Never Say Never

Chapter 8

Justin sat back on the couch when he heard a car door slam outside. He pretended as if he were watching MTV for hours to cover up for his worried condition. JC walked in whistling. He smiled and greeted Justin cheerfully.

"Where were you?" Justin asked casually.

"I was over at Destiny's house." JC replied, tossing his keys on the table and removing his jacket.

"All night? Really?"

"Yeah, but why do you.."

"Jace! Where ya been man?" JC was interupted by Chris hopping the stairs and shouting at him.

"I was.."

"He was at Destiny's house.." Justin began. "All night." After he finished, he wiggeld his eyebrows suggesting something JC was afraid he would suggest.

"Oh Joshua, you naughty man you!" Chris used his gay man voice and hit his friend's shoulder. "Details honey, details!"

"Details on what?" Joey appeared from the kitchen, followed by Lance.

"Nothing really. Jace got some lovin' last night from Destiny." Chris joked. the four men began to talk about it, ignoring the steaming mad JC who stood behind them.

"You guys..." JC said, attempting to contain his anger. The four did not hear him, so he couldn't conatin himself any longer. "YOU GUYS!"

All stopped talking and looked over towards JC, whose surprised them all with his sudden outburst. "Listen to me. Destiny and I did not do anything but talk and sleep last night. No matter what you all want to think, absolutley nothing happend."

The guys looked down at the floor, embarassed by their foolishness. They knew both Destiny and JC were ggod people, and that nothing like that would have happend. Their imaginations just got out of hand, like they often do.

"We're sorry Jace." Chris apologized for everyone's behavior. His apology was followed by 3 'yeahs', signaling everyone had apologized.

"Thats alright guys. I'm sorry for blowing up on you, I just need to get some things done."

"Did you tell her about the tour yet?" Lance asked, attempting to get off the old subject and on to a diefferent one. JC turned from his spot at the bottom of the stairs and sighed.

"No, I couldn't. Just, the fact that she can't come and all..." JC's shoulders slumped as he walked up the stairs.

Once he dissapeared, Chris coughed. ""The boy is in love."

"And I can tell..." Joey began. "That it isn't a one sided feeling."

* * * * *

Frankie was furious.

Imagine accidentally standing by a window that you just accidentally opened to hear what he just accidentally heard. JC spending the night at Destiny's made him mad. But in love? He was not about to let that happen.

How may times had he tried to keep them apart? To many to count, and all were worthless. But not this time. This was the final straw. All he had to do was make one little phone call. After that, everything should be settled. Correction, everything would be settled, he was sure of it.

"Lets see, lets see.." He searched through his JC folder for the slip of paper with Destiny's phone number on it. It was madatory he have it, in case he needed to call JC while he was over there. This would be his first, and last, time using it.

Calling from his cell-phone wouldn't be very smooth, so he turned the ignition in his car. A payphone would be the smartest way to make the call. That way, Destiny would not be able to prove he had made the call.

Once he found the nearest payphone, Frankie enterd his quarters and dialed the number. He snickerd as it rung. This was the perfect way to break them up- The Guilt Trip. It had worked with Justin's ex-girlfriend Courtney, and Lance's ex Amanda as well. He was absolutley positive that it would work now.


"Hi there! May I please speak to Destiny?"

"Just a minute."

Frankie waited as he heard the female call for Destiny. Soon, two clicks were heard.


"Hi Destiny, its Frankie."

"Oh, uh.. hi Frankie."

"I was just wondering if JC was over there at this time?" He had to sound proffessional, then his next speech wouldn't be expected.

"No, he left about an hour ago. Has he not come home yet?"

"I haven't stopped by the house yet." Frankie cleared his throat. "So.. he stayed over last night?"

"Yeah, but nothing happend. Honest."

"I see." Frankie again cleared his throat. "Destiny, have you ever thought about what would happen if the media got hold of yours' and JC's relationship?"

"I thought that they already knew?"

TRL, shit thats right! Frankie mentally scolded hiself for noe rehersing everything before he started. "Well, he only referref to you as a 'special friend', not a girlfriend."

