Never Say Never

Chaper 7

Calm Down, just calm down, Destiny thought over and pver in her head. Tonight was JC's birthday and she was ready to tell him how she felt. Ready to tell him that he was everything to her. Ready to say that she loved him.

She had cooked a full meal. Pasta with a cook book recipe for home made sauce. All she could do was pray that he would enjoy it. She wasn't the best cook in the world, that was certain. No matter how many times Chantel and Mya told her it would be finem she still was nervous.

All she had to do now was wait for his arrival. It wasn't easy either. All Destiny could picture in her mind was JC rejecting her, telling her he didn't feel the same way. And that was her greatest fear.

Soft music was playing in the backround. Chantel and Mya had taken the liberty of making a tape of some slow, romantic songs. A 'love mix' as they called it.

Ding Dong

Destiny jumped from her seat at the kitchentable and took a deep breath. As she walked towards the door, she pulled the mini-skirt down to her crimson red dress. Her friends had been over for hours, helping to perfect her appearance. Her hair, which had grown a bit, was down, accenting her made-up face.

After one last deep breath, she opened the door. There stood JC in a black Armani jacket over a blue shirt, and a pair of black pants. He smiled and handed her a single red rose. "You look beautiful."

She smelt the rose then stepped aside, allowing him to enter the dimly lit living room. "Happy Birthday." She smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him lightly.

JC smiled and kissed her again in return. "Thank you." He inhaled the air and looked at her. "That smells really good."

"My perfume, or dinner?" Destiny asked, playing with the hair on the back of his neck. JC buried his head in her neck playfully and inhaled the smell of Tommy Girl.

"I think both." He smiled and she hit his arm playfully.

"Well," she grabbed his hand. "I think you are gonna find that it smells better than it tastes. I can't cook a Pop-Tart, let alone a meal." She laughed and led him into the kitchen. "Hopefully, it went alright."

"I'm sure it is delicious." He commented, sitting down across from her seat while she retrieved the drinks. She returned with a bottle of champagne. "You must think I am really special to be doing all this."

"Trust me, your special alright." She replied, sitting down. Nervously, she watched as he took the first bite of the pasta.

After he swallowed, JC looked up at his girlfriend and smiled at the nervous expression on her face. "Caml down Destiny, its delicious."

Destiny laughed as she let out the breath she was holding in. "Just a little edgy. Can't live knowing JC Chasez didn't like my pasta." She joked, taking her own bite. Surprisingly, it was tasty. "Wow, I am in shock at my own cooking skills!"

"You'll have to cook for me some more."

"Oh, don't count on it bud."

After dinner, the two found themselves sitting on the living room couch, cuddeled and talking about his trip to New York. This was the first time they had seen eachother since his departure, so this was time to catch up on the past few days.

"It was a really great place." JC finished, stroking her hair as her head lay on his chest.

"I haven't been there since.." Destiny sat up when she realized where the conversation was going. "How about you open your present now?"

"Destiny, you didn't need to get me anything." JC said as Destiny retrieved the box from the side table beside the couch.

"Of course I had to! I would be a pretty crappy girlfriend if I didn't!" She sat down again and handed him the box wrapped with shiny blue wrapping paper.

"What is it?" He asked, while opening the ends of the paper.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be much of a surprise now, would it?"

JC shook his head then opened the white box. Inside was a gold watch, complete with a gold plated band that shimmerd in the light. "Oh my gos, Destiny.."

"Wait, before you say anything else.." Destiny took the watch in her hands and hit a small button on the side. Immediatley, watch music filled the air.

Once JC realized what song it was, he smiled. "God Must Have Spent..."

"Yeah. It took me forever to find someone who was able to do that." She schooched herself closer to his spot on the couch. "Do you like it?"

"I love it." He looked up from the watch that was now on his wrist and kissed her softly. Both yearned for a more passionate kiss, but neither wanted to spoil the moment.



They both laughed when they spoke at the same time. "Ladies first."

"Alright then..." She took a deep breath then looked deep into his eyes. "The other day when you were on that show, I realized how much I cared for you. I mean, you're just so handsome, and charming, and so perfect. It got me thinking and.. JC, I'm in love with you." Destiny grew nervous at the smile on his face. She couldn't quite read the expression he was showing.

"I.. I don't know what to say..."

"Oh, this is what I was afraid of." Destiny rubbed her temples where a headache was beginning to form. "You don;t feel the same way. I should have known. I mean, look at you! You're JC Chasez of *NSync and..."


"And to think a guy like you would love a girl like me.. I must have been.." Destiny was inturupted when she felt JC's lips against her own. They moved together in a slow, passionate movement as Destiny lay back on the couch, JC following on top of her.

After a few more minutes of this, Destiny pulled away. "JC, what does that mean?"

"It means I love you too."

Destiny sat up and looked him in the eyes. "You do?"

JC smiled at her surprised reaction. "Yes, I love you. More than anything. Its kind of odd, it all happened so fast. We've been together for only a month, but I feel like I have known you my whole life. I've never been in love before, but I know I am now."

"That was the sweetest thing I have ever heard." Destiny said softly. Yet again, they were locked in a passionate kiss, aiding to express one anothers feelings.

Destiny pulled away. "JC? Do you think we could just talk for now? I'm not ready for that big step in the relationship yet.."

JC smiled at her innocense. He outstretched an arm and curled it around her. "I think that would be a perfect idea."

As they began to talk about things, slow song came on the 'love mix'. Neither Destiny or JC realized how perfectly it fit the situation. They were to caught up in eachother to pay attention to anything else. But still, the song played on.

These are the times we all wish for
The moments when less mean so much more
We don't have to do a thing at all
We can take the time and talk
This is the way things need to be
No pressure for you and none for me
Just let the mood set the moment off
We can make love all night long
*Dru Hill, 'These Are The Times'*

* * * * *

"Chantel, do you really think this is a good idea?" Mya asked, he voice in a low whisper. "Destiny told you she didn;t want any intruders."

Chantel rolled her eyes at her nervous cousin. "If they are doing anything to intrude on, it'll be in the bedroom. Besides, its my house too."


"Shush Mya. Come one." Chantel queitly clicked open the door. They were sure to be light on their feet, not wanting to inturupt anything that might be happening between the couple. Besides, it was midnight, they wouldn't be doing anything at this hour.

As they tiptoed towards the stair, they both noticed the quetness in the house. The lower level was empty, no presence being known. "Ooh Chan, they're upstairs."

Chantel flashed her evil grin to her cousin then went up to the stairs. Mya followed in curiosity, knowing Chantel was up to something. They was no doubt that if she got cought doing it, she would get in trouble.

Once they reached the top of the stairs, Chantel stopped a door sohrt of her own- Destiny's room. Mya followed, not hearing anything but her own footsteps. "Chan, I don't think.."

"Shh!" Chantel inturupted. After Mya was quiet, she took a deep breath and opened the door, being prepared for anything.

The light was still on, making it easy to see the sweet scene before her. Destiny and JC, clothes still on, lying in eachother's arms fast asleep. "Looks like nothing happend after all."

"Chantel, how cute is that?" Mya asked after seeing the sight on the bed. "They didn't do anything at all, just fell asleep."

"That, my dear cousin, is love. She has it alright." Chantel sighed. "Now lets get going."

"Alright then." The two shut the light off then quietly left to Chantel's room to retrieve the pair of pants they originally came for.

Never Say Never
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