? You mumbled, I couldn't hear you very well.."

"Because she is balck JC! You happy now? People finding out about you two are going could shatter your career! I'm just watching out for you! I'm doing my job."

"Leave." JC grumbled.

"I'm sorry, but.."

"OUT! NOW!" He yelled, scaring even himself. Frankie shook his head then left, cursing silently to himself.

Destiny didn't even move. Even when JC tried to speak to her, she still stayed frozen in place. Only when she felt JC's arms wrap around her did she move, right into a comfortable position with him.

.::End Flashback::.

"D! Snap back into reality now!" Nikita lightly shook her dazed friend. Destiny shook her headand looked at her friend.

"Sorry, lost myself for a minute." She apoligized.

"Well come back to reality 'cause you man is on TV!"

"Welcome back to TRL, I'm Carson Daly. Here beside meare rising pop sensations NSync. Nice to see you guys. Your video has been 'Tearin Up' TRL lately."

The guys laughed as the interview progressed. Destiny and Nikki watched in amazement as they quickly and flawlessly answered every question thrown at them, no matter how bazarr it may have been.

As she watched, Destiny wondered what it would have been like to be in New York with the guys right now..

* * * * *

"So guys, now lets get to the reason y'all are here. We have your World Premier Video in the back room right now. Care to tell us anything; maybe some backround information?"

"Well, the video is for the sing 'God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You'. It is a really, really sweet song.." Chris said.

"And our mothers were at the shoot. They were liike, all in tears." Lance added, smiling.

"Well, if its such a sweet song, any sweet ladies watching now you wanna send it out to?"

All eyes looked towards JC. At the moment, he was the only one with a girlfriend. JC looked towards Frankie and Jonny who were hidden behind the crowd. Jonny was just smiling, while Frankie was shaking his head and mouthing 'no'. Screw Frankie, JC thought as he cleared his throat.

"Actually, I would like to send this out to someone. A special friend of mine named Destiny, who is stuck back in Orlando because of work. I think this one should go out to her."

Whistes rose in the audience and Carson laughed. "Some girls here are jealous of you Destiny. Lets take a look at *NSync's new video, 'God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You'."

* * * * *

"Oh my gosh D." Nikki whispered, looking at her friend. "Oh my gosh D!" She said a bit louder, shaking the female next to her. "Oh.. my.. gosh!"

"Okay Nikki! I get the point!" Destiny laughed, trying to calm her over-excited friend. "Why are you so excited anyways?"

"What? Your asking why I am in shock?" Nikki asked as she jumped on the couch. "D, he just told the whole world you were dating him! He told MTV that you were his girlfriend!"

Destiny just shook her head and rolled her eyes. "No, Nikki, he didn't. He referred to me as a special friend. He didn't say I was his girlfriend."

"Yeah, he didn't say anything. But the smile and the look in his eyes.." Nikita's eyes widened. "Destiny, I think he loves you!"

Destin didn't say anything. Maybe he did love her. the way he acted towards her would suggest it. But did she love him back?

She loved the way he would sing to her, or whisper comforting words when she cried. his handsome face, beautiful body, full lips, dark eyes- she loved it all. And she did love him, no doubt about it.

"Destiny..." Nikki waved a hand in front of Destiny's smiling face. "Earth to D.. hellllloooooo." Suddenly, Nikki stopped waving her hand and smiled. "Oh my gosh, you love him."

Destiny looked over at her friend, escaping her loving thoughts. "Hmm?"

"You... love... JC." Nikki slowly spoke, not able to hold back her smile.

Shaking her head, Destiny laughed. "What ever gave you that idea?"

"C'mon Destiny, admit it. You are in love."

Destiny sighed and looked at her friend. She realized that there was no holding it in, sonce this was the hopeless romantic they called Nikki. plus, there wasn't any reason to hold it back.

"I.. I guess i am."

"What? Couldn't hear ya D.."

"I love him! I love Joshua Scott Chasez!" Destiny surprised herself by her shouting display of emotion.

Nikita just smiled and hugged her friend. "Good to hear D. I am so happy for you."

Destiny smiled. She loved JC, she was absolutley sure. Now all she had to do was tell him.

Chapter 7
Never Say Never
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