"Oh, okay. Well than in that case, I guess I never have thought about it."

"Destiny, you know how much JC loves his career right?"

"Yeah, sure do. Music is like- his life."

"Exactly. Do you know what would happen to him if his career was taken away from his?"

"I guess he would probably die. I mean, not literally.. but he wouldn't be the same JC anymore."

"And you wouldn't want that to happen now, would you?"

"No, not at all!"

Frankie smiled, he was ready to really begin. "Than what, may I ask, are you doing?"

"Excuse me?"

"Why are you still with him?"

"Because.. because I love JC."

"If you love him, than why are you risking his career?"

"Risking his career?"

"Destiny, if the fans get hold of your realtionship, *NSync could be no more. Its all image in the busnieuss. They find out that their favorite heartthrob is taken, they stop listening. Soon, they stop buying all the merchendise. That means they don't earn any money. And if *NSync doesn't make enough money, their contract will drop."

"So, you're saying me seeing JC could sabatoge his career?"

Frankie sighed. She must be the smartest person in the world, he thought sarcastically. "That is exactly what I am saying. And even if you two try to keep the realtionship a secret, it'll get out to the public somehow."

There was silenvce on the other end. Score! He screamed in his head. Now it was time for his final thought. "Just keep that in mind, okay? Talk to you later."

With that, Frankie hung up. There was a new bounce in his step, and he whistled a happy tune. He gave Destiny about 2 days. By then, if everything had worked correctly, she would break up with JC. Frankie was an evil man, but thats what made his job so fun.

* * * * *

Destiny slowly hung up the phone. That conversation was just the thing to darken her bright morning. Sure, it was Frankie. But the worst thing was- she believed him.

Everything he said had made perfect sense. She worked at the record store, so she had seen just about every type of fan possible. And the worst were the teenies. The average *NSync teenie was 10-14 years old, and they scared her, a 23 year old. The way they would push and shove to buy a simple CD on its release date, or how they would scream and yell at an autograph signing. The worst teenies thoug, weren't the violent ones. They were the ones who would spread a new rumor every day. So-and-so from something-or-another is married to this person. It was all disgusting.

And the teenies were the ones who decided thier careers. Frankie was correct- they would lose interest if they found out one was taken. *NSync's career would be flushed down the toilet. That is why she hated it so much. She loved JC, more than anything. But his career was so important to him. Thats how she came to her decision.

How she hated to make that decision. How she wished the teenies wouldn't care so much. How she wished her and JC could stay together forever. but if wishes came true, she wouldn't even be in Orlando. She would be in New York with her mother and father who were both alive and well. That just proved how much life sucked.

Destiny picked up the phone again, this time dialing JC's phone number. It rang, and her heart began to pound in her chest. Why was she doing this? It wasn't fair.. but then again- it was.

"Hello?" It was JC. Hearing his voice made tears come to her eyes. So peaceful, she loved him so much.

Destiny swallowed and cleared her throat. "Hey JC, its Destiny." Her voice cracked, chowing her sadnees that she was desperatley trying to hide.

"Destiny, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm alright." She lied. She hated lying to him. "Could you meet me at that spot on the beach at about 7:00 tonight?"

"The spot where we went on our first date?"

"Yeah, that one. So can you be there?"

"Yep, I'll be there." He hung up, and Destin followed. this was going to be alot harder than she thought. Alot harder.

* * * * *

He slammed his car dooe shut. He was a bit behind, and he hoped Destiny was still wating for him. He was trying to figure out how to tell him about the mini-tour they would be going on. It was a month long, but a month without seeing her. And though he didn't want to, he needed to tell her. JC was confident that they would work it out, since they loved eachother.

JC ran the first few yards over the warm sand to where Destiny was waiting. It was surprisignly dark for 7:15 pm, but it was a beautiful setting. Finally , he reached his platform above the rest of the beach.

There she sat, knees hugged up to her chest as she watched the waves crash against the rocks. Even in her hooded sweatshirt and flared denim jeans, she still looked beautiful. She was so mesmerized by the beauty of it all, that she didn't hear him walking up to her.

"Hey." JC whispered softly, grabbing her attention. She smiled weakly as he sat beside her.

JC frowned at her sad smile then returned to watching the waves. "They are beautiful, aren't they?"


"The waves." He pointed to one that, as if on cue, violentley crashed against a rock below. "They're really rough tonight."

"Yeah, but its so magical. I wish I could take a picture, it would last alot longer." She sighed and hugged her knees to her chest even more, trying to fight her forming tears. She didn't want to go through with it, it would be too painful. But you have to She told herself. You love him, and you don't want him to be unhappy.

JC cleared his throat then looked at his girlfriend, who was acting very distant. It scared him to see her like this. "What did you want to talk about?"

She blinked her eyes then turned on her butt to face him, now sitting crossed legged. Destiny saw the beautiful blue eyes he had and felt terrible. "I can't do this anymore, JC."

Immediatley, his expression turned confused. "What? I don't understand...."

"JC, don't you realize what trouble we have caused, and will cause?" She asked, looking down at her hands to escape his eyes. She didn't want to see them sad, knowing she was the one who caused his pain.

"I don't.. I don't see any trouble."

"Exactly." She sighed and looked up at him, immediatley regretting it. "You have to take a minute , JC, and look at things from my point of view."

He swallowed hard and wiped the tears that were forming in his eyes. "All I see now is you giving up because of what other people think, or what other people say. But why would you care? They say never.. but thats such wrong word to use. They said *NSync would never make it, and look where we are now. They said we could never make it, and we could prove them wrong. You don't want to believe them, do you?"

"JC, you don't understand.. please don't say things like that."

"Thats how I am seeing it Destiny, so please explain it to me."

"Okay." She cleared her throat then began. "JC, you are a pop star. Lets think about the elements of that for a minute. You get to do something you love while millions of pre-teen girls throw teddy bears at you and say how much they love you. Now, as scary as it may seem, they are the deciders of where you go in your career. And if they find out you have a girlfriend, especially a black girlfriend- what do you suppose is going to happen?" She took a pause, then continued. "NSync will drop. And I know how much your career means to you. JC, I don't want you to lose something you love."

He looked up from his hands, showing the tears that were freely falling from his eyes. "But I'm losing you." She was shocked. Destiny had never really thought about it that way. "Destiny, I love you so much. I don't care what the fans think.."

"You say that now.." She looked into his eyes for one of the last times. "But I know that ou won't be saying it later."

He looked down at his hands, trying to hide his pain. "So, will I ever see you again?"

"Fate will happen JC." She reached into her pocket and pulled out an envelope. "please don't read this until I'm gone."

He took the paper then stood up. He nodded, not wanting to discuss it right now. He was too heartbroken.

"Please remember that I love you JC." She stood on her toes and gave him her final kiss. A tear rolled down her cheek, and she sniffled. "Goodbye."

* * * * *

Dear JC,

Please don't hate me right now. I know I will regret the choice I have recently made, but I will have to live with it. Please remember the month we shared. Good and bad times.

I never got around to telling you something. Do you remember our first date, when you complimented me on my voice? Well, i would like to pursue a career in the busnieuss- but not as a singer. I'd like to be a songwriter. Attached are two songs I wrote while dating you.

You were, and always will be, my greatest insperation.

Love always,

Its the hardest thing I'll ever have to do
To look you in the eye, and tell you I don't love you
Its the hardest thing I'll ever have to lie
To show no emotion, when you start to cry...

We will meet again
Fate is a place and time
So you can get on with your life
I've got to be cruel to be kind

JC looked at the two songs attached to Destiny's final note. They were mostly lyrics, with some piano cords attached. And they were excellent. Beautiful songs from a beautiful girl. It hurt him that he wouldn't be able to tell her how good they were.

And thats when the reality hit him. He dropped to his knees and stared into the ocean below him. This was gonna be to much for him. Knowing that during the next month of touring, she would no longer be just a phone call away. Knowing that he could no longer tell her how much he loved her.

And he never got to tell her, show her, how much he did love her. He had only gotten to say it a few times. That was too little. JC loved Destiny more than anything, and he would never stop.

He would never let her go.

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